Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Scores, Victoria, 2007

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2007 ranked in order of their High Achiever study score values.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's total number of awards (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of the study scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that because this report excludes all student study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

99 of 99 entries are shown.
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Rows per page:
1 Joseph, Dominy Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 4 50,49,46,46
2 Sapountsis, Thomas Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 50,44,40
3 Levin, Sofia Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 4 49,47,47,46
4 Haralambidis, Niki Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 49,47,47
5 Hill, Sarah Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 48,46,40
6 Zanatta, Stephanie Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 5 48,44,42,41,41
7 Buckle, Oscar Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 48,42
8 Dent, Stefan Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 48
9 Driver, Nicholas Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 48
10 Dent, Christian Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 47
11 Lee, Seung Jae Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 47
12 McKerrow, Rozeeta Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 47
13 De Morton, Simone Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 46,45,41
14 Gadsden, Isabella Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 4 46,44,44,42
15 Grindrod, Tom Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 4 46,44,42,41
16 Simpson, Sebastian Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 46,43,40
17 Reilly, Thomas Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 46,42,42
18 White, Joanna Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 4 46,42,41,40
19 Ashmore, Teagan Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 46,42,40
20 Lemke, Clare Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 46,42,40
21 Doan, Elizabeth Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 46,40
22 Mcwilliams, Malcolm Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 46,40
23 Shelton, Jacqueline Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 46,40
24 Cameron, Katherine Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 46
25 Cergol, Lydia Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 4 45,44,44,41
26 Stead, Sally Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 45,44,42
27 Johnson, Casey Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 45,43
28 Gordon, Scott Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 45,41,41
29 Brice, Aaron Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 45,41
30 Harbard, James Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 45,40
31 Harvey, Georgia Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 45,40
32 Tunnecliff, Elizabeth Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 45,40
33 Haslam, Bryant Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 45
34 Kim, Kye He Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 45
35 Humphrey, Jacinta Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 4 44,43,41,40
36 Glynne, Katharina Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 44,43
37 Chesterfield, James Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 44,42,40
38 Feehan, Lara Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 44,41,40
39 George, Hamish Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 44,41,40
40 Greig, Toby Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 44,40
41 Haralambidis, Ellie Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 44
42 Jackson, Shane Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 44
43 Smith, Adam Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 44
44 Teoh, Wei Tzen Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 44
45 Hodges, Philippa Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 43,43,43
46 Morris, Stephanie Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 43,43
47 Robb, Ryan Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 43,43
48 Wardrop, Sophie Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 43,43
49 Griffiths, Mary Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 43,42,42
50 Walker, Robert Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 43,42,41
51 Yann, Stephen Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 43,42
52 Worsnop, Emily Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 43,41,41
53 Bice, Caitlin Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 43,41,40
54 Kuc, Emily Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 43,41
55 Woolley, Benjamin Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 43,40
56 Bedford, Annie Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 43
57 Lotz, Michelle Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 43
58 Lovelock, Jonathan Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 43
59 Virtue, Scott Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 43
60 Vlahos, Aphrodite Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 43
61 Yann, Michelle Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 43
62 Boyd, Sarah Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 42,42,41
63 Hu, Feng Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 4 42,41,41,40
64 Bush, Christopher Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 42,41
65 Wong, Adrian Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 42,41
66 Poustie, Matthew Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 42,40
67 Anderson, Judith Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 42
68 Bramwell, Simon Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 42
69 Tan, Kelly Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 42
70 Asker, Holly Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 41,41
71 Nagul, Edward Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 4 41,40,40,40
72 Drenth, Shelley Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 3 41,40,40
73 Venus, Katherine Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 41,40
74 Chen, Huan Ting Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 41
75 Clavey, Ren Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 41
76 Corder, John Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 41
77 Courtenay, Charlotte Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 41
78 Jamieson, Harry Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 41
79 Matheson, Laurence Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 41
80 Phan, Ngoc Linh Chi Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 41
81 Voshege, Anna Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 41
82 Wood, Thomas Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 41
83 Richards, James Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 2 40,40
84 Allen, Talitha Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 40
85 Beckerman, Bebe Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 40
86 Crouch, Samuel Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 40
87 De Kruiff, Samuel Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 40
88 Doyle, Emily Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 40
89 Elliott, Callum Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 40
90 Gao, Jun Pu Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 40
91 Hargitay, Andrew Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 40
92 Kwon, Heo Woong Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 40
93 Learmont-Walker, Catherine Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 40
94 Morton, Jodie Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 40
95 Mou, Sharon Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 40
96 Neate, Christopher Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 40
97 Saxby, Bradley Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 40
98 Schifter, Erica Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 40
99 Sinha, Chinmay Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1 40
Last Updated: 4 May 2022
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