Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Scores, Victoria, 2020

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2020 ranked in order of their High Achiever study score values.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's total number of awards (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of the study scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that because this report excludes all student study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

68 of 68 entries are shown.
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Rows per page:
1 Heng, Shannon Juin Ning Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 5 50,49,47,46,42
2 Jiang, Hao Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 50
3 Nheu, Thomas Wesley Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 49,46,42
4 Puri, Aryan Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 49,40
5 Collins, Madeleine Elizabeth Jean Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 4 48,47,47,41
6 He, Ningtao Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 48,42
7 Ogden, Andrew James Donald Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 48
8 Tregear, Tess Annabel Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 48
9 Zhou, Yulan Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 47,41
10 Jenkins, Isabelle Rachel Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 47
11 Wong, Zachary Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 46,42
12 Saunders, Margaret Catherine Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 5 45,45,44,43,43
13 Mccabe, Cleo Connelly Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 45,43
14 Rimmington-Hall, Alex Kate Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 45
15 Sdralis, Luke Theodore Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 45
16 Tetaz, Elizabeth Margaret Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 45
17 Turner, Max William Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 45
18 Eskitzis, Angela Williamson Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 4 44,43,42,41
19 Da Fonseca, Gabriella Rose Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 44,43,40
20 Yao, Yu-Chen Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 44,40
21 Barclay, Lachlan Andrew Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 44
22 Cavanagh, Kalisha Courage Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 44
23 Hoey, Jackson James Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 44
24 Smallacombe, Ella Sue Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 44
25 Wise, Emerson Cassius Ray Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 44
26 Harvey, Isabella Rose Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 43,42,41
27 Whitford, Olivia Grace Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 43,42,41
28 Raines, Isabelle Hannah Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 43,42
29 Kourambas, Lucy Grace Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 43,40
30 Mcwilliams, Philippa Mary Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 43,40
31 Mezzetti, Otto Gullan Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 43
32 Ou, Xuan Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 43
33 Politis, Timothy Luke Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 43
34 Shi, Zekai Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 43
35 Taylor, William Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 43
36 Whyte, Talia Mary Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 43
37 Seamer, Ethan Bryce Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 42,42,42
38 Haslock, Kate Alexandra Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 42,42,41
39 Giannakopoulos, Anne-Marie Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 42,40
40 Da Fonseca, Georgia Maria Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 42
41 Elliott, Abby Louise Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 42
42 Evans, Katherine Grace Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 42
43 Goss, Jessica Mary Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 42
44 Patel, Edward Rodney Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 42
45 Poon, Yu Fong Ethan Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 42
46 Simpson, Charlie Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 42
47 Yu, Gloria Shuting Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 42
48 Kierce, Jonathan Brian Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 41,41
49 Bouw, Willem Wouter Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 41,40,40
50 Boddington, Daniel John Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 41
51 Borroni, Max Alain Giulio Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 41
52 D'Cruz, Shan Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 41
53 Johnston, Harrison Edward Merrick Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 41
54 Jones, Emma Kate Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 41
55 Klein, Eloise Margaret Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 41
56 Loucas, Carl James Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 41
57 Pace, Angus Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 41
58 Wilson, Charlotte Jade Rose Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 41
59 Clarnette, Bryony Elizabeth Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 40
60 Holmes, Chelsea Jade Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 40
61 Hung, Shing Him Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 40
62 Jamieson, Anika Jade Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 40
63 Mcmaster, Ruby Paige Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 40
64 Muldeary, Lia Josephine Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 40
65 Richards, Samuel James Mcadam Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 40
66 Stewart, Jessie Alice Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 40
67 Trudgeon, Joel Rex Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 40
68 Zhu, Meijing Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 40
Last Updated: 4 Dec 2023
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