Best Schools, Ranked by VCE 40+ Pct, Victoria, 2015

Below is the list of the best Victorian VCE schools ranked in order of their 2015 VCE 40+ percentage measure, as published by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.

The VCE 40+ percentage is the proportion of VCE study scores of 40 or more at each school.

Where two schools have equal 40+ percentage measures, the total count of 40+ scores is used as a secondary ranking measure.

Note that this report is an excerpt. To see the complete set of award statistics for each school, please refer to the Vic School VCE Statistics report.

200 of 618 entries are shown.
401 - 600
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Rows per page:
401 Cobram Anglican Grammar School Cobram 20 1.9 1 1
402 Geelong Lutheran College Armstrong Creek 30 1.9 1 1
403 Boronia K-12 College Boronia 35 1.9 0 0
404 Point Cook Senior Secondary College Point Cook 348 1.8 15 13
405 Hume Central Secondary College Town Park Broadmeadows 174 1.8 8 3
406 Fairhills High School Knoxfield 228 1.8 7 7
407 Maffra Secondary College Maffra 130 1.8 5 5
408 Keysborough Secondary College Acacia Keysborough 125 1.8 4 3
409 Darul Ulum College of Victoria Fawkner 77 1.8 3 3
410 Lalor North Secondary College Epping 69 1.8 3 2
411 Templestowe College Templestowe Lower 167 1.7 7 6
412 St Mary of the Angels College Nathalia 110 1.7 4 3
413 Gordon Institute of TAFE Geelong 142 1.7 2 2
414 Lighthouse Christian College Cranbourne Cranbourne 52 1.7 1 1
415 Epping Secondary College Epping 157 1.6 5 4
416 Sunshine College Sunshine West 201 1.6 4 3
417 Whittlesea Secondary College Whittlesea 143 1.6 4 3
418 Carwatha College P-12 Noble Park 116 1.6 3 3
419 Kaniva P-12 College Kaniva 26 1.6 1 1
420 Pakenham Secondary College Pakenham 133 1.6 1 1
421 Box Hill Senior Secondary College Mont Albert North 308 1.5 11 8
422 Lyndhurst Secondary College Cranbourne 190 1.5 5 4
423 Phoenix P-12 Community College Sebastopol 159 1.5 5 3
424 Reservoir High School Reservoir 99 1.5 5 4
425 Ouyen Secondary College Ouyen 31 1.5 1 1
426 Hawkesdale College Hawkesdale 30 1.5 0 0
427 Numurkah Secondary College Numurkah 58 1.5 0 0
428 Essendon Keilor College Essendon Campus Essendon 244 1.4 11 11
429 The Grange P-12 College Hoppers Crossing 178 1.4 5 3
430 Victory Lutheran College Wodonga 52 1.4 2 2
431 Mountain District Christian School Monbulk 27 1.4 1 1
432 Myrtleford P-12 College Myrtleford 30 1.4 0 0
433 Rutherglen High School Rutherglen 53 1.4 0 0
434 Dandenong High School Dandenong Dandenong 452 1.3 15 10
435 Wodonga Senior Secondary College Wodonga 377 1.3 8 7
436 Hoppers Crossing Secondary College Hoppers Crossing 189 1.3 7 6
437 Traralgon College Traralgon 135 1.3 3 3
438 Box Hill Institute Box Hill 214 1.3 2 2
439 Beaufort Secondary College Beaufort 33 1.3 1 1
440 Western Heights College Hamlyn Heights 152 1.2 4 3
441 William Ruthven Secondary College Reservoir 104 1.2 3 3
442 Dimboola Memorial Secondary College Dimboola 38 1.2 1 1
443 Euroa Secondary College Euroa 85 1.2 1 1
444 Alia College Hawthorn East 22 1.2 0 0
445 Manor Lakes P-12 College Wyndham Vale 182 1.1 6 4
446 Wallan Secondary College Wallan 104 1.1 3 3
447 Yea High School Yea 76 1.1 2 2
448 Victoria University of Technology TAFE Footscray Footscray 88 1.1 1 1
449 Ozford College Melbourne 28 1.1 0 0
450 Seymour College Seymour 102 1.1 0 0
451 Swinburne Senior Secondary College Hawthorn 263 1 6 6
452 Bacchus Marsh College Bacchus Marsh 142 1 3 3
453 Hampton Park Secondary College Hampton Park 252 1 1 1
454 Lakes Entrance Secondary College Lakes Entrance 37 1 1 1
455 Northern Bay P-12 College Corio 65 1 1 1
456 Tarneit Senior College Tarneit 137 1 1 1
457 Noble Park Secondary College Noble Park 102 1 0 0
458 Terang College Secondary Campus Terang 50 1 0 0
459 Bellarine Secondary College Drysdale 221 0.9 5 4
