VCE H.A. Counts per School and Subject, Victoria, 2024

This report shows the total number of VCE High Achiever awards won by students in each subject at each school in 2024.

200 of 5228 entries are shown.
446 - 645
Jump to row:
Rows per page:
446 Mazenod College Mulgrave General Mathematics 9
447 Melbourne Girls College Richmond Biology 9
448 Melbourne Girls College Richmond Literature 9
449 Melbourne Girls College Richmond Sociology 9
450 Melbourne Girls Grammar South Yarra Chemistry 9
451 Melbourne Girls Grammar South Yarra General Mathematics 9
452 Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Economics 9
453 Melbourne High School South Yarra Software Development 9
454 Mentone Girls Secondary College Mentone Psychology 9
455 Methodist Ladies College Kew Global Politics 9
456 Mildura Senior College Mildura English 9
457 Mordialloc College Mordialloc English 9
458 Mount Scopus Memorial College Burwood General Mathematics 9
459 Nossal High School Berwick Physics 9
460 Our Lady of Sion College Box Hill Health and Human Development 9
461 Padua College Mornington Outdoor and Environmental Studies 9
462 Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School Keilor East Economics 9
463 Sacre Coeur Glen Iris Biology 9
464 Sacred Heart Girls College Hughesdale General Mathematics 9
465 Saint Ignatius College Drysdale Food Studies 9
466 Scotch College Hawthorn Economics 9
467 St Albans Secondary College St Albans Mathematical Methods 9
468 St Kevins College Toorak Accounting 9
469 St Leonards College Brighton East Health and Human Development 9
470 St Leonards College Brighton East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 9
471 St Leonards College Brighton East Visual Communication Design 9
472 Star of the Sea College Brighton Food Studies 9
473 Strathcona Girls Grammar School Canterbury Legal Studies 9
474 The Geelong College Newtown Biology 9
475 Tintern Grammar Ringwood East English 9
476 Tintern Grammar Ringwood East General Mathematics 9
477 Trinity Grammar School Kew Economics 9
478 Vermont Secondary College Vermont General Mathematics 9
479 Vermont Secondary College Vermont Mathematical Methods 9
480 Victorian School of Languages Thornbury Languages: Indonesian Second Language 9
481 Waverley Christian College Wantirna South Wantirna South Business Management 9
482 Waverley Christian College Wantirna South Wantirna South Mathematical Methods 9
483 Wesley College St Kilda Rd Melbourne English 9
484 Westbourne Grammar School Truganina Business Management 9
485 Westbourne Grammar School Truganina Physical Education 9
486 Academy of Mary Immaculate Fitzroy General Mathematics 8
487 Aquinas College Ringwood Psychology 8
488 Ave Maria College Aberfeldie Business Management 8
489 Avila College Mount Waverley Legal Studies 8
490 Ballarat Clarendon College Ballarat Business Management 8
491 Ballarat Clarendon College Ballarat Legal Studies 8
492 Balwyn High School Balwyn North Psychology 8
493 Bass Coast College Wonthaggi Outdoor and Environmental Studies 8
494 Bendigo Senior Secondary College Bendigo Health (VCE VET) 8
495 Braybrook College Braybrook Community Services (VCE VET) 8
496 Braybrook College Braybrook General Mathematics 8
497 Brighton Grammar School Brighton Accounting 8
498 Brighton Grammar School Brighton Health and Human Development 8
499 Brighton Grammar School Brighton Legal Studies 8
500 Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods 8
501 Catherine McAuley College Bendigo Biology 8
502 Catholic College Sale Sale Psychology 8
503 Catholic Ladies College Eltham Psychology 8
504 Clonard College Herne Hill General Mathematics 8
505 Coburg Senior High School Coburg English 8
506 Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster Psychology 8
507 Dromana Secondary College Dromana General Mathematics 8
508 East Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster East Biology 8
509 Elisabeth Murdoch College Langwarrin Health and Human Development 8
510 Eltham College of Education Research Sport and Recreation (VCE VET) 8
511 Frankston High School Frankston Visual Communication Design 8
