Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Scores, Victoria, 2024

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2024 ranked in order of their High Achiever study score values.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's number of subjects awarded (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of their study scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal sets of study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that because this report excludes all study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

41 of 141 entries are shown.
101 - 141
Jump to row:
Rows per page:
101 Bucci, Charli Mentone Grammar School Mentone 2
102 Kurta, Thomas Mentone Grammar School Mentone 2
103 Mcdonald, Eva Grace Mentone Grammar School Mentone 2
104 Van Rooyen, Jesse Sebastian Mentone Grammar School Mentone 2
105 Weldin, Archie Mentone Grammar School Mentone 2
106 Wloszczak, Lucy Olivia Mentone Grammar School Mentone 2
107 Bodnar, Vaughn Alek Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
108 Brigo, Nicholas Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
109 Clayton, William James Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
110 Cowan, Charlotte Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
111 Daniell, Sarah Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
112 Fedotova, Lina Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
113 Hoyles, Thomas Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
114 Hunt, Ethan Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
115 Iatropoulos, Alexander Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
116 Long, Jessica Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
117 Parsons, Lily Kathleen Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
118 Philp, Riley Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
119 Scott, Helena Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
120 Swindells, Alexander Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
121 Walker, Amelia Jane Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
122 Wall, Madison Victoria-Louise Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
123 Welsh, Liam Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
124 Hennessy, Leo Mentone Grammar School Mentone 2
125 Toby, John Mentone Grammar School Mentone 2
126 Bleakley, John Robert Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
127 Burton, Thomas Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
128 Caldwell, Lachlan Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
129 Clark, Reilly Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
130 Doyle, Max James Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
131 Gomez, Amelia Rochelle Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
132 Gourgoutas, Christian Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
133 Haagen, Jareth Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
134 Jeoffreys, Ryan Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
135 Larkin, Makayla Chloe Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
136 Ruberu, Joel Alexander Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
137 Smith, Jessica Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
138 Utber, Tilda Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
139 Wilcock, Cooper Len Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
140 Wilson, Alexander Coker Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
141 Zhou, Zijing Mentone Grammar School Mentone 1
Last Updated: 14 Dec 2024
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