201 |
Cert of Distinction |
Colley, Brianna |
Newman College |
Churchlands |
202 |
Cert of Distinction |
Collier, Clara |
St Hildas Anglican School for Girls |
Mosman Park |
203 |
Cert of Distinction |
Collins, Flynn |
Denmark Senior High School |
Denmark |
204 |
Cert of Distinction |
Colton, Toben |
Georgiana Molloy Anglican School |
Busselton |
205 |
Cert of Distinction |
Convery, Clare |
Willetton Senior High School |
Willetton |
206 |
Cert of Distinction |
Cooke, Eleanor |
St Hildas Anglican School for Girls |
Mosman Park |
207 |
Cert of Distinction |
Cooney, Esther |
Methodist Ladies College |
Claremont |
208 |
Cert of Distinction |
Cooper, Jessica |
Shenton College |
Shenton Park |
209 |
Cert of Distinction |
Cooper, Lillian |
St Josephs College |
Albany |
210 |
Cert of Distinction |
Cooper, Matti |
Hale School |
Wembley Downs |
211 |
Cert of Distinction |
Corvaia, Luca |
Shenton College |
Shenton Park |
212 |
Cert of Distinction |
Cotter, Charlie |
Hale School |
Wembley Downs |
213 |
Cert of Distinction |
Coulson, Ari |
Scotch College |
Swanbourne |
214 |
Cert of Distinction |
Coveney, Chantelle |
St Hildas Anglican School for Girls |
Mosman Park |
215 |
Cert of Distinction |
Cox, Finn |
Christ Church Grammar School |
Claremont |
216 |
Cert of Distinction |
Crawford, Caitlin |
Ursula Frayne Catholic College |
Victoria Park |
217 |
Cert of Distinction |
Crawley, Molly |
Presbyterian Ladies College |
Peppermint Grove |
218 |
Cert of Distinction |
Cresswell, Chelsea |
Churchlands Senior High School |
Churchlands |
219 |
Cert of Distinction |
Crew, Zani |
Frederick Irwin Anglican School |
Mandurah |
220 |
Cert of Distinction |
Crisafio, Marysia |
Mercedes College |
Perth |
221 |
Cert of Distinction |
Crooks, Elizabeth |
St Stephens School Duncraig |
Duncraig |
222 |
Cert of Distinction |
Crowe, Jake |
Warwick Senior High School |
Warwick |
223 |
Cert of Distinction |
Crozier, Ned |
Helena College |
Glen Forrest |
224 |
Cert of Distinction |
Csontos, David |
Aquinas College |
Salter Point |
225 |
Cert of Distinction |
Cu, Phuong Vy |
Rossmoyne Senior High School |
Rossmoyne |
226 |
Cert of Distinction |
Cubong, Frances |
Joseph Banks Secondary College |
Banksia Grove |
227 |
Cert of Distinction |
Cunningham, Brooke |
Ocean Reef Senior High School |
Ocean Reef |
228 |
Cert of Distinction |
D'Agostino, Jamie |
Trinity College |
East Perth |
229 |
Cert of Distinction |
D'Lima, Crystal |
Corpus Christi College |
Bateman |
230 |
Cert of Distinction |
D'Mello, Jamie |
Rossmoyne Senior High School |
Rossmoyne |
231 |
Cert of Distinction |
D'Souza, Sherlyn |
Rossmoyne Senior High School |
Rossmoyne |
232 |
Cert of Distinction |
Daebritz, Ava |
Iona Presentation College |
Mosman Park |
233 |
Cert of Distinction |
Daglish, Emily |
Kennedy Baptist College |
Murdoch |
234 |
Cert of Distinction |
Dallimore, Will |
Margaret River Senior High School |
Margaret River |
235 |
Cert of Distinction |
Dang, Athena |
Chisholm Catholic College |
Bedford |
236 |
Cert of Distinction |
Dang, Tina |
Dianella Secondary College |
Dianella |
237 |
Cert of Distinction |
Dark, James |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
238 |
Cert of Distinction |
Dartnell, Sophie |
John XXIII College |
Mount Claremont |
239 |
Cert of Distinction |
Davey, Jessica |
Corpus Christi College |
Bateman |
240 |
Cert of Distinction |
Davies, Annabella |
Methodist Ladies College |
Claremont |
241 |
Cert of Distinction |
Davies, Elizabeth |
