Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Count, Victoria, 2024

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2024 ranked in order of their number of High Achiever awards.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's number of subjects awarded (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of their study scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal sets of study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that these rankings are calculated using only the published results for 2024. A student's High Achiever scores from any earlier years, if any, are not not included here.

Note also that because this report excludes all study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

118 of 118 entries are shown.
Jump to row:
Rows per page:
1 Leong, Adrian Jun Hoe Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 5
2 Lin, Sheng Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 5
3 Cameron, Noah Charles Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 5
4 Qian, Christina Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 4
5 Rowse, Xavier Alexander Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 4
6 Neave, Hailey Jade Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 4
7 Zhook, Catherine Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 4
8 Chau, Yu Heng Henry Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 4
9 Wu, Ethan Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 4
10 Chester, Aislinn Eve Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 4
11 Elmslie, Oliver Seth Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 4
12 Chan, Lachlan Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 3
13 Nicholls, Tysen Carl Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 3
14 Schena, Matthew Joseph Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 3
15 Koo, Enya Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 3
16 Mao, Ronghui Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 3
17 Ashby, Campbell Trevor Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 3
18 Collins, Ellie Grace Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 3
19 Wang, Jiayi Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 3
20 Hughan, Noah James Nicholas Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 3
21 Boell, Angus Josiah Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 3
22 Lee, Hoi Yau Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 3
23 Nicholas, Alice Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2
24 Davies, Ella Grace Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2
25 Bouchier-Jafari, Abigail Hana Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2
26 Shen, Henry Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2
27 Mooney, Jackson Paul Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2
28 Qi, Hanyang Ray Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2
29 Hirst, Anna Beth Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2
30 Gill, Rhea Kaur Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2
31 Gong, Longchen Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2
32 Thomas, Lisa Maria Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2
33 Thornton, Honor Mae Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2
34 Mcgown, Zac Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2
35 Rodda, Scarlett Olivia Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2
36 Dorrington, Hayley Caitlin Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2
37 Sapardanis, Megan Rebecca Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2
38 Cardetta, Lucas Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2
39 Garniss, Harry Edward Antonio Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2
40 Noakes, Jack Frederick Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2
41 Webber, Mia Nicole Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2
42 Hobday, Remington Jay Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2
43 Clarke, Zahlia Tracey Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2
44 Gorander, Elizabeth Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2
45 Smith, Luca William Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2
46 Wang, Yurui Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2
47 Mcclintock, Sophie Jayne Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2
48 Zhu, Yucheng Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2
49 Roberts, Kana Grace Brearley Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
50 Sha, Xiangmu Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
51 Yeung, Yat Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
52 Pan, Christopher Ryan Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
53 Polites, Nicolas George Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
54 Atkin, Lyla Rae Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
55 Cameron, Gabe Richard Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
56 Chheang, Tyrone Dara Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
57 Wu, Ryan Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
58 Alford, Eleanor Jacqueline Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
59 Leung, Shun Nok Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
60 Lin, Jun Rui Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
61 Peden, Callum Alexander Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
62 He, Bingyan Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
63 Jin, Yufei Angel Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
64 Lin, Daniel Zihao Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
65 O'Brien, Sarah May Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
66 Whitmore, Cameron William Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
67 Anderson, Lachlan David Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
68 Ashe, Theodore Fisher Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
69 Chiu, Sian Sin Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
70 Daniel, Holly Jane Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
71 Fu, Urban Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
72 Horvath, Gabriella Anne Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
73 Huang, Teresa Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
74 Knight, Lucy Ellen Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
75 Lim, Chloe Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
76 Morrison, Joshua Graeme Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
77 Schabel, Ava Diane Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
78 Shu, Maya Elaine Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
79 Simkin, Rose Marion Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
80 Thomson, Andrew Philip Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
81 Thomson, Scarlett Kate Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
82 Toumbourou, Oliver Anthony Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
83 Venter, Mitchell Alexander Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
84 Wei, Junxian Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
85 Welte, Hamish Nicolas Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
86 Yuen, Tin Long Earnest Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
87 Zhou, Eco Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
88 Aitken, Jessica Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
89 Chandra, Aanya Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
90 Chen, Aden Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
91 Chivers, Sachi Angela Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
92 Coetzee, Cassidy Siani Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
93 Hoang, Patrick Long Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
94 Jones, Brayden Nicholas Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
95 Li, Chengxi Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
96 Matthews, Tom Vivian Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
97 Miles, Alexandra Maureen Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
98 Tsang, Tsz Ling Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
99 Wong, Charlize Helen Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
100 Wu, Yuhan Cynthia Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
101 Yin, Edison Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
102 Zhu, Xingyu Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
103 Bomiriya, Dinel Nethmitha Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
104 Bowles, Alastair David Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
105 Chung, Chun Fung Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
106 Dunell, Ilse Edith Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
107 Fong, Hoi Man Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
108 Howard-West, Christopher William Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
109 Killender, Matthew Ronald Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
110 Minett, Harry Adam Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
111 Peake, Erica Rosalyn Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
112 Peake, Kayley Adelia Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
113 Salmon, Ashton Isaac Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
114 Shangguan, Jintian Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
115 Sheedy, Alexandra May Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
116 Tang, Xuhao Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
117 Wilson, Jade Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
118 Zhang, Wenyi Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
Last Updated: 14 Dec 2024
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