Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Count, Victoria, 2021

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2021 ranked in order of their total number of High Achiever awards.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's total number of awards (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of the scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that because this report excludes all study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

53 of 53 entries are shown.
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1 Pavli, Steven Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 5 50,50,44,41,40
2 Middlewick, Will Jack Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 3 47,44,44
3 Whitmore, Lucy Annabel Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 3 45,41,41
4 Domanski, Ana Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 3 42,41,40
5 Chen, Andy Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 3 41,40,40
6 Mckinnon, Emma Jane Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 2 50,43
7 Di Qual, Sarah Grace Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 2 46,41
8 Raffa, Georgie Emma Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 2 45,45
9 Mather, Emma Beth Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 2 44,42
10 Domanski, Nell Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 2 44,40
11 Steinicke, Ava Rose Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 2 43,41
12 Di Nuccio, Amelia Rose Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 2 42,40
13 Alyahya, Syed Danial Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 2 41,40
14 Fitzpatrick, Phoebe Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 50
15 Veneziano, Zavier Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 50
16 Pannunzio, Amelia Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 48
17 Barsoum, Nathan Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 45
18 Francis, Harriet Alice Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 45
19 Lo Giudice, Kassidy Estelle Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 45
20 Nguyen, Minh Ngoc Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 44
21 Pogia, Elena Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 44
22 Babatsikos, Peter Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 43
23 Elgammal, Youssef Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 43
24 Filis, Victoria Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 43
25 Gray, James Ben Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 43
26 Williamson, Benjamin Monroe Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 43
27 Axiomakarou, Elena Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 42
28 Mahal, Mikah Singh Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 42
29 Perkins, Hayley Robertson Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 42
30 Rotunno, James Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 42
31 Wu, Jiarui Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 42
32 Bates, Abigail Rose Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 41
33 Gregory, Emma Rose Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 41
34 Owens, Liam Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 41
35 Pagotto, Emma Rose Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 41
36 Phillip, Eva Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 41
37 Al Yassar, Ahmad Hanif Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 40
38 Aucaruri, Ava Veronica Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 40
39 Condell, Astra Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 40
40 Foo, Kealey Jade Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 40
41 Ha, Linh Phuong Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 40
42 Harrington, Grace Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 40
43 Jardine, Carla Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 40
44 Lauricella, Damian Claudio Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 40
45 Mcdonald, Hamish Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 40
46 Mcnicol, Kaitlyn Lacy Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 40
47 Owens, Nicholas Michael Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 40
48 Peppas, Alexia Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 40
49 Ramaihi, Amber Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 40
50 Souvlis, Vasilios Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 40
51 Tasevski, Ethan Jim Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 40
52 Teo, Lauren Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 40
53 Veena Sivasubramaniam, Pavithra Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore 1 40
Last Updated: 26 Feb 2022
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