Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Scores, Victoria, 2019

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2019 ranked in order of their High Achiever study score values.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's total number of awards (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of the study scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that because this report excludes all student study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

50 of 59 entries are shown.
1 - 50
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Rows per page:
1 PENG, Sammi Qianwen Luther College Croydon Hills 1 49
2 PHILIPSEN, Max Mckay Luther College Croydon Hills 1 49
3 SINN, Declan James Luther College Croydon Hills 1 49
4 HATFIELD, Joel Anthony Luther College Croydon Hills 1 48
5 HODGSON, Oscar James Luther College Croydon Hills 3 47,47,40
6 ROE, Benjamin James Luther College Croydon Hills 3 47,43,40
7 BIRD, Lauren Alicia Luther College Croydon Hills 2 47,41
8 URQUHART, Carly Lauren Luther College Croydon Hills 1 47
9 GERSH, Olivia Rose Luther College Croydon Hills 1 46
10 KANE, Marcus Ashleigh Luther College Croydon Hills 1 46
11 LINDEN-WHITE, Madeleine Rose Luther College Croydon Hills 1 46
12 WUNDERLE, Jade Luther College Croydon Hills 1 46
13 COX, Benjamin Cooper Tindley Luther College Croydon Hills 2 45,40
14 MANNION, Alexandra Lily Luther College Croydon Hills 2 44,43
15 BALL, Lachlan James Luther College Croydon Hills 3 44,41,40
16 ADAMS, Rowan Harris Luther College Croydon Hills 1 44
17 CLARKE, Elana Rose Luther College Croydon Hills 1 44
18 MITCHELL, Shawn Mallory Scott Luther College Croydon Hills 1 44
19 POWER, Jorja Rose Luther College Croydon Hills 1 44
20 SMITH, Harrison Joel Luther College Croydon Hills 2 43,43
21 WILSON, Emily Elizabeth Luther College Croydon Hills 2 43,41
22 EWART, Lauren Kate Luther College Croydon Hills 3 43,40,40
23 SIDWELL, Chloe Amelia Luther College Croydon Hills 3 43,40,40
24 COOK, Keziah Lily Luther College Croydon Hills 1 43
25 JACKSON, Liam Hugh Vallance Luther College Croydon Hills 1 43
26 LITTLE, Zoe Vienna Luther College Croydon Hills 1 43
27 PANZA, Alannah Grace Luther College Croydon Hills 1 43
28 BRIDGEMAN, William John Luther College Croydon Hills 2 42,42
29 BRADFORD, Natalie Jade Luther College Croydon Hills 2 42,40
30 EVANS, Claire Mikaela Luther College Croydon Hills 1 42
31 MORAN, Hayley Jane Luther College Croydon Hills 1 42
32 VOOGD, Benjamin Mark Luther College Croydon Hills 1 42
33 VOYER, Isabelle Jessie Luther College Croydon Hills 1 42
34 HUGHES, Stephanie Kate Luther College Croydon Hills 2 41,40
35 MAVES, Ethan Jacob Luther College Croydon Hills 2 41,40
36 COLLARD, Eliza Jane Luther College Croydon Hills 1 41
37 COPPIN, Juliette Grace Luther College Croydon Hills 1 41
38 HANNA, James Luther College Croydon Hills 1 41
39 HOULIHAN, Claire Louise Luther College Croydon Hills 1 41
40 IRVINE, Zoe Robyn Luther College Croydon Hills 1 41
41 ROLLO, Liam Jack Luther College Croydon Hills 1 41
42 SCHILLING, Koby James Luther College Croydon Hills 1 41
43 SWINCER, Tara Elizabeth Luther College Croydon Hills 1 41
44 YAMMOUNI, Jessie Tamina Luther College Croydon Hills 1 41
45 BUMPSTEAD, Amy Joan Luther College Croydon Hills 1 40
46 CARROLL, Mia Luther College Croydon Hills 1 40
47 GOUGH, Miles Alexander Luther College Croydon Hills 1 40
48 HALFORD, Stephanie Maree Luther College Croydon Hills 1 40
49 HARGRAVE, Joanna Nixon Luther College Croydon Hills 1 40
50 LANGEVELD, Tayla Louise Luther College Croydon Hills 1 40
Last Updated: 18 Dec 2019
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