Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Scores, Victoria, 2019

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2019 ranked in order of their High Achiever study score values.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's number of subjects awarded (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of their study scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal sets of study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that these rankings are calculated using only the published results for 2019. A student's High Achiever scores from any earlier years, if any, are not not included here.

Note also that because this report excludes all study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

70 of 70 entries are shown.
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1 VU, Binh Duc Northcote High School Northcote 2
2 CLEMENTS, Ruby Grace Northcote High School Northcote 2
3 MCCABE, Leah Northcote High School Northcote 2
4 O'HANLON, Clare Leonie Northcote High School Northcote 2
5 ROBINSON-DANCKERT, Nadine Margaret Northcote High School Northcote 2
6 HUGHES, Cora Elisabeth Northcote High School Northcote 1
7 GUNNING, Catherine Anna Northcote High School Northcote 1
8 TRAN, Duc Manh Northcote High School Northcote 4
9 FORD, Isabella Grace Northcote High School Northcote 2
10 MUNRO, Ethan Benjamin Northcote High School Northcote 1
11 BAXTER, Ella Jean Northcote High School Northcote 1
12 BROWN, Alice Northcote High School Northcote 1
13 MC DONAGH, Erin Davis Northcote High School Northcote 1
14 HORLER SKIOTIS, Leeawuleena Northcote High School Northcote 1
15 THAI, Andrew Northcote High School Northcote 1
16 LAWLOR, Evie Camille Susana Northcote High School Northcote 3
17 HARRIS, Oliver Gabriel Walker Northcote High School Northcote 4
18 FATOUROS, Panagiotis Vasilios Northcote High School Northcote 2
19 BUSH, Edith Emma Jane Northcote High School Northcote 1
20 BUSH, Greta Ellen Northcote High School Northcote 1
21 SUTHERLAND, Noah Kearney Northcote High School Northcote 1
22 O'MEARA, Matthew Rigby Northcote High School Northcote 2
23 NIERE, Dominique Margaret Northcote High School Northcote 4
24 HUANG, Jun Ting Northcote High School Northcote 1
25 POLETTI, Tom Northcote High School Northcote 1
26 YOUNG, Lara Osiowy Northcote High School Northcote 3
27 KUY, Vandy Northcote High School Northcote 2
28 NGUYEN, Ngoc Diep Northcote High School Northcote 3
29 BAKER, Ella Northcote High School Northcote 1
30 BULLEN, Grace Marie Northcote High School Northcote 1
31 COSTA, Lucinda Margaret Northcote High School Northcote 1
32 RAPTIS, Theoni Northcote High School Northcote 1
33 THEKKEKARA VINOD, Thejas Northcote High School Northcote 1
34 WANG, Suzie Northcote High School Northcote 1
35 WHYTE, Amelia Bridgette Northcote High School Northcote 3
36 GREGORY, Daniel Martin Northcote High School Northcote 2
37 KERN, James Gilbert Northcote High School Northcote 2
38 WALSH, Georgia May Northcote High School Northcote 2
39 AKIKO, Jet Northcote High School Northcote 1
40 ANASTASIOU, Zoe Isabella Northcote High School Northcote 1
41 DEADY, Lily Alice Northcote High School Northcote 1
42 DO, Huong An Northcote High School Northcote 1
43 DULFER, Joshua Peter Northcote High School Northcote 1
44 GALATAS, Giulia Adriana Northcote High School Northcote 1
45 GE, Zhaoying Northcote High School Northcote 1
46 HUNT, Sarah Lyndsay Northcote High School Northcote 1
47 JOHNSTON, Alex Northcote High School Northcote 1
48 JORDAN, Mikka Northcote High School Northcote 1
49 LILFORD, Matilda Smith Northcote High School Northcote 1
50 LOCK, Siena Camille Northcote High School Northcote 1
51 BURRAGE, Helena Strachan Northcote High School Northcote 2
52 HU, Feng Northcote High School Northcote 2
53 NGUYEN, Quan Duy Northcote High School Northcote 2
54 BOZTAS, Peri Binnaz Northcote High School Northcote 1
55 CUTHBERTSON, Archie Northcote High School Northcote 1
56 DANIELS, Lewis Northcote High School Northcote 1
57 DEMPSEY-YOUNG, Ailish Rose Northcote High School Northcote 1
58 FOGGIATO, Leon Northcote High School Northcote 1
59 GRAGE-PERRY, Lucinda Morell Northcote High School Northcote 1
60 HEAL, Jasper Whakaaio James Northcote High School Northcote 1
61 HENDERSON, Eloise Northcote High School Northcote 1
62 KEEL, Laila Jean Northcote High School Northcote 1
63 MACDONALD, Clarence Ross Northcote High School Northcote 1
64 MILLA, Mariah Marjorie Northcote High School Northcote 1
65 RODRIGO, Lucy Northcote High School Northcote 1
66 SHELL, Frances May Northcote High School Northcote 1
67 SWIATKIWSKY, Daniel Andrew Northcote High School Northcote 1
68 TRAN, Mai Nhi Northcote High School Northcote 1
69 WANG, Yixuan Northcote High School Northcote 1
70 WILLIAMS, Chiara Northcote High School Northcote 1
Last Updated: 18 Dec 2019
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