Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Count, Victoria, 2021

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2021 ranked in order of their number of High Achiever awards.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's number of subjects awarded (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of their study scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal sets of study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that these rankings are calculated using only the published results for 2021. A student's High Achiever scores from any earlier years, if any, are not not included here.

Note also that because this report excludes all study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

200 of 12310 entries are shown.
12051 - 12250
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12051 Tran, Vivian John Monash Science School Clayton 1
12052 Travers, Harry St Josephs College Geelong Newtown 1
12053 Travis, Joey Angelina Braemar College Woodend 1
12054 Treglia, Elijah David Loyola College Watsonia 1
12055 Trewick, Samuel William Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
12056 Trezise, Lily Estelle Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 1
12057 Triantafyllopoulos, Amalia Assumption College Kilmore 1
12058 Tribe, Hannah Patricia Sacred Heart College Geelong Newtown 1
12059 Trigg, Latara Jasmine Mildura Senior College Mildura 1
12060 Tripodi, Christopher Thomas St Bernards College Essendon 1
12061 Troedel, Rupert Scarff John Monash Science School Clayton 1
12062 Troupis, Eleni Christine Caulfield Grammar School Caulfield St Kilda East 1
12063 Troy, Patrick Dylan St Leonards College Brighton East 1
12064 Truong, Catherine Braybrook College Braybrook 1
12065 Truong, Daniel Huy Quang Mazenod College Mulgrave 1
12066 Truong, Diem My Footscray High School Footscray 1
12067 Tsang, Nicholas Waverley Christian College Wantirna South Wantirna South 1
12068 Tsang, Winky Wing Ki Waverley Christian College Wantirna South Wantirna South 1
12069 Tsikopoulos, Anastasia Catholic Regional College Sydenham Sydenham 1
12070 Tsung, Daniel Hsu Glen Waverley Secondary College Glen Waverley 1
12071 Turnbull, Max John Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
12072 Turnbull-Jones, Charlie Ray Northcote High School Northcote 1
12073 Turner, Charlee Overnewton Anglican College Keilor 1
12074 Tweedie, Georgia Grace Peninsula Grammar Mount Eliza 1
12075 Tyler, Imogen Renee Toorak College Mount Eliza 1
12076 Tyshing, Hannah Rose Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School Keilor East 1
12077 Tziafas, Elizabeth Ashwood High School Ashwood 1
12078 Uduwara Arachchi, Dilme Sehansa Lighthouse Christian College Keysborough 1
12079 Vaheesan, Shivesh Nossal High School Berwick 1
12080 Vaivars, Rhett Alan Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton 1
12081 Valencia, Aliana Marie Cabigas Caroline Chisholm Catholic College Braybrook 1
12082 Valle, Sebastian Paul Blackburn High School Blackburn 1
12083 Vallejos, Marisa Soama Melbourne Girls College Richmond 1
12084 Van Bergeijk, Damon James St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully 1
12085 Van De Burgt, Tea Nicole Marist Sion College Warragul 1
12086 Van Den Brand, Emma Lavalla Catholic College Traralgon 1
12087 Van Eekelen, Chalise Di Trinity College Colac 1
12088 Van Oss, Jena Louise Marist Sion College Warragul 1
12089 Van Tilburg, Elise Cheltenham Secondary College Cheltenham 1
12090 Van Vark, Bregje Juliana Virtual School Victoria Thornbury 1
