This is the WACE Honour Roll, listing every exhibition, award or prize won by Western Australian WACE students in 2007, along with their school and subject details.
The report includes all Beazley Medal awards, General Exhibitions (with rankings), Subject Exhibitions, Subject Certificates of Excellence, Certificates of Distinction, Certificates of Merit, and VET and WPL awards.
The report also includes significant Australian national awards and prizes such as the Australian Student Prize.
1 | ABEL, SAMUEL | Lesmurdie Senior High School | Lesmurdie | Cert of Excellence | ||
2 | ABRAHAM, JAMES | Scotch College | Swanbourne | Biology | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
3 | ALBERGHINI, LAUREN | Methodist Ladies College | Claremont | Human Biology | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
4 | ALKHATIB, LUMA | Duncraig Senior High School | Duncraig | Cert of Excellence | ||
5 | ALLEN, BENJAMIN | Carine Senior High School | Carine | Cert of Excellence | ||
6 | ALLEN, LEO | Guildford Grammar School | Guildford | Cert of Excellence | ||
7 | ALTMAN, NAOMI | Carmel School | Dianella | Cert of Excellence | ||
8 | ALTMAN, NAOMI | Carmel School | Dianella | Applicable Mathematics | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
9 | ALTMAN, NAOMI | Carmel School | Dianella | Physics | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
10 | AMBLER, HAYLEY | Mindarie Senior College | Mindarie | SWL - Community Services, Health and Education | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
11 | AMUDALAPALLI, SRAVYA | Penrhos College | Como | Cert of Excellence | ||
12 | ANDREWS, STEPHEN | Aquinas College | Salter Point | Cert of Excellence | ||
13 | ANDREWS, STEPHEN | Aquinas College | Salter Point | Chemistry | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
14 | ANGLISS, OLIVER | Christ Church Grammar School | Claremont | Cert of Excellence | ||
15 | ANGLISS, OLIVER | Christ Church Grammar School | Claremont | Discrete Mathematics | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
16 | ANTONIO, LUKE | Kolbe Catholic College | Rockingham | Cert of Excellence | ||
17 | APELDOORN, TAMARA | Darling Range Sports College | Forrestfield | Cert of Excellence | ||
18 | ARCHIBALD, LEON | Northam Senior High School | Northam | Cert of Excellence | ||
19 | ARENA, MICHAEL | Frederick Irwin Anglican School | Mandurah | Cert of Excellence | ||
20 | ARNOLD, KAIDEE | Penrhos College | Como | English | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
21 | ARNOLD, KAIDEE | Penrhos College | Como | Human Biology | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
22 | ARNOLD, REBECCA | Methodist Ladies College | Claremont | Senior Science | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
23 | ASHMAN, SAMANTHA | Woodvale Secondary College | Woodvale | Cert of Excellence | ||
24 | ATKINS, CALLUM | Central Midlands Senior High School | Moora | Automotive Workshop | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
25 | ATMODJO, TACHELLA | Rossmoyne Senior High School | Rossmoyne | Cert of Excellence | ||
26 | AUSMA, KAGGEN | Albany Senior High School | Albany | Cert of Excellence | ||
27 | AVENT, MATTHEW | Corpus Christi College | Bateman | Cert of Excellence | ||
28 | AXFORD, LUKE | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton | Cert of Excellence | ||
29 | AYRE, MICHAEL | Bunbury Catholic College | Bunbury | Cert of Excellence | ||
30 | AZALIMI, MAHDI | Australian Islamic College Kewdale | Kewdale | Cert of Excellence | ||
31 | BABIC, STEPHANIE | St Brigids College | Lesmurdie | Cert of Excellence | ||
32 | BADENHORST, CLAIRE | Perth College | Mount Lawley | Cert of Excellence | ||
33 | BAGINI, ALEX | Chisholm Catholic College | Bedford | Cert of Excellence | ||
34 | BAIRSTOW, LAURA | Methodist Ladies College | Claremont | Senior Science | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
35 | BALDOCK, MARINA | Governor Stirling Senior High School | Woodbridge | Cert of Excellence | ||
36 | BANCROFT, MELUKA | Busselton Senior High School | Busselton | Cert of Excellence | ||
37 | BANTUM, TAMIAH | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton | Cert of Excellence | ||