Emmanuel Christian Community School |
Girrawheen |
242 |
Cert of Distinction |
Davison, Drew |
Hale School |
Wembley Downs |
243 |
Cert of Distinction |
Dawson, Connor |
Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School |
Gelorup |
244 |
Cert of Distinction |
Day, Emma |
Presbyterian Ladies College |
Peppermint Grove |
245 |
Cert of Distinction |
De Jesus, Jessica |
Prendiville Catholic College |
Ocean Reef |
246 |
Cert of Distinction |
De Mello, Bianca |
Chisholm Catholic College |
Bedford |
247 |
Cert of Distinction |
de Vries, Hannah |
St Hildas Anglican School for Girls |
Mosman Park |
248 |
Cert of Distinction |
Deckers, Jacob |
Kent Street Senior High School |
Kensington |
249 |
Cert of Distinction |
Deepu, Georgia |
Rossmoyne Senior High School |
Rossmoyne |
250 |
Cert of Distinction |
Deeyagaha Waduge, Omal |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
251 |
Cert of Distinction |
Del Casale, Jessica |
Mount Lawley Senior High School |
Mount Lawley |
252 |
Cert of Distinction |
Delgahagoda, Sathini |
Shenton College |
Shenton Park |
253 |
Cert of Distinction |
Della Bona, Sarah |
Santa Maria College |
Attadale |
254 |
Cert of Distinction |
Demarte, Zac |
Carine Senior High School |
Carine |
255 |
Cert of Distinction |
den Hollander, Claire |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
256 |
Cert of Distinction |
Desai, Anuj |
Rossmoyne Senior High School |
Rossmoyne |
257 |
Cert of Distinction |
Deurloo, Jake |
Hale School |
Wembley Downs |
258 |
Cert of Distinction |
Devereux, Luke |
Exmouth District High School |
Exmouth |
259 |
Cert of Distinction |
Dewamullage, Samalmi |
Perth College |
Mount Lawley |
260 |
Cert of Distinction |
Dewing, Abby |
Narrogin Senior High School |
Narrogin |
261 |
Cert of Distinction |
Dey, Angus |
Christ Church Grammar School |
Claremont |
262 |
Cert of Distinction |
Dhruva, Keshav |
Hale School |
Wembley Downs |
263 |
Cert of Distinction |
Di Prinzio, George |
Scotch College |
Swanbourne |
264 |
Cert of Distinction |
Di Toro, Talisa |
Chisholm Catholic College |
Bedford |
265 |
Cert of Distinction |
Dias Abeysinghe, Dinath |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
266 |
Cert of Distinction |
Diaz, Joshua |
Corpus Christi College |
Bateman |
267 |
Cert of Distinction |
Dickie, Rosa |
Mount Lawley Senior High School |
Mount Lawley |
268 |
Cert of Distinction |
Dimovski, Jade |
Servite College |
Tuart Hill |
269 |
Cert of Distinction |
Dinesh, Parvati |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
270 |
Cert of Distinction |
Dlugi, Alexandra |
Darling Range Sports College |
Forrestfield |
271 |
Cert of Distinction |
Do, Joshua |
Hale School |
Wembley Downs |
272 |
Cert of Distinction |
Donaldson, Shae |
Kolbe Catholic College |
Rockingham |
273 |
Cert of Distinction |
Doncon, Hayley |
St Brigids College |
Lesmurdie |
274 |
Cert of Distinction |
Donovan, Leah |
Greenwood College |
Greenwood |
275 |
Cert of Distinction |
Donovan, Matthew |
Ursula Frayne Catholic College |
Victoria Park |
276 |
Cert of Distinction |
Dorfman, Lilia |
St Marys Anglican Girls School |
Karrinyup |
277 |
Cert of Distinction |
Dorji, Pema |
Churchlands Senior High School |
Churchlands |
278 |
Cert of Distinction |
Doyle, Aisling |
Rossmoyne Senior High School |
Rossmoyne |
279 |
Cert of Distinction |
Doyle, Isabelle |
Chisholm Catholic College |
Bedford |
280 |
Cert of Distinction |
Draffin, Ryder |
OneSchool Global WA |
Willetton |
281 |
Cert of Distinction |