460 Mount Ridley P-12 College Craigieburn 207 0.9 5 3
461 Lilydale Heights College Lilydale 111 0.9 3 3
462 Bundoora Secondary College Bundoora 95 0.9 2 2
463 Thomastown Secondary College Thomastown 103 0.9 2 2
464 Bairnsdale Secondary College Bairnsdale 214 0.9 1 1
465 North Geelong Secondary College Geelong North 118 0.9 1 1
466 Geelong High School East Geelong 212 0.8 2 2
467 Newcomb Secondary College Newcomb 98 0.8 2 1
468 Beechworth Secondary College Beechworth 59 0.8 1 1
469 Northern College of Arts and Technology Preston 238 0.8 1 1
470 Glenroy College Glenroy 62 0.8 0 0
471 Red Cliffs Secondary College Red Cliffs 131 0.8 0 0
472 Roxburgh College Roxburgh Park 258 0.7 4 3
473 Melba Secondary College Croydon 140 0.7 3 3
474 Carrum Downs Secondary College Carrum Downs 183 0.7 2 2
475 Mount Rowan Secondary College Wendouree 145 0.7 2 2
476 Portland Secondary College Portland 115 0.7 2 2
477 Shepparton High School Shepparton 122 0.7 2 2
478 Wheelers Hill Secondary College Wheelers Hill 77 0.7 2 2
479 Somerville Secondary College Somerville 50 0.7 1 1
480 Heritage College Officer Officer 38 0.7 0 0
481 Yarrawonga College P-12 Yarrawonga 62 0.6 0 0
482 Cobden Technical School Cobden 61 0.5 1 1
483 Craigieburn Secondary College Craigieburn 198 0.5 1 1
484 F.C.J. College Benalla 79 0.5 1 1
485 Kurunjang Secondary College Melton 116 0.4 1 1
486 Staughton College Melton South 148 0.3 1 1
487 Chisholm Institute of TAFE Dandenong Dandenong 273 0.3 0 0
488 Lara Secondary College Lara 139 0.3 0 0
489 Victorian College for the Deaf Melbourne 10 0 2 2
490 Marian College Myrtleford Myrtleford 68 0 1 1
491 Adass Israel School Elsternwick Elsternwick 81 0 0 0
492 Advanced Career Training Geelong 4 0 0 0
493 Albury Wodonga Community College Wodonga 0 0 0 0
494 Ararat College Ararat 53 0 0 0
495 Balmoral Community College Balmoral 14 0 0 0
496 Bayswater Secondary College Bayswater 35 0 0 0
497 Bendigo TAFE Bendigo 20 0 0 0
498 Berry Street Victoria Richmond 0 0 0 0
499 Cann River P-12 College Cann River 7 0 0 0
500 Cathedral College Wangaratta 44 0 0 0
501 Chaffey Secondary College Mildura 0 0 0 0
502 Charles La Trobe P-12 College The Pavilion Preston 20 0 0 0
503 Chisholm Institute of TAFE Frankston Frankston 106 0 0 0
504 Colac Secondary College Colac 91 0 0 0
505 Croydon Community School Croydon 7 0 0 0
506 Derrinallum P-12 College Derrinallum 11 0 0 0
507 Diamond Valley Learning Centre Greensborough 4 0 0 0
508 Diversitat Norlane 0 0 0 0
509 Djerriwarrh Community and Education Service Melton 0 0 0 0
510 East Loddon P-12 College Dingee 18 0 0 0
511 East Preston Islamic College Preston East 26 0 0 0
512 Edenhope College Edenhope 26 0 0 0
513 Education Centre Gippsland Warragul 15 0 0 0
514 Federation University Australia SMB Campus Ballarat 11 0 0 0
515 Geelong Baptist College Lovely Banks 36 0 0 0
516 Gilmore College for Girls Footscray 53 0 0 0
517 Glenroy Neighbourhood Centre Glenroy 0 0 0 0
518 Goldfields Employment and Learning Centre Maryborough 0 0 0 0
519 Good News Lutheran College Tarneit 19 0 0 0
520 Goroke P-12 College Goroke 9 0 0 0
521 Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE Shepparton 48 0 0 0
522 Hallam Secondary College Hallam 366 0 0 0
523 Healesville High School Healesville 83 0 0 0
524 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE Holmesglen Chadstone 0 0 0 0
525 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE Moorabbin Moorabbin 49 0 0 0
526 Kangan Institute of TAFE Broadmeadows 145 0 0 0
527 Karingal Geelong 0 0 0 0
528 Kensington Community High School Kensington 34 0 0 0
529 Lake Bolac College Lake Bolac 4 0 0 0
530 Lavers Hill K-12 College Lavers Hill 17 0 0 0
531 Laverton P-12 College Laverton 56 0 0 0
532 Lynall Hall Community School Richmond 42 0 0 0
533 Mallacoota P-12 College Mallacoota 23 0 0 0
534 McGuire College Shepparton 68 0 0 0