512 Gippsland Grammar Sale English 8
513 Girton Grammar School Bendigo English 8
514 Haileybury College Keysborough Legal Studies 8
515 Haileybury College Keysborough Systems Engineering 8
516 Haileybury Pangea Campus Keysborough English 8
517 Hume Anglican Grammar Mickleham Health and Human Development 8
518 Huntingtower School Mount Waverley Chemistry 8
519 Ilim College of Australia Broadmeadows English 8
520 Ivanhoe Grammar School Plenty Doreen Psychology 8
521 John Monash Science School Clayton Specialist Mathematics 8
522 Keilor Downs College Keilor Downs Health and Human Development 8
523 Kolbe Catholic College Greenvale Lakes Foundation Mathematics 8
524 Lowther Hall Anglican Grammar School Essendon General Mathematics 8
525 MacKillop Catholic Regional College Werribee General Mathematics 8
526 Mazenod College Mulgrave Business Management 8
527 Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Specialist Mathematics 8
528 Melbourne High School South Yarra Business Management 8
529 Melbourne High School South Yarra Legal Studies 8
530 Mentone Girls Secondary College Mentone Sociology 8
531 Mentone Grammar School Mentone English Language 8
532 Methodist Ladies College Kew Geography 8
533 Mildura Senior College Mildura General Mathematics 8
534 Northcote High School Northcote Mathematical Methods 8
535 Northcote High School Northcote Psychology 8
536 Padua College Mornington Health and Human Development 8
537 Parkdale Secondary College Mordialloc English 8
538 Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English as an Additional Language 8
539 Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Psychology 8
540 Princes Hill Secondary College Princes Hill Literature 8
541 Sacre Coeur Glen Iris Psychology 8
542 Sacred Heart Girls College Hughesdale English 8
543 Saint Ignatius College Drysdale General Mathematics 8
544 Salesian College Chadstone Chadstone Physics 8
545 Scotch College Hawthorn Languages: Latin 8
546 Siena College Camberwell General Mathematics 8
547 Siena College Camberwell Legal Studies 8
548 St Andrews Christian College Wantirna South English 8
549 St Bedes College Mentone English 8
550 St Francis Xavier College Beaconsfield Business Management 8
551 St Josephs College Geelong Newtown English 8
552 St Josephs College Geelong Newtown General Mathematics 8
553 St Kevins College Toorak Ancient History 8
554 St Kevins College Toorak Physics 8
555 St Michaels Grammar School St Kilda Psychology 8
556 Star of the Sea College Brighton Geography 8
557 Strathcona Girls Grammar School Canterbury Chemistry 8
558 Strathcona Girls Grammar School Canterbury General Mathematics 8
559 Strathcona Girls Grammar School Canterbury Psychology 8
560 Suzanne Cory High School Werribee Health and Human Development 8
561 Trinity Grammar School Kew Chemistry 8
562 Trinity Grammar School Kew Product Design and Technologies 8
563 University High School Parkville English Language 8
564 Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank Art Making and Exhibiting 8
565 Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank English 8
566 Victorian School of Languages Thornbury Languages: Italian 8
567 Viewbank College Viewbank Psychology 8
568 Wellington Secondary College Mulgrave Chemistry 8
569 Xavier College Kew Chemistry 8
570 Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Mount Waverley Languages: Chinese Second Language 8
571 Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood Biology 8
572 Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood Chemistry 8
573 Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood Literature 8
574 Al-Taqwa College Islamic Schools of Vic Truganina General Mathematics 7
575 Bacchus Marsh Grammar Bacchus Marsh Biology 7
576 Bacchus Marsh Grammar Bacchus Marsh Outdoor and Environmental Studies 7
577 Ballarat Clarendon College Ballarat Art Making and Exhibiting 7
578 Ballarat Clarendon College Ballarat History: Revolutions 7
579 Bendigo Senior Secondary College Bendigo English 7
580 Bendigo Senior Secondary College Bendigo Health and Human Development 7
