Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Scores, Victoria, 2024

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2024 ranked in order of their High Achiever study score values.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's number of subjects awarded (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of their study scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal sets of study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that because this report excludes all study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

50 of 195 entries are shown.
1 - 50
Jump to row:
Rows per page:
1 Kartel, Alexander Darius Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 4
2 Chang, Weizheng Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 3
3 D'Andrea, Arno Miguel Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 5
4 Chen, Yen-Chun Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 4
5 Stratmann, James Wilbur Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 4
6 Mooney, Ryan James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 3
7 Kuruwita, Ranuga Thathsara Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 2
8 Walters, Henry Thorvald Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 2
9 Chang, Hugo Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 2
10 Cooper, Edward James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1
11 Gao, Daniel Danning Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1
12 Kumar, Tahj Samuel Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1
13 Kuroda, Alexander Kota Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1
14 Pirpiris, Georgios Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1
15 Sanjana, Ashwyn Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1
16 Wang, Nicholas Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1
17 Houniet, Lachlan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 4
18 Morgan, Peter Douglas Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 3
19 Chen, Albert Zhong Xin Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 4
20 Wetenhall, Charles Henry James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 4
21 Zhang, Andison Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1
22 Sampath, Sanjeet Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 5
23 Mehr, Miles Benjamin Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 4
24 Gasis, Dimitri Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 3
25 Chuah, Aaron Chengchen Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 2
26 Hirth, Kyle Mason Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 2
27 Limberis, Theodore Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1
28 Xu, Da Yu Richard Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1
29 Liu, Junnian Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 3
30 Gartland, Thomas Campbell Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 2
31 Craig, Liam James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1
32 Du, Edward Zhuoyin Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1
33 Masum, Ruwayfi Mohammad Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1
34 Mcdonough, William James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1
35 Wang, Alfred Hui Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1
36 Ekanayake, Hirunaka Ranvidu Bandara Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 4
37 Kellis, Jonathan Alexander Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 3
38 Campion, Finn Alden Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 3
39 Xu, Zirui Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 5
40 Wake, Charles Michael Edward Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 2
41 Zhong, Zhengjie Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 4
42 Sitch, Anderson James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 4
43 Brown, Nicholas Walker Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 2
44 Donnelly, Pierre-Eloi Seoirse Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 2
45 Allegos, Aden Kai Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1
46 Bogdan, Nicholas Axel Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1
47 Chheda, Dhruv Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1
48 Dobrotwir, Hugo Paul Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1
49 Hooper, Jack William Garnet Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1
50 Larke, Archer Thomas Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne 1
Last Updated: 14 Dec 2024
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