Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Scores, Victoria, 2008

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2008 ranked in order of their High Achiever study score values.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's number of subjects awarded (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of their study scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal sets of study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that these rankings are calculated using only the published results for 2008. A student's High Achiever scores from any earlier years, if any, are not not included here.

Note also that because this report excludes all study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

53 of 203 entries are shown.
151 - 203
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Rows per page:
151 Baird, Lachlan Scotch College Hawthorn 2
152 Khoo, Wesley Scotch College Hawthorn 2
153 Sharp, Cameron Scotch College Hawthorn 2
154 Keck, Jonathan Scotch College Hawthorn 2
155 Ling, Christopher Scotch College Hawthorn 2
156 Permezel, Charlie Scotch College Hawthorn 2
157 Barnett, Samuel Scotch College Hawthorn 1
158 Bernard, William Scotch College Hawthorn 1
159 Cox, Simon Scotch College Hawthorn 1
160 Macindoe, James Scotch College Hawthorn 1
161 Maxwell, Callum Scotch College Hawthorn 1
162 McLean, William Scotch College Hawthorn 1
163 Moore, Christopher Scotch College Hawthorn 1
164 Park, Euikuk Scotch College Hawthorn 1
165 Pullan, Alistair Scotch College Hawthorn 1
166 Reynoldson, Jack Scotch College Hawthorn 1
167 Smith, Nicholas Scotch College Hawthorn 1
168 Steiger, Alexander Scotch College Hawthorn 1
169 Tan, Keean Scotch College Hawthorn 1
170 Wolfe, Daniel Scotch College Hawthorn 1
171 Zhu, Michael Scotch College Hawthorn 1
172 Dick, Edward Scotch College Hawthorn 2
173 Allen, William Scotch College Hawthorn 1
174 Baines, Stewart Scotch College Hawthorn 1
175 Black, Simon Scotch College Hawthorn 1
176 Clark, Jacob Scotch College Hawthorn 1
177 Clayton, Maurice Scotch College Hawthorn 1
178 Fancke, James Scotch College Hawthorn 1
179 Foster, Maxwell Scotch College Hawthorn 1
180 Goles, Paul Scotch College Hawthorn 1
181 Hamzi, Jad Scotch College Hawthorn 1
182 Huitfeldt, Anders Scotch College Hawthorn 1
183 Larsson, Andre Scotch College Hawthorn 1
184 Lee, Thomas Scotch College Hawthorn 1
185 Lim, Yung-Ming Scotch College Hawthorn 1
186 Lippiatt, Max Scotch College Hawthorn 1
187 Lloyd, Matthew Scotch College Hawthorn 1
188 Marshall, Angus Scotch College Hawthorn 1
189 Martin, James Scotch College Hawthorn 1
190 Maxwell, Rory Scotch College Hawthorn 1
191 McPhail, Taylor Scotch College Hawthorn 1
192 Mecca, James Scotch College Hawthorn 1
193 Mete, Damien Scotch College Hawthorn 1
194 Michaelson, Andrew Scotch College Hawthorn 1
195 Muttdon, Samuel Scotch College Hawthorn 1
196 O'Shannessy, Alexander Scotch College Hawthorn 1
197 Smith, Declan Scotch College Hawthorn 1
198 Stevenson, George Scotch College Hawthorn 1
199 Ting, Justin Scotch College Hawthorn 1
200 Tsai, Alan Scotch College Hawthorn 1
201 Woods, Mitchell Scotch College Hawthorn 1
202 Wormald, Thomas Scotch College Hawthorn 1
203 Yates, Nicholas Scotch College Hawthorn 1
Last Updated: 21 Sep 2021
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