Dragovic, Sienna |
St Marys Anglican Girls School |
Karrinyup |
282 |
Cert of Distinction |
du Toit, Leon |
Corpus Christi College |
Bateman |
283 |
Cert of Distinction |
Du, Angela |
St Marys Anglican Girls School |
Karrinyup |
284 |
Cert of Distinction |
Du, Jiaxuan |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
285 |
Cert of Distinction |
Duff, David |
All Saints College |
Bull Creek |
286 |
Cert of Distinction |
Duffy, Sally |
Churchlands Senior High School |
Churchlands |
287 |
Cert of Distinction |
Dun, Arjan |
Como Secondary College |
Como |
288 |
Cert of Distinction |
DUPONT, Matthew |
Mazenod College |
Lesmurdie |
289 |
Cert of Distinction |
Dutta, Gaurang |
Shenton College |
Shenton Park |
290 |
Cert of Distinction |
Dyer, Siobhan |
Manea Senior College |
Bunbury |
291 |
Cert of Distinction |
Dyson, Cy |
Hale School |
Wembley Downs |
292 |
Cert of Distinction |
Dzelme, Elizabete |
St Marys Anglican Girls School |
Karrinyup |
293 |
Cert of Distinction |
Eames, Imogen |
Mercedes College |
Perth |
294 |
Cert of Distinction |
Eaves, Karla |
Eastern Hills Senior High School |
Mount Helena |
295 |
Cert of Distinction |
Edgeloe, Mason |
Mindarie Senior College |
Mindarie |
296 |
Cert of Distinction |
Edwards, Jacob |
Lake Joondalup Baptist College |
Joondalup |
297 |
Cert of Distinction |
Edwards, Sophie |
St Marys Anglican Girls School |
Karrinyup |
298 |
Cert of Distinction |
Edwards, Teagan |
Peter Moyes Anglican Community School |
Mindarie |
299 |
Cert of Distinction |
Eggleston, Josephine |
St Hildas Anglican School for Girls |
Mosman Park |
300 |
Cert of Distinction |
Eggleston, Margot |
St Hildas Anglican School for Girls |
Mosman Park |
301 |
Cert of Distinction |
Elkington, Henry |
John XXIII College |
Mount Claremont |
302 |
Cert of Distinction |
Ellery, Angus |
Mount Lawley Senior High School |
Mount Lawley |
303 |
Cert of Distinction |
Elliott, Kenji |
Ursula Frayne Catholic College |
Victoria Park |
304 |
Cert of Distinction |
Elliott, Seth |
Kennedy Baptist College |
Murdoch |
305 |
Cert of Distinction |
Elvadura, Vinura |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
306 |
Cert of Distinction |
Emby, Olivia |
Penrhos College |
Como |
307 |
Cert of Distinction |
Engelbrecht, Cristian |
Kingsway Christian College |
Darch |
308 |
Cert of Distinction |
Esdale, David |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
309 |
Cert of Distinction |
Esterhuysen, David |
Christ Church Grammar School |
Claremont |
310 |
Cert of Distinction |
Ettrick, Madison |
Peter Moyes Anglican Community School |
Mindarie |
311 |
Cert of Distinction |
Evans, Chelsea |
Great Southern Grammar School |
Kalgan |
312 |
Cert of Distinction |
Farah, Hannah |
Methodist Ladies College |
Claremont |
313 |
Cert of Distinction |
Faraone, Alexandria |
St Stephens School Duncraig |
Duncraig |
314 |
Cert of Distinction |
Fardon, Jaime |
Iona Presentation College |
Mosman Park |
315 |
Cert of Distinction |
Fardon, Tayla |
Iona Presentation College |
Mosman Park |
316 |
Cert of Distinction |
Farrant, Joshua |
Hale School |
Wembley Downs |
317 |
Cert of Distinction |
Faulkner, Matilda |
Ursula Frayne Catholic College |
Victoria Park |
318 |
Cert of Distinction |
Fauser, Kelani |
Mandurah Baptist College |
Lakelands |
319 |
Cert of Distinction |
Ferguson, Carlie |
Methodist Ladies College |
Claremont |
320 |
Cert of Distinction |
Fernando, Mihindukulasooriya |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
