Best Schools, Ranked by VCE 40+ Pct, Victoria, 2023

Below is the list of the best Victorian VCE schools ranked in order of their 2023 VCE 40+ percentage measure, as published by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.

The VCE 40+ percentage is the proportion of VCE study scores of 40 or more at each school.

Where two schools have equal 40+ percentage measures, the total count of 40+ scores is used as a secondary ranking measure.

Note that this report is an excerpt. To see the complete set of award statistics for each school, please refer to the Vic School VCE Statistics report.

138 of 638 entries are shown.
501 - 638
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Rows per page:
501 Box Hill Institute Box Hill 119 0 0 0
502 Camperdown College Camperdown 28 0 0 0
503 Cann River P-12 College Cann River 7 0 0 0
504 Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs Caroline Springs 8 0 0 0
505 Catholic Regional College Keilor Keilor North 10 0 0 0
506 Catholic Regional College St Albans St Albans 0 0 0 0
507 Chaffey Secondary College Mildura 0 0 0 0
508 Charles La Trobe P-12 College La Trobe Macleod West 66 0 0 0
509 Charles La Trobe P-12 College The Pavilion Preston 29 0 0 0
510 Cire Community School Yarra Junction 81 0 0 0
511 Cobden Technical School Cobden 11 0 0 0
512 Colac Secondary College Colac 70 0 0 0
513 Community College Gippsland Warragul 40 0 0 0
514 Croydon Community School Croydon 21 0 0 0
515 Crusoe 7-10 Secondary College Kangaroo Flat 20 0 0 0
516 David Scott School Frankston Frankston 33 0 0 0
517 Derrinallum P-12 College Derrinallum 8 0 0 0
518 Dimboola Memorial Secondary College Dimboola 19 0 0 0
519 Divrei Emineh Ormond 22 0 0 0
520 Djerriwarrh Community College Melton 26 0 0 0
521 Eaglehawk Secondary College Eaglehawk 7 0 0 0
522 East Preston Islamic College Preston East 51 0 0 0
523 Edenhope College Edenhope 9 0 0 0
524 Federation University Australia SMB Campus Ballarat 24 0 0 0
525 Foundation Learning Centre Narre Warren 18 0 0 0
526 Glenroy College Glenroy 52 0 0 0
527 Glenroy Private Glenroy 13 0 0 0
528 Good Shepherd College Hamilton 27 0 0 0
529 Gordon Institute of TAFE Geelong 72 0 0 0
530 Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE Shepparton 52 0 0 0
531 Grace Christian College Wodonga Leneva 5 0 0 0
532 Greensborough Secondary College Greensborough 69 0 0 0
533 Hawkesdale College Hawkesdale 30 0 0 0
534 Healesville High School Healesville 71 0 0 0
535 Heritage College Officer Officer 29 0 0 0
536 Hester Hornbrook Academy Melbourne 29 0 0 0
537 Heywood and District Secondary College Heywood 17 0 0 0
538 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE Moorabbin Moorabbin 92 0 0 0
539 Hopetoun P-12 College Hopetoun 8 0 0 0
540 Iona College Geelong Charlemont 4 0 0 0
541 Irymple Secondary College Irymple 9 0 0 0
542 John Fawkner College Fawkner 31 0 0 0
543 Kangan Institute of TAFE Broadmeadows 56 0 0 0
544 Kaniva P-12 College Kaniva 9 0 0 0
545 Kensington Community High School Kensington 24 0 0 0
546 Kings College Warrnambool 15 0 0 0
547 Korumburra Secondary College Korumburra 57 0 0 0
548 Lakes Entrance Secondary College Lakes Entrance 29 0 0 0
549 Lavers Hill K-12 College Lavers Hill 5 0 0 0
550 Lynall Hall Community School Richmond 18 0 0 0
551 Maffra Secondary College Maffra 68 0 0 0
552 Maryborough Education Centre Maryborough 101 0 0 0
553 Melbourne Polytechnic Preston 17 0 0 0
554 Merbein P-10 College Merbein 9 0 0 0
555 Monterey Secondary College Frankston North 67 0 0 0
556 Mountain District Community College Boronia 18 0 0 0
557 Murrayville Community College Murrayville 17 0 0 0
558 Nathalia Secondary College Nathalia 26 0 0 0
559 Neerim District Secondary College Neerim South 15 0 0 0
560 Nhill College Nhill 31 0 0 0
561 Numurkah Secondary College Numurkah 29 0 0 0
562 Oakwood School Caulfield North 16 0 0 0
563 Parkville College Parkville 0 0 0 0
564 Peter Lalor Secondary College Lalor 37 0 0 0
565 Plenty River College South Morang 16 0 0 0
566 Preshil The Margaret Lyttle Memorial School Kew 0 0 0 0
567 Preston Reservoir Adult Community Education Reservoir 0 0 0 0
568 Pyramid Hill College Pyramid Hill 0 0 0 0