38 | BARCLAY-MARTIN, JAMES | Kelmscott Senior High School | Kelmscott | Cert of Excellence | ||
39 | BARNES, CAMERON | Applecross Senior High School | Ardross | Cert of Excellence | ||
40 | BARNES, STEVEN | Aquinas College | Salter Point | Management and Marketing | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
41 | BARRETT-ROACH, MARAMA | Shenton College | Shenton Park | Aspects of the Tourism Industry | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
42 | BARTON, ANTHEA | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton | Cert of Excellence | ||
43 | BASFORD, TESS | St Hildas Anglican School for Girls | Mosman Park | Discrete Mathematics | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
44 | BASUKI, DANIEL | Aquinas College | Salter Point | Chemistry | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
45 | BAUMGARTEL, SCOTT | Newman College | Churchlands | English | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
46 | BAWDEN, RACHAEL | Warwick Senior High School | Warwick | Cert of Excellence | ||
47 | BEARD, KELSEY ANN | St Marys Anglican Girls School | Karrinyup | Physical Education Studies | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
48 | BEARD, KELSEY ANN | St Marys Anglican Girls School | Karrinyup | Physical Education Studies | Subject Exhibition | |
49 | BEERE, THOMAS KEVIN | Kiara College | Kiara | Cert of Excellence | ||
50 | BEERE, THOMAS KEVIN | Kiara College | Kiara | Business Information Technology | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
51 | BEERE, THOMAS KEVIN | Kiara College | Kiara | Industry Information Technology | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
52 | BEERE, THOMAS KEVIN | Kiara College | Kiara | Industry Information Technology | Subject Exhibition | |
53 | BENNETT, JESSICA | Perth Modern School | Subiaco | Human Biology | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
54 | BENNETT, KIRSTEN | Mandurah Catholic College | Mandurah | Cert of Excellence | ||
55 | BENSON, CAMERON | Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School | Gelorup | Cert of Excellence | ||
56 | BENSON, CAMERON | Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School | Gelorup | English | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
57 | Bentley, Christopher Derek Bartlett | All Saints College | Bull Creek | Australian Student Prize | ||
58 | BERESFORD, KATE ELIZABETH | Methodist Ladies College | Claremont | Modelling with Mathematics | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
59 | BERESFORD, KATE ELIZABETH | Methodist Ladies College | Claremont | Modelling with Mathematics | Subject Exhibition | |
60 | BERGMEIER, MADELEINE | Perth College | Mount Lawley | Cert of Excellence | ||
61 | BETTS, ANGELA | Thornlie Senior High School | Thornlie | Cert of Excellence | ||
62 | BHATT, JUBIN | Rossmoyne Senior High School | Rossmoyne | Cert of Excellence | ||
63 | BISHOP, VICTORIA | Perth College | Mount Lawley | Cert of Excellence | ||
64 | BLACK, TIMOTHY | Australind Senior High School | Australind | Cert of Excellence | ||
65 | BLAIR, LINDEN | Shenton College | Shenton Park | Cert of Excellence | ||
66 | BLYTH, LISA | All Saints College | Bull Creek | Cert of Excellence | ||
67 | BOASE, AIDAN | Perth Modern School | Subiaco | Music | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
68 | BOLAND, RHEMA | Mindarie Senior College | Mindarie | Art and Design | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
69 | BOOTHROYD, ALARNA | St Hildas Anglican School for Girls | Mosman Park | Cert of Excellence | ||
70 | BOOTHROYD, ALARNA | St Hildas Anglican School for Girls | Mosman Park | Discrete Mathematics | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
71 | BORG, ANNABEL | Methodist Ladies College | Claremont | Cert of Excellence | ||
72 | BORNT, OLIVER | Swan Christian College | Middle Swan | Cert of Excellence | ||
73 | Bowen, Katrina Georgia | Perth College | Mount Lawley | Australian Student Prize | ||
74 | BOWEN, KATRINA GEORGIA | Perth College | Mount Lawley | Cert of Excellence | ||