581 Box Hill High School Box Hill Psychology 7
582 Braybrook College Braybrook Biology 7
583 Brunswick Secondary College Brunswick Art Making and Exhibiting 7
584 Camberwell Girls Grammar School Canterbury Mathematical Methods 7
585 Camberwell High School Canterbury Health and Human Development 7
586 Camberwell High School Canterbury Psychology 7
587 Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Physics 7
588 Casey Grammar School Cranbourne East English 7
589 Casey Grammar School Cranbourne East General Mathematics 7
590 Catholic Ladies College Eltham Health and Human Development 7
591 Catholic Regional College Sydenham Sydenham General Mathematics 7
592 Caulfield Grammar School Caulfield St Kilda East Art Creative Practice 7
593 Caulfield Grammar School Caulfield St Kilda East Chemistry 7
594 Donvale Christian College Donvale Psychology 7
595 East Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster East Chemistry 7
596 East Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster East Psychology 7
597 Elwood College Elwood Sociology 7
598 Emmaus College Vermont South Business Management 7
599 Epping Secondary College Epping Health and Human Development 7
600 Firbank Grammar School Brighton Psychology 7
601 Firbank Grammar School Brighton Visual Communication Design 7
602 Frankston High School Frankston Philosophy 7
603 Geelong Grammar School Corio Product Design and Technologies 7
604 Genazzano F.C.J. College Kew Business Management 7
605 Genazzano F.C.J. College Kew Legal Studies 7
606 Girton Grammar School Bendigo General Mathematics 7
607 Glen Waverley Secondary College Glen Waverley Economics 7
608 Haileybury College Keysborough Geography 7
609 Haileybury Girls College Keysborough Health and Human Development 7
610 Huntingtower School Mount Waverley Sport and Recreation (VCE VET) 7
611 Ivanhoe Girls Grammar School Ivanhoe General Mathematics 7
612 Ivanhoe Girls Grammar School Ivanhoe Health and Human Development 7
613 Ivanhoe Girls Grammar School Ivanhoe History: Revolutions 7
614 John Monash Science School Clayton English as an Additional Language 7
615 Kardinia International College Bell Post Hill Biology 7
616 Keilor Downs College Keilor Downs Psychology 7
617 Killester College Springvale English 7
618 Korowa Anglican Girls School Glen Iris Health and Human Development 7
619 Lalor Secondary College Lalor Psychology 7
620 Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak Biology 7
621 Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak Geography 7
622 Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak Visual Communication Design 7
623 Lowther Hall Anglican Grammar School Essendon Health and Human Development 7
624 Luther College Croydon Hills Mathematical Methods 7
625 MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Health and Human Development 7
626 Maribyrnong College Maribyrnong English 7
627 McKinnon Secondary College McKinnon Accounting 7
628 McKinnon Secondary College McKinnon Specialist Mathematics 7
629 Melbourne Girls Grammar South Yarra English Language 7
630 Melbourne Girls Grammar South Yarra History: Revolutions 7
631 Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne History: Revolutions 7
632 Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Physics 7
633 Mentone Girls Grammar School Mentone Chemistry 7
634 Mentone Girls Secondary College Mentone Legal Studies 7
635 Mentone Grammar School Mentone Biology 7
636 Mentone Grammar School Mentone Physics 7
637 Methodist Ladies College Kew Food Studies 7
638 Methodist Ladies College Kew History: Revolutions 7
639 Mount St Joseph Girls College Altona Business Management 7
640 Our Lady of Mercy College Heidelberg Sport and Recreation (VCE VET) 7
641 Our Lady of Sion College Box Hill General Mathematics 7
642 Oxley Christian College Chirnside Park Psychology 7
643 Peninsula Grammar Mount Eliza Business Management 7
644 Peninsula Grammar Mount Eliza Chemistry 7
645 Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School Keilor East Physical Education 7
Last Updated: 14 Dec 2024
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