Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Scores, Victoria, 2019

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2019 ranked in order of their High Achiever study score values.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's number of subjects awarded (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of their study scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal sets of study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that because this report excludes all study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

50 of 163 entries are shown.
1 - 50
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Rows per page:
1 BAI, Xiurui Nossal High School Berwick 4
2 HUYNH, Thu Anh Ngoc An Nossal High School Berwick 3
3 HUANG, Jianhao Jason Nossal High School Berwick 2
4 WIJAYAWANSHA, Dinuri Diyana Nossal High School Berwick 2
5 PATIL, Anikait Anilkum Nossal High School Berwick 2
6 SU, Ho Ying Angela Nossal High School Berwick 2
7 BRAHMAVAR, Shalaaka Nossal High School Berwick 1
8 INNS, Maximilian John Nossal High School Berwick 1
9 SCHULZ, Lena Nossal High School Berwick 4
10 REJI THOMAS, Joann Nossal High School Berwick 4
11 PINTO, Elita Nossal High School Berwick 4
12 THOMAS, Elizabeth Nossal High School Berwick 2
13 CHENG, Stephanie Xin H Nossal High School Berwick 2
14 GARG, Mridul Nossal High School Berwick 1
15 KOUJALGI, Mihir Kumar Nossal High School Berwick 1
16 KAZI, Hasna Nossal High School Berwick 2
17 RINGE, Nihar Nossal High School Berwick 3
18 LE, Jeremy Nossal High School Berwick 1
19 NGO, Han To Nossal High School Berwick 1
20 PARASURAMAN, Adhav Nossal High School Berwick 3
21 MALAWARAARACHCHI, Oneli Hasara Nossal High School Berwick 2
22 DINH, Nathan Kien Nossal High School Berwick 1
23 HE, Tianchi Nossal High School Berwick 1
24 MATHEW, Sam Nossal High School Berwick 1
25 SINGH, Gurkirt Nossal High School Berwick 1
26 LEWIS, Aaron Anish Nossal High School Berwick 2
27 SETHI, Hiral Nossal High School Berwick 2
28 SINGHAL, Subhashini Nossal High School Berwick 3
29 KEECHA-MILSOM, Annabel Kate Nossal High School Berwick 2
30 WAJNTRAUB, Chaya Rose Nossal High School Berwick 3
31 DE SILVA, Kaveesha Ruwanpura Nossal High School Berwick 2
32 BINO, Aleena Nossal High School Berwick 1
33 RAJESH, Riya Nossal High School Berwick 1
34 SHAH, Jahanvi Umang Nossal High School Berwick 1
35 SURAWEERA, Chamath Don Nossal High School Berwick 4
36 RAO, Sankalpa Nossal High School Berwick 2
37 TANG, Karen Nossal High School Berwick 2
38 HAREESH, Nanditha Nossal High School Berwick 3
39 PARISE, Sainithya Nossal High School Berwick 3
40 SIVARAJ, Shivaani Nossal High School Berwick 2
41 MANIVANNAN, Akshayan Nossal High School Berwick 2
42 PATHMASIRI, Kaaviyansiri Nossal High School Berwick 2
43 AVILA, John Lawrence Nossal High School Berwick 1
44 BHONDI, Rahul Nossal High School Berwick 1
45 BIJU, Ashwin Nossal High School Berwick 1
46 BUNGIRIYA, Isura Umayanga Nossal High School Berwick 1
47 HASAN, Tahmeed Sahaf Nossal High School Berwick 1
48 KARUNARATNE, Savindu Senadhi Nossal High School Berwick 1
49 KATHURIA, Aryaman Nossal High School Berwick 1
50 LIM, Anika Nossal High School Berwick 1
Last Updated: 18 Dec 2019
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