Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Scores, Victoria, 2018

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2018 ranked in order of their High Achiever study score values.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's number of subjects awarded (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of their study scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal sets of study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that these rankings are calculated using only the published results for 2018. A student's High Achiever scores from any earlier years, if any, are not not included here.

Note also that because this report excludes all study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

50 of 172 entries are shown.
101 - 150
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Rows per page:
101 HUANG, Jianhao Jason Nossal High School Berwick 1
102 HUYNH, Olivia Nhu Nossal High School Berwick 1
103 KOSHY, Ronith Rajeev Nossal High School Berwick 1
104 MALAWARAARACHCHI, Oneli Hasara Nossal High School Berwick 1
105 MANIVANNAN, Akshayan Nossal High School Berwick 1
106 OR, Jeffrey Nossal High School Berwick 1
107 SCHULLER, Josiah Lucas Nossal High School Berwick 1
108 TANG, Lachlan Nossal High School Berwick 1
109 WAJNTRAUB, Chaya Rose Nossal High School Berwick 1
110 WICKRAMARATNE, Rakith Shanenke Nossal High School Berwick 1
111 PHILIP, Jeffrey Reji Nossal High School Berwick 3
112 HO, Hannah Ming Li Nossal High School Berwick 2
113 PERES, Melanie Rebecca Nossal High School Berwick 2
114 SOLODUNENKO, Sofiya Nossal High School Berwick 2
115 ABEYRATNA, Ruchira Lakshan Nossal High School Berwick 2
116 BULLEN, Amalie Jenna Nossal High School Berwick 2
117 JAYARATNE, Shaneshi Tharindi Nossal High School Berwick 2
118 JOE, Reeta Annet Nossal High School Berwick 2
119 MCLOUGHLIN, Caitilin Siobhan Nossal High School Berwick 2
120 PHOUTHASENH, Grace Nossal High School Berwick 2
121 WILLIAM, Precia Maureen Nossal High School Berwick 2
122 DIAS, Brent Nixon Nossal High School Berwick 1
123 GAMAGE, Vihanga Damien Nossal High School Berwick 1
124 HEDRIANA, Cassandra Joy Nossal High School Berwick 1
125 JARMAN, Clare Michelle Nossal High School Berwick 1
126 LI, Edwin Nossal High School Berwick 1
127 MANIVANNAN, Sankara Narayana Nossal High School Berwick 1
128 MAZUMDER, Adity Nossal High School Berwick 1
129 MODI, Bansari Hansalkumar Nossal High School Berwick 1
130 MOHANRAJU, Kishore Nossal High School Berwick 1
131 MUDUNKOTUWA, Chanith Nossal High School Berwick 1
132 PARASURAMAN, Adhav Nossal High School Berwick 1
133 PRABAKARAN, Nikethan Nossal High School Berwick 1
134 RA, Ohan Nossal High School Berwick 1
135 RAJESH, Riya Nossal High School Berwick 1
136 RAO, Sankalpa Nossal High School Berwick 1
137 SHEN, Lang Nossal High School Berwick 1
138 SHUKLA, Maya Nossal High School Berwick 1
139 SONG, Lina Nossal High School Berwick 1
140 SUNDARAVADIVEL, Shruthi Nossal High School Berwick 1
141 TUPPAD, Neel Nossal High School Berwick 1
142 DE MEL, Sheahan Imalsha Nossal High School Berwick 2
143 NGUYEN, Alyssa Nossal High School Berwick 2
144 PATEL, Shivam Nipunbhai Nossal High School Berwick 2
145 ABRAHAM, Ansley Nossal High School Berwick 1
146 ANDREWS, Andi Gisele Nossal High School Berwick 1
147 BATMAZ, Berke Nossal High School Berwick 1
148 HUYNH, Kevin Nossal High School Berwick 1
149 JAYAWARDANA, Navira Nimethmal Nossal High School Berwick 1
150 JEYARANJIT, Lois Ranusha Nossal High School Berwick 1
Last Updated: 18 Dec 2018
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