321 |
Cert of Distinction |
Fievez, Lyla |
Santa Maria College |
Attadale |
322 |
Cert of Distinction |
Finlayson, Joshua |
Prendiville Catholic College |
Ocean Reef |
323 |
Cert of Distinction |
Fiorentini, Julia-Grace |
John XXIII College |
Mount Claremont |
324 |
Cert of Distinction |
Fisher, Bradley |
Holy Cross College |
Ellenbrook |
325 |
Cert of Distinction |
Fitzgerald, James |
Wesley College |
South Perth |
326 |
Cert of Distinction |
Fletcher, Emma |
Lake Joondalup Baptist College |
Joondalup |
327 |
Cert of Distinction |
Fong, Jaslyn |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
328 |
Cert of Distinction |
Foo, Jordaan |
Rossmoyne Senior High School |
Rossmoyne |
329 |
Cert of Distinction |
Ford, Anna |
Carine Senior High School |
Carine |
330 |
Cert of Distinction |
Forster, Lachlan |
Broome Senior High School |
Broome |
331 |
Cert of Distinction |
Foster, Brady |
Hale School |
Wembley Downs |
332 |
Cert of Distinction |
Foster, Jonathan |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
333 |
Cert of Distinction |
Foti, Sebastian |
Trinity College |
East Perth |
334 |
Cert of Distinction |
Fowler, Orla |
Santa Maria College |
Attadale |
335 |
Cert of Distinction |
Frederic, Laura |
St Marys Anglican Girls School |
Karrinyup |
336 |
Cert of Distinction |
Fredericks, Saskia |
Methodist Ladies College |
Claremont |
337 |
Cert of Distinction |
Freeman, Stella |
Perth College |
Mount Lawley |
338 |
Cert of Distinction |
French, Indiana |
St Hildas Anglican School for Girls |
Mosman Park |
339 |
Cert of Distinction |
Fricker, Ben |
Manea Senior College |
Bunbury |
340 |
Cert of Distinction |
Furness, Angus |
John XXIII College |
Mount Claremont |
341 |
Cert of Distinction |
Galipo, Roberto |
Trinity College |
East Perth |
342 |
Cert of Distinction |
Gambitta, Michael |
Hale School |
Wembley Downs |
343 |
Cert of Distinction |
Gao, Lanting |
St Hildas Anglican School for Girls |
Mosman Park |
344 |
Cert of Distinction |
Garas, Chantal |
St Marys Anglican Girls School |
Karrinyup |
345 |
Cert of Distinction |
Garner-Dart, Jack |
Hale School |
Wembley Downs |
346 |
Cert of Distinction |
Garnett, Skylah |
Mindarie Senior College |
Mindarie |
347 |
Cert of Distinction |
Garton, Emily |
Willetton Senior High School |
Willetton |
348 |
Cert of Distinction |
Gaur, Divyansh |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
349 |
Cert of Distinction |
Gee, Dustin |
Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School |
Gelorup |
350 |
Cert of Distinction |
Gemeniano, John |
Divine Mercy College |
Yangebup |
351 |
Cert of Distinction |
George Stephen, Sahara |
Ursula Frayne Catholic College |
Victoria Park |
352 |
Cert of Distinction |
George Strickland, Lyla |
Churchlands Senior High School |
Churchlands |
353 |
Cert of Distinction |
George Strickland, Merle |
Churchlands Senior High School |
Churchlands |
354 |
Cert of Distinction |
Georgiu, Jack |
Sacred Heart College |
Sorrento |
355 |
Cert of Distinction |
Germano, Max |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
356 |
Cert of Distinction |
Geurts, Tyson |
John Calvin Christian College |
Armadale |
357 |
Cert of Distinction |
Ghia, Tanay |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
358 |
Cert of Distinction |
Ghosal, Abhigyan |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
359 |
Cert of Distinction |
Giangiulio, Timothy |
Hale School |
Wembley Downs |
360 |
Cert of Distinction |
Gibson, Amber |