535 Melbourne City Mission South Melbourne 0 0 0 0
536 Melbourne Polytechnic Preston 95 0 0 0
537 Merinda Park Learning Centre Cranbourne North 0 0 0 0
538 Monterey Secondary College Frankston North 80 0 0 0
539 Mountain District Learning Centre Ferntree Gully 25 0 0 0
540 Narre Community Learning Centre Narre Warren 23 0 0 0
541 Nathalia Secondary College Nathalia 24 0 0 0
542 Neerim District Secondary College Neerim South 32 0 0 0
543 Oakwood School Caulfield North 24 0 0 0
544 Peninsula Training and Employment Rosebud 5 0 0 0
545 Peter Lalor Secondary College Lalor 121 0 0 0
546 Pines Learning Doncaster East 5 0 0 0
547 Prahran Community Learning Centre Prahran 24 0 0 0
548 Preston Reservoir Adult Community Education Reservoir 31 0 0 0
549 Rainbow P-12 College Rainbow 12 0 0 0
550 Robinvale College Robinvale 26 0 0 0
551 Rushworth P-12 College Rushworth 21 0 0 0
552 Scoresby Secondary College Scoresby 105 0 0 0
553 Shepparton Adult and Community Education Shepparton 8 0 0 0
554 Sherbrooke Community School Sassafras 19 0 0 0
555 Skillsplus Frankston 0 0 0 0
556 South West Institute of TAFE Warrnambool 34 0 0 0
557 Southern Grampians Adult Education Hamilton 0 0 0 0
558 Stotts Colleges Melbourne Melbourne 33 0 0 0
559 Sunraysia Institute of TAFE Mildura 7 0 0 0
560 Swifts Creek P-12 School Swifts Creek 12 0 0 0
561 Swinburne University of Technology TAFE Croydon Croydon 22 0 0 0
562 Sydney Road Community School Brunswick 8 0 0 0
563 The Centre Wangaratta 0 0 0 0
564 Timboon P-12 School Timboon 46 0 0 0
565 Training and Education Programs Australia Hawthorn East 523 0 0 0
566 Wedderburn College Wedderburn 29 0 0 0
567 Werrimull P-12 School Werrimull 4 0 0 0
568 Western Senior Secondary College West Melbourne 34 0 0 0
569 William Angliss Institute of TAFE Melbourne 13 0 0 0
570 Wodonga Institute of TAFE West Wodonga 22 0 0 0
571 Wyndham Community and Education Centre Werribee 24 0 0 0
572 Yarra Valley Community School Yarra Junction 10 0 0 0
573 Victorian School of Languages Thornbury     144 144
574 Peninsula Grammar Nanjing Foreign Language School Nanjing, China     59 49
575 Firbank Grammar School Jiangyan No 2 High School Taizhou, China     48 24
576 Haileybury Ningbo Li Hui Li High School Ningbo, China     42 22
577 Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Mount Waverley     39 39
578 Haileybury Chengdu Shude High School Chengdu, China     31 15
579 Chinese Culture School Mont Albert     17 17
580 Peninsula Grammar Zhengzhou Foreign Language School Zhengzhou, China     16 10
581 Haileybury Qingdao No 19 High School Qingdao, China     15 6
582 Haileybury Wuhan Foreign Language School Wuhan, China     15 7
583 Chinese Culture School Melbourne High Campus South Yarra     11 11
584 New Chinese Language and Culture School Box Hill Box Hill     11 11
585 Cheryl Kaloger Brown School of Dance Hawthorn East     9 9
586 Kurnai College University Campus Churchill     9 5
587 Peninsula Grammar Pudong Foreign Language School Shanghai, China     9 5
588 Thomas Carr College Lianyungang Foreign Language School Lianyungang, China     8 7
589 Melbourne International School of Japanese Oakleigh South     7 7
590 Korean Language School of Melbourne Prahran     4 4
591 Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne and Victoria Melbourne     3 3
592 Melbourne Swedish Community School Toorak     3 3
593 New Century Chinese Language School Burwood East     3 3
594 Omiros College Oakleigh South Oakleigh South     3 3
595 Stonnington School of Dance Murrumbeena     3 3
596 Victorian Virtual Learning Network Bendigo     3 3
597 Austurk Saturday Turkish School Gladstone Park     2 2
598 Cly Chinese School Northcote     2 2
599 Haileybury Luoyang No 1 High School Luoyang, China     2 2
600 Lac Hong Vietnamese School St Albans     2 2
Last Updated: 7 Feb 2021
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