Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Scores, Victoria, 2015

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2015 ranked in order of their High Achiever study score values.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's number of subjects awarded (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of their study scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal sets of study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that these rankings are calculated using only the published results for 2015. A student's High Achiever scores from any earlier years, if any, are not not included here.

Note also that because this report excludes all study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

102 of 102 entries are shown.
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Rows per page:
1 WONG, Hin Sum Samuel The Geelong College Newtown 4
2 PEREIRA, Tansy Lucille The Geelong College Newtown 3
3 KOVACEV, Mark Anthony The Geelong College Newtown 2
4 HUTCHINS, Jemima Grace The Geelong College Newtown 3
5 WEST, Alexander Peter William The Geelong College Newtown 2
6 VAN INGEN, Riley Jordon Mackay The Geelong College Newtown 2
7 BURNS, Lewis Jack The Geelong College Newtown 4
8 PORTER, Samuel Luke The Geelong College Newtown 2
9 CRAWLEY, Claudia Isabel-Jean The Geelong College Newtown 2
10 BULFORD, Hamish William John The Geelong College Newtown 1
11 DOWLING, Mitchell James The Geelong College Newtown 5
12 FINLAY, Rebecca Clare The Geelong College Newtown 3
13 CLUTTERBUCK, Brandon James Yong Ning The Geelong College Newtown 2
14 BAENSCH, Lachlan Reed The Geelong College Newtown 1
15 REJA, Kasra The Geelong College Newtown 1
16 FORDHAM, Eliza The Geelong College Newtown 4
17 KING, Thomas David The Geelong College Newtown 2
18 HOSKING, Georgia Mae The Geelong College Newtown 3
19 CLARK, Sophie Benedicta The Geelong College Newtown 4
20 CONWAY, Claudia Louise The Geelong College Newtown 4
21 SYCAMNIAS, Tamara Abigail The Geelong College Newtown 2
22 KREIDL, Alannah Maria The Geelong College Newtown 2
23 STAPLETON, Mardi The Geelong College Newtown 2
24 LAYIK, Nuriye Melis The Geelong College Newtown 1
25 NARITA, Darcy Toru The Geelong College Newtown 1
26 PATRICK, Amelia Elise The Geelong College Newtown 1
27 MALONE, Benjamin Michael The Geelong College Newtown 4
28 PEEBLES, Laura Helen The Geelong College Newtown 2
29 SPEAKMAN, Kate Elizabeth The Geelong College Newtown 2
30 SHEMBREY, Tom Charles The Geelong College Newtown 3
31 JACKMAN, Matthew Ronald Fulton The Geelong College Newtown 2
32 GUTHRIE, Katherine Alice The Geelong College Newtown 2
33 THORNE, Philippa Ann The Geelong College Newtown 2
34 LYALL, Paige Kathryn The Geelong College Newtown 3
35 CARR, William Jack Mclauchlan The Geelong College Newtown 1
36 FALKINER, Andrew John Hopkins The Geelong College Newtown 1
37 YOU, Amy The Geelong College Newtown 2
38 CLARK, Olivia Lee The Geelong College Newtown 1
39 DALTON, Harrison James Kevin The Geelong College Newtown 1
40 FORSHAW, Grace Margaret The Geelong College Newtown 1
41 POTTS, Constance Jane The Geelong College Newtown 1
42 SYMONS, Aidan Thomas The Geelong College Newtown 1
43 WOOTTON, Charlie Kantor The Geelong College Newtown 1
44 GOLDSACK, Andrew James The Geelong College Newtown 4
45 GREENE, Isabella Glendinning The Geelong College Newtown 2
46 WILLETT, Larry Hodgkinson The Geelong College Newtown 2
47 BETT, Morgan Flynn Jackson The Geelong College Newtown 1
48 CARRUTHERS, Jeremy The Geelong College Newtown 1
49 FRASER, Elizabeth The Geelong College Newtown 1
50 KAY, Charlotte Nanette The Geelong College Newtown 1
51 MANTON, Nicholas William The Geelong College Newtown 1
52 DIXON, Emma Jane The Geelong College Newtown 4
53 CUNNINGHAM, Phoebe Jane The Geelong College Newtown 2
54 KONTELJ, Davis Jernej The Geelong College Newtown 2
55 JENNETT, Rose Eleanor The Geelong College Newtown 2
56 BENNISON, Isabelle Jane The Geelong College Newtown 2
57 EDDY, Reilly William The Geelong College Newtown 1
58 JACKSON, Emily Jane The Geelong College Newtown 1
59 LING, Steven The Geelong College Newtown 1
60 WALDER, Bethany The Geelong College Newtown 1
61 GEORGE, Davis Ross The Geelong College Newtown 2
62 GORELL, Zoe Victoria The Geelong College Newtown 2
63 WANG, Yawen The Geelong College Newtown 3
64 GOODEAR, Samuel Oliver The Geelong College Newtown 2
65 SCHULTZ, Carl Alexander The Geelong College Newtown 2
66 STEWART, Jessica Elizabeth The Geelong College Newtown 2
67 WEAVER, Sophie Maddison The Geelong College Newtown 2
68 BLIGHT, Alexander Henry The Geelong College Newtown 1
69 BUNKER, Ronald Maximillion The Geelong College Newtown 1
70 CAMPBELL, Katie-Rose The Geelong College Newtown 1
71 CONSEDINE, Xavier Louis The Geelong College Newtown 1
72 FOWLER, Robert Stephen The Geelong College Newtown 1
73 LEAHY, Maggie Louisa The Geelong College Newtown 1
74 MERRILLEES-LARSEN, Robert Jonathan Hassan The Geelong College Newtown 1
75 MORAN, Lillian Ellen The Geelong College Newtown 1
76 SLATTERY, Jock Murray The Geelong College Newtown 1
77 TSO, Yu Michael The Geelong College Newtown 1
78 UNKENSTEIN, Georgina Elizabeth The Geelong College Newtown 1
79 WIENER, Monique Alexandra The Geelong College Newtown 1
80 O'CONNOR, Chloe Grace The Geelong College Newtown 2
81 BERRY, Alexandra Sian The Geelong College Newtown 1
82 BERTON, Elana Marie The Geelong College Newtown 1
83 BLOND, Stephen Charles The Geelong College Newtown 1
84 BONESS, Katya Maegan The Geelong College Newtown 1
85 BOURKE, Erin Patrice The Geelong College Newtown 1
86 BURCHETT, Hannah Jane The Geelong College Newtown 1
87 CLIFTON, Alyx Sandra The Geelong College Newtown 1
88 DEPPELER, Cody Bell The Geelong College Newtown 1
89 FURPHY, Emma Grace The Geelong College Newtown 1
90 JOUBERT, Emelie Louise The Geelong College Newtown 1
91 MCALLISTER, Mitchell Barrett The Geelong College Newtown 1
92 MORGAN, Daniel Jacob Bailey The Geelong College Newtown 1
93 NAGLE, Patrick John The Geelong College Newtown 1
94 NICHOLAS, Noah Vasco The Geelong College Newtown 1
95 O'LEARY, Jordan Patrick The Geelong College Newtown 1
96 OSBURN, Blake Adam The Geelong College Newtown 1
97 ROCHOW, Hollie Jade The Geelong College Newtown 1
98 SEBASTIAN, Noah Bynon The Geelong College Newtown 1
99 WALDER, Alana Beth The Geelong College Newtown 1
100 WU, Ka Yu The Geelong College Newtown 1
101 YIP, Tze Hang The Geelong College Newtown 1
102 YOUNG, Sophie Kate The Geelong College Newtown 1
Last Updated: 7 Feb 2021
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