75 | BOWEN, KATRINA GEORGIA | Perth College | Mount Lawley | Economics | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
76 | BOYD, EMMA | Ballajura Community College | Ballajura | SWL - Sport and Recreation | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
77 | BRITTAN, ALEXANDER | Shenton College | Shenton Park | Media Production and Analysis | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
78 | BRODIE, GEORGIA | Churchlands Senior High School | Churchlands | Aspects of the Tourism Industry | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
79 | BROOK, RYAN | Chisholm Catholic College | Bedford | Cert of Excellence | ||
80 | BROWN, ARIANA | Kingsway Christian College | Darch | Cert of Excellence | ||
81 | BROWNE, RHYS | Aquinas College | Salter Point | Cert of Excellence | ||
82 | BROWNING, RACHEL | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton | Cert of Excellence | ||
83 | BROWNING, RACHEL | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton | English | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
84 | BRZESKI, CATHERINE | Perth Modern School | Subiaco | Cert of Excellence | ||
85 | BRZESKI, CATHERINE | Perth Modern School | Subiaco | Visual Communication - Photography | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
86 | BURGESS, ASHLEE | St Marys Anglican Girls School | Karrinyup | Cert of Excellence | ||
87 | BURGESS, ASHLEE | St Marys Anglican Girls School | Karrinyup | Physical Education Studies | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
88 | BURGESS, BETHIA | Methodist Ladies College | Claremont | Cert of Excellence | ||
89 | BURTON, JOSHUA | Rossmoyne Senior High School | Rossmoyne | Work Studies | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
90 | BUSH, CAYLEY | John XXIII College | Mount Claremont | Cert of Excellence | ||
91 | BUTERS, LAURA | Frederick Irwin Anglican School | Mandurah | Cert of Excellence | ||
92 | BUTTNER, NICOLE | Methodist Ladies College | Claremont | Cert of Excellence | ||
93 | BUTTNER, NICOLE | Methodist Ladies College | Claremont | Accounting | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
94 | BYRNE, AARON | Albany Senior High School | Albany | Cert of Excellence | ||
95 | CALLANDER, RHYS | Rehoboth Christian College | Kenwick | Cert of Excellence | ||
96 | CALLAWAY, BELINDA | Northam Senior High School | Northam | Cert of Excellence | ||
97 | Carr, Stuart Steven | Shenton College | Shenton Park | Australian Student Prize | ||
98 | CARR, STUART STEVEN | Shenton College | Shenton Park | Cert of Excellence | ||
99 | CARR, STUART STEVEN | Shenton College | Shenton Park | Applicable Mathematics | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
100 | CARTER, DENAM | WA College of Agriculture Denmark | Denmark | Cert of Excellence | ||
101 | CARTER, DENAM | WA College of Agriculture Denmark | Denmark | Plant Production and Marketing | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
102 | CARTER, GENEVIEVE | St Hildas Anglican School for Girls | Mosman Park | Cert of Excellence | ||
103 | CASTILLO, DANIELLE | Safety Bay Senior High School | Safety Bay | Art and Design | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
104 | CASTLE, JOSIE | South Fremantle Senior High School | Beaconsfield | Cert of Excellence | ||
105 | CHAN, JACKY | Mount Lawley Senior High School | Mount Lawley | Discrete Mathematics | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
106 | CHAN, JAYZII | Rossmoyne Senior High School | Rossmoyne | Cert of Excellence | ||
107 | Chan, Kelvin | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton | Australian Student Prize | ||
108 | CHAN, KELVIN | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton | Cert of Excellence | ||
109 | CHAN, VERONICA | Carine Senior High School | Carine | Cert of Excellence | ||
110 | CHANDLER, MADELINE | Australind Senior High School | Australind | Cert of Excellence | ||
111 | CHANDRASEKERA, ERANDI | Rossmoyne Senior High School | Rossmoyne | Cert of Excellence | ||
112 | CHATFIELD, CARL | All Saints College | Bull Creek | Cert of Excellence | ||
113 | CHEAH, TRICIA | St Stephens School Duncraig | Duncraig | Cert of Excellence | ||