12091 Vandame, Louis Phillip Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
12092 Vandenberg, Christina Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak 1
12093 Vandenhurk, Kaitlyn Bianca Narre Warren South P-12 College Narre Warren South 1
12094 Vaotangi, Tegan Donna Mele Belmont High School Belmont 1
12095 Varon, Shai Glen Eira College Caulfield East 1
12096 Vartuli, Jordan Catholic Regional College Sydenham Sydenham 1
12097 Vasquez, Kyle Gabriel Copperfield College Delahey 1
12098 Vaughan, Georgia Madeleine Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew 1
12099 Vedula, Aleka Sesha Sai John Monash Science School Clayton 1
12100 Veena Sivasubramaniam, Pavithra Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1
12101 Velardo, Claudia St Columbas College Essendon 1
12102 Vella, Raquel Miriam Taylors Lakes Secondary College Taylors Lakes 1
12103 Velten, Amy Rose St Francis Xavier College Beaconsfield 1
12104 Venus, Sidney Louise Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak 1
12105 Verbuk, Jackie McKinnon Secondary College McKinnon 1
12106 Verenga, Ayanna Tadiwanashe East Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster East 1
12107 Verga, Alisha Jade Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
12108 Verheij, Maud Tanya Frankston High School Frankston 1
12109 Vescio, Lauren Sacred Heart College Yarrawonga Yarrawonga 1
12110 Viado, Maxine Marie Our Lady of Sacred Heart College Bentleigh 1
12111 Vickers, Archie Lawson Trinity Grammar School Kew 1
12112 Victoria, Florence Leianne Clonard College Herne Hill 1
12113 Vimba, Michaela Ave Maria College Aberfeldie 1
12114 Vishnuraj, Kaverthna Glen Waverley Secondary College Glen Waverley 1
12115 Vivera, Amelia Mount St Joseph Girls College Altona 1
12116 Vocale, Noah Angelo St Bernards College Essendon 1
12117 Vogel-Paul, Bridget St Catherines School Toorak 1
12118 Vogelsang, Timothy Friedrich Victory Lutheran College Wodonga 1
12119 Vohra, Mohmmedmoin John Monash Science School Clayton 1
12120 Volk, Mitchell Vermont Secondary College Vermont 1
12121 Volovsky, Elisha Joy MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne 1
12122 Vu, Tam Dinh St Bernards College Essendon 1
12123 Vukadinovic Valance, Rad Ryko Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1
12124 Vuong, Alan Braybrook College Braybrook 1
12125 Waheed, Easha Balwyn High School Balwyn North 1
12126 Wain, Darcy John Xavier College Kew 1
12127 Waiwitwuthiwong, Malini Wantirna College Wantirna 1
12128 Wakkas, Majd Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
12129 Walker, Ashlyn Maree Loreto College Ballarat 1
12130 Walker, Ella Kate Oxley Christian College Chirnside Park 1
12131 Walker, Emily Ruth Mentone Girls Secondary College Mentone 1
12132 Walker, Kate Elizabeth Berwick Secondary College Berwick 1
12133 Walker, Niamh Ruth Frankston High School Frankston 1
12134 Walkley, Grace Isabelle Mount Beauty Secondary College Mount Beauty 1
12135 Waller, Katie Ann Gippsland Grammar Sale 1
12136 Walliss, Lachlan Scotch College Hawthorn 1
12137 Walsh, Paris Kaye Saint Ignatius College Drysdale 1
12138 Walsh, Sophie Assumption College Kilmore 1
12139 Walterfang, Sabine Suixing Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
12140 Walters, Sophie Annabelle Ballarat Grammar School Wendouree 1
12141 Wang, Chenming Melbourne Girls College Richmond 1
12142 Wang, Chenyan Haileybury Ningbo Li Hui Li High School Ningbo, China 1
12143 Wang, Huiquan Waverley Christian College Wantirna South Wantirna South 1
12144 Wang, Jackson Melbourne High School South Yarra 1
12145 Wang, Lexi Brighton Grammar School Brighton 1