Methodist Ladies College |
Claremont |
361 |
Cert of Distinction |
Gilbey, Ella |
St Marys Anglican Girls School |
Karrinyup |
362 |
Cert of Distinction |
Gilchrist, Archie |
Scotch College |
Swanbourne |
363 |
Cert of Distinction |
Gill, Aishleen Kaur |
Willetton Senior High School |
Willetton |
364 |
Cert of Distinction |
Gill, Harmanjeet |
Carey Baptist College Forrestdale |
Forrestdale |
365 |
Cert of Distinction |
Gill, Reshan |
Rossmoyne Senior High School |
Rossmoyne |
366 |
Cert of Distinction |
Giltrap, Hana |
Mandurah Baptist College |
Lakelands |
367 |
Cert of Distinction |
Gishubl, Charlotte |
Presbyterian Ladies College |
Peppermint Grove |
368 |
Cert of Distinction |
Glazier, Timothy |
Applecross Senior High School |
Ardross |
369 |
Cert of Distinction |
Gleghorn, Frederick |
John XXIII College |
Mount Claremont |
370 |
Cert of Distinction |
Glover, Ashleigh |
Carine Senior High School |
Carine |
371 |
Cert of Distinction |
Godber, Madison |
Churchlands Senior High School |
Churchlands |
372 |
Cert of Distinction |
Goel, Ishita |
Rossmoyne Senior High School |
Rossmoyne |
373 |
Cert of Distinction |
Goh, Aaron |
Christ Church Grammar School |
Claremont |
374 |
Cert of Distinction |
Goh, Annabel |
Applecross Senior High School |
Ardross |
375 |
Cert of Distinction |
Gol, Raina |
Harrisdale Senior High School |
Harrisdale |
376 |
Cert of Distinction |
Gonzalez, Joshua |
Trinity College |
East Perth |
377 |
Cert of Distinction |
Goodall, Tiki |
Margaret River Senior High School |
Margaret River |
378 |
Cert of Distinction |
Goradia, Aarnav |
Duncraig Senior High School |
Duncraig |
379 |
Cert of Distinction |
Graham, Melissa |
Governor Stirling Senior High School |
Woodbridge |
380 |
Cert of Distinction |
Graham, Sophie |
Presbyterian Ladies College |
Peppermint Grove |
381 |
Cert of Distinction |
Granger, Holly |
St Hildas Anglican School for Girls |
Mosman Park |
382 |
Cert of Distinction |
Grant, Oliver |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
383 |
Cert of Distinction |
Grant, Zachary |
Hale School |
Wembley Downs |
384 |
Cert of Distinction |
Grassi, Kayla |
Mercedes College |
Perth |
385 |
Cert of Distinction |
Grassi, Olivia |
Mercedes College |
Perth |
386 |
Cert of Distinction |
Gray, Zigge |
Shenton College |
Shenton Park |
387 |
Cert of Distinction |
Grayson, Olivia |
St Marys Anglican Girls School |
Karrinyup |
388 |
Cert of Distinction |
Greer, Asha |
Chisholm Catholic College |
Bedford |
389 |
Cert of Distinction |
Grewal, Avneet |
St Marys Anglican Girls School |
Karrinyup |
390 |
Cert of Distinction |
Grinceri, Caitlin |
Sacred Heart College |
Sorrento |
391 |
Cert of Distinction |
Grondal, Lucia |
Perth College |
Mount Lawley |
392 |
Cert of Distinction |
Grondal, Olivia |
Santa Maria College |
Attadale |
393 |
Cert of Distinction |
Gronow, Shanaya |
Geraldton Grammar School |
Geraldton |
394 |
Cert of Distinction |
Grose, Charlotte |
St Marys Anglican Girls School |
Karrinyup |
395 |
Cert of Distinction |
Grunert, Jake |
Rossmoyne Senior High School |
Rossmoyne |
396 |
Cert of Distinction |
Guimbeau, Rainy |
Santa Maria College |
Attadale |
397 |
Cert of Distinction |
Gullapalli, Gana Suman |
Rossmoyne Senior High School |
Rossmoyne |
398 |
Cert of Distinction |
Guo, Angela Yanchen |
Perth Modern School |
Subiaco |
399 |
Cert of Distinction |
Gupta, Abhav |
Rossmoyne Senior High School |
Rossmoyne |
400 |
Cert of Distinction |
Gupta, Kloves |
Canning Vale College |
Canning Vale |