114 | CHEANG, JEREMY | Australind Senior High School | Australind | Cert of Excellence | ||
115 | CHEANG, JEREMY | Australind Senior High School | Australind | Chemistry | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
116 | Chen, Amy | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton | Australian Student Prize | ||
117 | CHEN, AMY | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton | Cert of Excellence | ||
118 | CHEN, AMY | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton | Economics | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
119 | CHEN, AMY | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton | Economics | Subject Exhibition | |
120 | CHEN, QI | Tuart College | Tuart Hill | Chinese: Advanced | Special Subject Cert of Distinction | |
121 | CHIA, DARCY | Kelmscott Senior High School | Kelmscott | Cert of Excellence | ||
122 | CHIAM, NICOLE | St Hildas Anglican School for Girls | Mosman Park | Cert of Excellence | ||
123 | CHIAM, NICOLE | St Hildas Anglican School for Girls | Mosman Park | Discrete Mathematics | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
124 | CHIELLINI, DOMENIC | CBC Fremantle | Fremantle | Senior Science | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
125 | CHIN, HUI LING | Sunway University College | Petaling Jaya, Malaysia | Accounting | Special Subject Cert of Distinction | |
126 | CHING, VICTOR | Scotch College | Swanbourne | Discrete Mathematics | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
127 | Choong, Yita | Scotch College | Swanbourne | Australian Student Prize | ||
128 | CHOONG, YITA | Scotch College | Swanbourne | Cert of Excellence | ||
129 | CHOONG, YITA | Scotch College | Swanbourne | Applicable Mathematics | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
130 | CHOONG, YITA | Scotch College | Swanbourne | Chemistry | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
131 | CHOONG, YITA | Scotch College | Swanbourne | Physics | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
132 | CHOW, PEI SHAN | Willetton Senior High School | Willetton | Discrete Mathematics | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
133 | CHRISTIAN, PIERRE | Sekolah Bina Nusantara | Jakarta, Indonesia | Cert of Excellence | ||
134 | CHRISTIAN, PIERRE | Sekolah Bina Nusantara | Jakarta, Indonesia | Indonesian: Advanced | Special Subject Cert of Distinction | |
135 | CHUA, HUI PING | Rossmoyne Senior High School | Rossmoyne | Cert of Excellence | ||
136 | CLARKE, SARAH | Shenton College | Shenton Park | Human Biology | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
137 | CLAXON, LAUREN | Perth College | Mount Lawley | Cert of Excellence | ||
138 | CLEARY, CATHERINE | Mercedes College | Perth | Cert of Excellence | ||
139 | CLEGG, ALEXANDER | Scotch College | Swanbourne | Cert of Excellence | ||
140 | CLIFTON, CAITLIN | Lake Joondalup Baptist College | Joondalup | Cert of Excellence | ||
141 | CLIFTON, ELISHA | Esperance Senior High School | Esperance | Cert of Excellence | ||
142 | CLITHEROE, TIFFANY MEGHAN | Safety Bay Senior High School | Safety Bay | Art and Design | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
143 | CLITHEROE, TIFFANY MEGHAN | Safety Bay Senior High School | Safety Bay | Art and Design | Subject Exhibition | |
144 | CLOHESSY, MADELEINE | St Marys Anglican Girls School | Karrinyup | Discrete Mathematics | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
145 | CLOHESSY, MADELEINE | St Marys Anglican Girls School | Karrinyup | English | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
146 | CLOWES, EMMA LOUISE | Methodist Ladies College | Claremont | Biology | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
147 | CLOWES, EMMA LOUISE | Methodist Ladies College | Claremont | Media Production and Analysis | Subject Cert of Distinction | |
148 | CLOWES, EMMA LOUISE | Methodist Ladies College | Claremont | Media Production and Analysis | Subject Exhibition | |
149 | CODDINGTON, TRENT | Lake Joondalup Baptist College | Joondalup | Cert of Excellence | ||
150 | COGGIN, SIAN | Governor Stirling Senior High School | Woodbridge | Human Biology | Subject Cert of Distinction |