Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Scores, Victoria, 2010

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2010 ranked in order of their High Achiever study score values.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's number of subjects awarded (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of their study scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal sets of study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that these rankings are calculated using only the published results for 2010. A student's High Achiever scores from any earlier years, if any, are not not included here.

Note also that because this report excludes all study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

118 of 118 entries are shown.
Jump to row:
Rows per page:
1 Yann, Deborah Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3
2 Lai, Marisa Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 4
3 Lotz, Jennifer Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
4 Harbard, Emily Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 4
5 Fordham, Todd Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
6 Lee, Huchang Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
7 Leyden, Bryce Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 4
8 Rose, Ellen Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 4
9 Hing, Emma Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 4
10 Hevey, Alexander Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
11 Price, Benjamin Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
12 Hebbard, Emily Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 4
13 Hayden-Skok, Nicholas Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2
14 Doig, Katya Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
15 Angwin, Grace Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3
16 Levin, Lucas Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 5
17 De Moel, Sem Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
18 Dempster, Nicole Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
19 Duncan, David Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
20 Grivas, Theodora Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
21 Maxwell, Harry Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
22 Tian, Xiao Kai Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3
23 Carlile, Matthew Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
24 Dingjan, Thomas Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
25 Ellenby, Scott Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
26 Grutzner, Anna Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
27 Lo, Pok Yin Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
28 McKay, Felicity Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
29 Murphy, Jacob Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
30 Northover, Karina Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
31 Dimopoulos, Stephanie Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2
32 Glennan, Timothy Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2
33 Morrison, Laura Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3
34 Mahler, David Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 4
35 Garwood, Thomas Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 4
36 Casey, Oliver Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2
37 Haywood, Georgia Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2
38 Li, Fei-Ju Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2
39 Wood, Charles Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2
40 Adams, Luke Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
41 Cheng, Long Yin Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
42 Harris, Simon Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
43 Yu, Zhuozhao Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
44 Mccormack, Joshua Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3
45 Ravindran, Rishi Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3
46 Nairn, Thomas Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3
47 Bristow, Sarah Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2
48 Cornelius, Thomas Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2
49 Joshi, Sunil Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2
50 Marshall, Christopher Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2
51 Richardson, Alexander Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2
52 Mathieson, Amy Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
53 Saunders, Madeleine Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
54 Singh, Ayesha Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
55 Wallace, Georgia Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
56 Wallace, Katharine Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
57 Gaff, Andrew Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3
58 Smith, Ashlea Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3
59 Conos, Theodore Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
60 Coull, James Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
61 Dowell, Lachlan Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
62 Gandy, Victoria Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
63 Lacy, Jack Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
64 Mak, Raymond Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
65 Mccall, Tristan Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
66 Moloney, Molly Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
67 Muttdon, Charlotte Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
68 Norbury, Verity Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
69 Pech, Morgan Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
70 Priti, Senie Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
71 Weibrecht, Brendan Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
72 Gange, Bronte Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3
73 Omond, Katie Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3
74 Ahmling, Harriet Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2
75 Li, Xiang Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2
76 Roder, Nicholas Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3
77 Harding, Darcy Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2
78 Lewis, Timothy Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2
79 Wooffindin, Mitchell Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2
80 Andrianakis, Tia Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
81 Arnold, Kathleen Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
82 Calafiore, Siobhan Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
83 Chapman, Thomas Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
84 Degnan, Sophie Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
85 Evans, Morgan Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
86 Ho, Eric Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
87 Khoo, Ken Ho Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
88 Lewinsky, Benjamin Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
89 Macnee, Daniel Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
90 Matheson, Laurence Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
91 Moody, Josiah Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
92 Poustie, Andrew Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
93 Prosser, Amy Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
94 To, Chi Yau Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
95 Walters, Caroline Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
96 Allen, Rebecca Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
97 Bao, Yi Fan Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
98 Bonavia, William Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
99 Briggs, Shannon Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
100 Brotchie, Nicholas Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
101 Calwell, Paris Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
102 Clark, Katherine Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
103 Davidson, Cara Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
104 De La Harpe, Aiden Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
105 Ding, Shiyu Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
106 Fitzpatrick, Brigitte Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
107 Grant, Benjamin Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
108 Haines, Bernard Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
109 Knowles, Olivia Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
110 Koutsouridis, David Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
111 Mack, Tessa Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
112 Mckeown, Ryan Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
113 Patras, Krisi Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
114 Robertson, Kate Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
115 Sim, Shen Lin Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
116 Thwaites, Emily Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
117 Williams, Alexander Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
118 Zhang, Qiuting Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
Last Updated: 9 Sep 2023
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