569 Rainbow P-12 College Rainbow 15 0 0 0
570 Red Cliffs Secondary College Red Cliffs 59 0 0 0
571 River Nile School North Melbourne 14 0 0 0
572 Robinvale College Robinvale 20 0 0 0
573 Rushworth P-12 College Rushworth 9 0 0 0
574 Rutherglen High School Rutherglen 42 0 0 0
575 Sacred Heart College Yarrawonga Yarrawonga 51 0 0 0
576 SEDA College Camberwell 682 0 0 0
577 Shepparton Adult and Community Education Shepparton 10 0 0 0
578 Sherbrooke Community School Sassafras 18 0 0 0
579 Somerville Secondary College Somerville 41 0 0 0
580 South West Institute of TAFE Warrnambool 23 0 0 0
581 St Annes College Kialla 33 0 0 0
582 St Marys College Seymour Seymour 4 0 0 0
583 Stawell Secondary College Stawell 59 0 0 0
584 Sunraysia Institute of TAFE Mildura 10 0 0 0
585 Swinburne University of Technology TAFE Croydon Croydon 31 0 0 0
586 Sydney Road Community School Brunswick 16 0 0 0
587 TAFE Gippsland Morwell 30 0 0 0
588 Trinity Lutheran College Mildura 0 0 0 0
589 Tyrrell College Sea Lake 24 0 0 0
590 Victoria University Polytechnic Footscray 21 0 0 0
591 Village High School Ryanston 0 0 0 0
592 Wedderburn College Wedderburn 15 0 0 0
593 Western Heights College Hamlyn Heights 110 0 0 0
594 Wyndham Community and Education Centre Werribee 6 0 0 0
595 Yarra Hills Secondary College Mooroolbark Mooroolbark 129 0 0 0
596 Yarra Hills Secondary College Mount Evelyn Mount Evelyn 14 0 0 0
597 Yea High School Yea 73 0 0 0
598 Youth2industry College South Melbourne 27 0 0 0
599 Victorian School of Languages Thornbury     125 125
600 Haileybury College Tianjin Campus Tianjin, China     43 35
601 Firbank Grammar School Suzhou International Foreign Language School Suzhou, China     20 18
602 Peninsula Grammar Pudong Foreign Language School Shanghai, China     17 10
603 Haileybury Wuhan Foreign Language School Wuhan, China     16 8
604 Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Mount Waverley     15 15
605 Haileybury Chengdu Shude High School Chengdu, China     10 3
606 Haileybury Ningbo Li Hui Li High School Ningbo, China     10 5
607 Melbourne International School of Japanese Oakleigh South     10 10
608 Firbank Grammar Qidong Qidi Foreign Language School Qidong, China     8 6
609 Firbank Grammar School Jiangyan No 2 High School Taizhou, China     7 6
610 Korean Language School of Melbourne Prahran     7 7
611 Chinese Culture School Mont Albert     6 6
612 Chinese Culture School Northcote Campus Northcote     6 6
613 Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne and Victoria Melbourne     6 6
614 St Francis Catholic College Melton West     6 5
615 Haileybury Pangea Campus Keysborough     5 4
616 Iranian Cultural School Doncaster East     5 5
617 Kurnai College University Campus Churchill     5 4
618 Centre for Higher Education Studies South Yarra     4 4
619 Cheryl Kaloger Brown School of Dance Hawthorn East     4 4
620 New Chinese Language and Culture School Thornbury Thornbury     4 4
621 Victorian Tamil Association Glen Waverley     4 4
622 Victorian Virtual Learning Network Bendigo     4 4
623 Firbank Grammar School Harbin American-Canadian Foreign Language School Heilongjiang, China     3 3
624 Springvale Indo-Chinese Ethnic School Inc. Springvale South     3 3
625 Thomas Carr College Hailiang Foreign Language School Zhejiang, China     3 3
626 Thomas Carr College Wenzhou No 21 Middle School Wenzhou, China     3 3
627 Chinese Culture School Melbourne High Campus South Yarra     2 2
628 Firbank Grammar School Shanghai Tianhua College High School Shanghai, China     2 2
629 Greater Shepparton Secondary College Hawdon St Campus Shepparton     2 2
630 Lac Hong Vietnamese School St Albans     2 2
631 Melbourne Swedish Community School Toorak     2 2
632 Michelle Rae School of Dance Mount Waverley     2 2
633 Omiros College Pascoe Vale South Pascoe Vale South     2 2
634 Reflections Academy of Dance Cranbourne     2 2
635 Haileybury Dili International School Dili, Timor-Leste     1 1
636 Nestoras College Doncaster Doncaster     1 1
637 Protypo Greek Centre Oakleigh     1 1
638 Theatre De La Danse Brighton     1 1
Last Updated: 22 Aug 2024
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