12146 Wang, Reece Chen Haileybury College Keysborough 1
12147 Wang, William Parade College Bundoora 1
12148 Wang, Xiangzuo Haileybury College Keysborough 1
12149 Wang, Xin McKinnon Secondary College McKinnon 1
12150 Wang, Yi Huai Kingswood College Box Hill 1
12151 Wang, Yifan Haileybury Wuhan Foreign Language School Wuhan, China 1
12152 Wang, Yue Jenny MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne 1
12153 Wang, Yunzhang Fintona Girls School Balwyn 1
12154 Wang, Zhe Firbank Grammar School Chongqing New Epoch School Sichuan, China 1
12155 Wanigarathna, Vishmi Sara Suzanne Cory High School Werribee 1
12156 Ward, Charlotte Jean Kardinia International College Bell Post Hill 1
12157 Ward, Jack Thomas Ararat College Ararat 1
12158 Ward, Milena Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe 1
12159 Warmbrunn, Xavier Laird Padua College Mornington 1
12160 Warner, Erin Camryn St Josephs College Geelong Newtown 1
12161 Warren, Aleea Jessie Padua College Mornington 1
12162 Warren, Cassie May Canterbury Girls Secondary College Canterbury 1
12163 Warren, Isobel Maree Alice Miller School Macedon Macedon 1
12164 Warrillow, Isobel Charlotte Viewbank College Viewbank 1
12165 Watkins, Georgia Margaret Melbourne Girls College Richmond 1
12166 Watson, Marcus Jack Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1
12167 Watters, Jasmine Francis Gladstone Park Secondary College Gladstone Park 1
12168 Watts, Tahlia Rose Gisborne Secondary College Gisborne 1
12169 Waugh, Taylah Ashleigh Ringwood Secondary College Ringwood 1
12170 Webster, Abigail Victoria Melbourne Girls Grammar South Yarra 1
12171 Weichard, Finn Salvador Melbourne High School South Yarra 1
12172 Weisheit, Jessie Laurel-Rose St Helena Secondary College Eltham North 1
12173 Wellam, Sophia Raie Sacred Heart College Geelong Newtown 1
12174 Wellington, Chelsea May Ivanhoe Girls Grammar School Ivanhoe 1
12175 Werps, Jemimah Eda May Victory Christian College Strathdale 1
12176 West, Olivia Maggie Kilbreda College Mentone 1
12177 Weston, Madeline Nicole Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School Keilor East 1
12178 Wheeler, Stephanie Jean Caulfield Grammar School Wheelers Hill Wheelers Hill 1
12179 White, Aislin Elizabeth Eltham High School Eltham 1
12180 White, Ruby Wesley College Glen Waverley Glen Waverley 1
12181 Whiteford, Hayden Flynn Camberwell Grammar School Canterbury 1
12182 Whitehead, Kristy Grace Corryong College Corryong 1
12183 Whittaker, Lea Mentone Girls Grammar School Mentone 1
12184 Whitwell, Ada Nisey Eltham College of Education Research 1
12185 Whyte, Cooper Paul Grovedale College Grovedale 1
12186 Wickenton, Luke Jacob Terang College Secondary Campus Terang 1
12187 Wickramarachchi, Rivindu Ashan Gladstone Park Secondary College Gladstone Park 1
12188 Wijayakoon, Dylan Austin St Margarets Berwick Grammar Officer Campus Officer 1
12189 Williams, Abigail Ruth Warrington Melbourne Girls College Richmond 1
12190 Williams, Emily Elise The Geelong College Newtown 1
12191 Williams, Erin Jo Melbourne Girls College Richmond 1
12192 Williams, Hannah Grace Virtual School Victoria Thornbury 1
12193 Williams, Kiah Mary St Josephs College Geelong Newtown 1
12194 Williams, Lucy Rose Clonard College Herne Hill 1
12195 Williams, Matilda Clare Annabelle Ivanhoe Grammar School Plenty Doreen 1
12196 Williamson, Asbjorn Sebastian Haileybury College Keysborough 1
12197 Williamson, Grace Maree Sacred Heart College Geelong Newtown 1
12198 Willis, Thomas Michael Westbourne Grammar School Truganina 1
