VCE H.A. Counts per School and Subject, Victoria, 2010

This report shows the total number of VCE High Achiever awards won by students in each subject at each school in 2010.

25 of 5768 entries are shown.
1186 - 1210
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Rows per page:
1186 St Josephs College Echuca Echuca English 5
1187 St Josephs College Geelong Newtown Design and Technology 5
1188 St Josephs College Geelong Newtown Psychology 5
1189 St Kevins College Toorak Design and Technology 5
1190 St Kevins College Toorak Literature 5
1191 St Kevins College Toorak Specialist Mathematics 5
1192 St Kevins College Toorak Studio Arts 5
1193 St Leonards College Brighton East Economics 5
1194 St Leonards College Brighton East Media 5
1195 St Leonards College Brighton East Visual Communication Design 5
1196 St Michaels Grammar School St Kilda Business Management 5
1197 St Michaels Grammar School St Kilda Design and Technology 5
1198 St Michaels Grammar School St Kilda Food and Technology 5
1199 St Michaels Grammar School St Kilda Health and Human Development 5
1200 St Patricks College Ballarat Biology 5
1201 St Patricks College Ballarat Health and Human Development 5
1202 St Pauls Anglican Grammar School Warragul Literature 5
1203 St Pauls Anglican Grammar School Warragul Psychology 5
1204 Stawell Secondary College Stawell Health and Human Development 5
1205 Strathcona Girls Grammar School Canterbury Biology 5
1206 Strathcona Girls Grammar School Canterbury Chemistry 5
1207 Strathcona Girls Grammar School Canterbury Health and Human Development 5
1208 Strathcona Girls Grammar School Canterbury Literature 5
1209 Strathcona Girls Grammar School Canterbury Mathematical Methods (CAS) 5
1210 Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore Art 5
Last Updated: 9 Sep 2023
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