Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Scores, Victoria, 2021

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2021 ranked in order of their High Achiever study score values.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's total number of awards (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of the study scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that because this report excludes all student study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

60 of 60 entries are shown.
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Rows per page:
1 Allison, Lawrence Jack Vermont Secondary College Vermont 4 50,48,45,42
2 Foh, Juen Hao Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 50
3 Wu, Kingston Vermont Secondary College Vermont 2 49,49
4 Cann, Mitchell Ryan Vermont Secondary College Vermont 5 49,46,46,45,44
5 Varahrami, Atriya Vermont Secondary College Vermont 3 49,42,40
6 Abraham, Christo Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 49
7 Edwards, Sasha Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 48
8 Ryan, Ellen Grace Vermont Secondary College Vermont 4 47,45,44,42
9 Duncan, Emme Rene Vermont Secondary College Vermont 2 47,45
10 Moore, Amelia Charlotte Vermont Secondary College Vermont 2 47,41
11 Hubber, Ashleigh Jade Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 47
12 Dawson, Alannah Caitlin Vermont Secondary College Vermont 3 46,46,40
13 Ho, Kayla Phuong Thanh Vermont Secondary College Vermont 3 46,43,42
14 Lawton, Sophie Therese Vermont Secondary College Vermont 4 46,43,41,40
15 You, Liuyang Vermont Secondary College Vermont 3 46,43,41
16 Casey, Lachlan Henning Kildahl Vermont Secondary College Vermont 3 46,41,40
17 Yong, Jin Liang Vermont Secondary College Vermont 2 46,41
18 Punithan, Caitlin Swedha Vermont Secondary College Vermont 2 46,40
19 Johnston, Bianca Isabelle Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 46
20 Louras, Steven Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 46
21 Batties, Joshua Vermont Secondary College Vermont 3 45,43,41
22 Liu, Ezra Xin Hua Vermont Secondary College Vermont 3 44,40,40
23 Jones, Alex Geoffrey Vermont Secondary College Vermont 2 44,40
24 Lam, Nicole Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 44
25 Vourgoutzis, Christian Anthony Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 44
26 Zappia, Keeley Jewel Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 44
27 Dammers, Ben Vermont Secondary College Vermont 2 43,42
28 Smith, Karina Dominique Vermont Secondary College Vermont 2 43,41
29 Choong, Ryan Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 43
30 Kelly, Benjamin Luke Vermont Secondary College Vermont 3 42,40,40
31 Hill, Jessica Rose Vermont Secondary College Vermont 2 42,40
32 O'Dell, Bronte Shea Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 42
33 Port, Zachary Alexander Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 42
34 Ramirez, Sean Eugene Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 42
35 Siegenthaler, Felicity Charmaine Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 42
36 Smith, Kayleigh Anais Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 42
37 Weller, Maddison Paige Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 42
38 Polydoulis, George Vermont Secondary College Vermont 2 41,41
39 Farrell, Christopher Vermont Secondary College Vermont 3 41,40,40
40 Frostick, Ruby Rose Vermont Secondary College Vermont 2 41,40
41 Richardson, Kate Lola Vermont Secondary College Vermont 2 41,40
42 Champion, Caitlin Nicole Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 41
43 Chu, Lap Yan Esther Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 41
44 Kanduri, Nikith Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 41
45 Khor, Alanah Grace Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 41
46 Mukhopadhyay, Tara Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 41
47 Seedy, Madison Louisa Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 41
48 Van Zuylen, Ethan Jacob Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 41
49 Ferris, Hailey Eva Vermont Secondary College Vermont 2 40,40
50 Campbell, Ryan Jay Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 40
51 Greenway, Holli Jade Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 40
52 Jose, Mark Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 40
53 Lim, Timothy Yangyi Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 40
54 Liu, Fiona Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 40
55 Nancarrow, Connor Stephen Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 40
56 Nguyen, Troy Tuan Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 40
57 Rushton, Harry Angus Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 40
58 Scully, Margarita Tamara Lee Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 40
59 Stefanac, Joshua Sven Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 40
60 Volk, Mitchell Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1 40
Last Updated: 26 Feb 2022
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