12199 Willmott, Lily Freya Peregrine Ruyton Girls School Kew 1
12200 Wilmore, Joshua Thomas Luther College Croydon Hills 1
12201 Wilmot, Harrison James Gippsland Grammar Sale 1
12202 Wilson, Alice Strathcona Girls Grammar School Canterbury 1
12203 Wilson, Kelsie Galen College Wangaratta 1
12204 Wilson, Lucy Margaret Academy of Mary Immaculate Fitzroy 1
12205 Wilson, Meaghan Jane Maffra Secondary College Maffra 1
12206 Wiltshire, Brian Michael Emmaus College Vermont South 1
12207 Winata, Victoria Elizabeth Lalor Secondary College Lalor 1
12208 Windisch, Nathan Liam Camberwell Grammar School Canterbury 1
12209 Wing, Nicole Kayla Parkdale Secondary College Mordialloc 1
12210 Wiryawan, Anthony Priatna Homestead Senior Secondary College Point Cook 1
12211 Witono, Kimberlyn Point Cook Senior Secondary College Point Cook 1
12212 Wittmann, Holly Viewbank College Viewbank 1
12213 Wong, Alia Zhi Ling Brunswick Secondary College Brunswick 1
12214 Wong, Hilary Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank 1
12215 Wong, Janice Ho-Yan Camberwell Girls Grammar School Canterbury 1
12216 Wong, Jordan Weng Hung Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster 1
12217 Wood, Ethan Upfold Westbourne Grammar School Truganina 1
12218 Woodland, Claire Elise Nagle College Bairnsdale 1
12219 Wookey, Aimee Louise North Geelong Secondary College Geelong North 1
12220 Wren, Alice Jean St Helena Secondary College Eltham North 1
12221 Wright, Bethany Neve Edwards Loreto College Ballarat 1
12222 Wright, Claudia Payton Belgrave Heights Christian School Belgrave Heights 1
12223 Wu, Di Firbank Grammar School Suzhou International Foreign Language School Suzhou, China 1
12224 Wu, Jessica Chien Wen Lauriston Girls School Armadale 1
12225 Wu, Jiaying Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Mount Waverley 1
12226 Wu, Kyle East Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster East 1
12227 Wu, Linling Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
12228 Wu, Shiqi MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne 1
12229 Wu, Yixuan Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
12230 Wunsch, Nick Alexander Box Hill High School Box Hill 1
12231 Wyatt, Charlie Nicholas Oxley Christian College Chirnside Park 1
12232 Wylie, Liam Nicholas The Geelong College Newtown 1
12233 Xavier, Nandira Catherine Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
12234 Xia, Tiffany Caulfield Grammar School Wheelers Hill Wheelers Hill 1
12235 Xia, Yiyan Chinese Culture School Melbourne High Campus South Yarra 1
12236 Xie, Yu Wei Wellington Secondary College Mulgrave 1
12237 Xu, Fangxinyan Huntingtower School Mount Waverley 1
12238 Xu, Jie Glen Waverley Secondary College Glen Waverley 1
12239 Xu, Yinzhi Mentone Girls Grammar School Mentone 1
12240 Yako, Andre Catholic Regional College Sydenham Sydenham 1
12241 Yan, Jin University High School Parkville 1
12242 Yang, Kelly St Margarets Berwick Grammar Berwick Campus Berwick 1
12243 Yang, William Camberwell Grammar School Canterbury 1
12244 Yang, Xinchen Leo Box Hill High School Box Hill 1
12245 Yang, Zetong Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
12246 Yang, Zhihan Talisa Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Mount Waverley 1
12247 Yanto, Luigi Benedick Cruz Gilson College Taylors Hill Taylors Hill 1
12248 Yao, Junjie Camberwell Grammar School Canterbury 1
12249 Ye, Jucheng Thomas Carr College Wenzhou No 21 Middle School Wenzhou, China 1
12250 Ye, Zicheng Dandenong High School Dandenong Dandenong 1
Last Updated: 26 Feb 2022
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