Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Scores, Victoria, 2017

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2017 ranked in order of their High Achiever study score values.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's number of subjects awarded (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of their study scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal sets of study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that these rankings are calculated using only the published results for 2017. A student's High Achiever scores from any earlier years, if any, are not not included here.

Note also that because this report excludes all study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

83 of 183 entries are shown.
101 - 183
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Rows per page:
101 KELLY, William James Scotch College Hawthorn 1
102 MACLEOD, Heath Scotch College Hawthorn 1
103 MATTHEWS, Oscar William Scotch College Hawthorn 1
104 NEGRI, Dante Robert Scotch College Hawthorn 1
105 PHILIP, James Andrew Scotch College Hawthorn 1
106 PRICE, Rory John Scotch College Hawthorn 1
107 SHUGG, Declan Scotch College Hawthorn 1
108 START, Joshua Jason Scotch College Hawthorn 1
109 WADDELL, Samuel Knox Scotch College Hawthorn 1
110 WONG, Hoi Yu Scotch College Hawthorn 1
111 DAVID HANNA, Louis Scotch College Hawthorn 4
112 MYLONAS, Evan Scotch College Hawthorn 2
113 OSBORN, Freddie Scotch College Hawthorn 2
114 XING, Fangzhou Scotch College Hawthorn 2
115 ZHOU, Aidan Scotch College Hawthorn 2
116 GENREAU, Denis Scotch College Hawthorn 2
117 TIONG ING MIN, Emil Scotch College Hawthorn 2
118 ANDRIANAKOS, Nicholas Theodore Scotch College Hawthorn 1
119 ARSENAKIS, Georgio Scotch College Hawthorn 1
120 BREARLEY, Lachlan Scotch College Hawthorn 1
121 CHAN, Jonathan James Scotch College Hawthorn 1
122 CHRISTIE-JOHNSTON, William Thore Scotch College Hawthorn 1
123 DING, Felix Xiao-Qing Scotch College Hawthorn 1
124 HOLCKNER, Jed Scotch College Hawthorn 1
125 JAKUBOWICZ, Mark Simon Scotch College Hawthorn 1
126 LIU, Stephen Zhizong Scotch College Hawthorn 1
127 LOW, Derrick Keng Eu Scotch College Hawthorn 1
128 LUPSON, Jonty Peter Edward Scotch College Hawthorn 1
129 PEARSE, Joshua Lennox Scotch College Hawthorn 1
130 RUBINS, Alexander Ellis Scotch College Hawthorn 1
131 SHARP, Dane Mackenzie Scotch College Hawthorn 1
132 WALKER, Matthew Chadwick Scotch College Hawthorn 1
133 WHITAKER, Campbell Scotch College Hawthorn 2
134 CLARKE, Lachlan Scotch College Hawthorn 3
135 TAN, Jason Scotch College Hawthorn 3
136 DOBRE, Victor Scotch College Hawthorn 2
137 MCNAB, James Bruce Finlay Scotch College Hawthorn 2
138 O'BRIEN, Maximilian Connor Scotch College Hawthorn 2
139 SUTHERLAND, Fraser Donald Killeen Scotch College Hawthorn 2
140 YANG, Justin Scotch College Hawthorn 2
141 BEALE, James Scotch College Hawthorn 1
142 CAMERON, John Edward Scotch College Hawthorn 1
143 CHAN, Christopher Scotch College Hawthorn 1
144 CHONG, Timothy Fa-Soon Scotch College Hawthorn 1
145 CROES, Noah Scotch College Hawthorn 1
146 DI BATTISTA, Andrew Vincent Scotch College Hawthorn 1
147 GRAY, Alistair James Scotch College Hawthorn 1
148 HUTCHINSON, Daniel Robert Scotch College Hawthorn 1
149 LAZAR, Benjamin James Scotch College Hawthorn 1
150 LOVERIDGE, Charlie Richard Scotch College Hawthorn 1
151 MACHUTCHISON, Henry Angus Byrne Scotch College Hawthorn 1
152 ROUBOS, Leonidas Anastasios Scotch College Hawthorn 1
153 SANDHU, Devan Singh Scotch College Hawthorn 1
154 SIMPSON, Oliver Scotch College Hawthorn 1
155 SNAPE, James Richard Scotch College Hawthorn 1
156 TAYLOR, Jeremy Andrew Scotch College Hawthorn 1
157 TINGATE, Matthew Campbell Scotch College Hawthorn 1
158 WANG, William Scotch College Hawthorn 1
159 ARTHUR, James Wakefield Scotch College Hawthorn 1
160 CRONIN, James Nicholas Scotch College Hawthorn 1
161 DANS, Toby Clive Scotch College Hawthorn 1
162 DAVIS, Myles Conrad Scotch College Hawthorn 1
163 DEVONSHIRE, Joshua James Scotch College Hawthorn 1
164 EASTON, William James Scotch College Hawthorn 1
165 EDWARDS, Joshua Scotch College Hawthorn 1
166 EVANS, Callum Caradoc Scotch College Hawthorn 1
167 EVANS, Jackson Ussher Scotch College Hawthorn 1
168 FIELD-PAPUGA, Benjamin Henry Scotch College Hawthorn 1
169 HARRIS, Christopher James Scotch College Hawthorn 1
170 HENKES-YOUNGER, Joshua Thomas Scotch College Hawthorn 1
171 KIMBER, Fergus Scotch College Hawthorn 1
172 KYRIACOU, Oscar Socrates Scotch College Hawthorn 1
173 LLOYD, Benjamin John Scotch College Hawthorn 1
174 MURCHIE, Lachlan Scotch College Hawthorn 1
175 OLIVER, Thomas William Scotch College Hawthorn 1
176 PAPAPETROU, Christopher Dean Scotch College Hawthorn 1
177 PATERSON, Fletcher Scotch College Hawthorn 1
178 SMITH, Samuel Geoffrey Peter Scotch College Hawthorn 1
179 SULLIVAN, Panteli Scotch College Hawthorn 1
180 TANG, Ian Scotch College Hawthorn 1
181 UPJOHN, Rupert John Scotch College Hawthorn 1
182 WENTWORTH, Bailey Peter Scotch College Hawthorn 1
183 ZHANG, Jonathon Tong Scotch College Hawthorn 1
Last Updated: 9 Aug 2024
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