Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Count, Victoria, 2021

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2021 ranked in order of their number of High Achiever awards.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's number of subjects awarded (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of their study scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal sets of study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that these rankings are calculated using only the published results for 2021. A student's High Achiever scores from any earlier years, if any, are not not included here.

Note also that because this report excludes all study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

50 of 229 entries are shown.
51 - 100
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Rows per page:
51 Shah, Nishil Haileybury College Keysborough 2
52 Angelatos, Gerry Archie Haileybury College Keysborough 2
53 Le, Mason Van Haileybury College Keysborough 2
54 Suraweera, Chirandith Deelaka Haileybury College Keysborough 2
55 Ramesh, Vignesh Haileybury College Keysborough 2
56 Vijayarajan, Nirujan Haileybury College Keysborough 2
57 Fu, Yutong Haileybury College Keysborough 2
58 Gaskell, Charlie David Haileybury College Keysborough 2
59 Kilburn, Rex William Haileybury College Keysborough 2
60 Angelatos, Angus Ian Haileybury College Keysborough 2
61 Cheng, Joshua Chao-Soong Haileybury College Keysborough 2
62 Levin, Jacques Louis Haileybury College Keysborough 2
63 Hau, Matthew Weichuen Haileybury College Keysborough 2
64 Wrigley, Aidan Lee Haileybury College Keysborough 2
65 Xiong, Zijie Haileybury College Keysborough 2
66 Bostan, Raheel Haileybury College Keysborough 2
67 Dasyam, Sai Aarush Haileybury College Keysborough 2
68 Neale, Byron James Haileybury College Keysborough 2
69 Rampal, Arnav Haileybury College Keysborough 2
70 Douglas, James Alexander Haileybury College Keysborough 2
71 Te, Anthony Haileybury College Keysborough 2
72 Cao, Patrick Haileybury College Keysborough 2
73 Flynn, Harrison David Haileybury College Keysborough 2
74 Godapolage, Kinura Randeera Haileybury College Keysborough 2
75 Griffin, Zachary Edmund Haileybury College Keysborough 2
76 Bharathan, Arangan Haileybury College Keysborough 2
77 Zachariah, Jaden Daniel Haileybury College Keysborough 2
78 Koumbarakos, Giorgios Roberto Haileybury College Keysborough 2
79 Silva, Hivin Singhara Haileybury College Keysborough 2
80 Chauhan, Arnav Haileybury College Keysborough 2
81 Chiem, Dylan Haileybury College Keysborough 2
82 Korbel, Xavier John Haileybury College Keysborough 2
83 Wolfe, Matthew James Bowman Haileybury College Keysborough 2
84 Zhao, Zengkai Haileybury College Keysborough 2
85 Goyal, Hanshal Haileybury College Keysborough 2
86 Sekhon, Paras Haileybury College Keysborough 2
87 Horsey, Julian Zachary Ethan Haileybury College Keysborough 2
88 Porter, Matthew Haileybury College Keysborough 2
89 Qian, Kaiyuan Haileybury College Keysborough 2
90 Wang, Xiangyou Haileybury College Keysborough 2
91 Chew, Zhe Xing Nathan Haileybury College Keysborough 2
92 Millar, Patrick Thomas Haileybury College Keysborough 2
93 Djordjevic, Nikita Haileybury College Keysborough 2
94 Hong, Jason Yun Haileybury College Keysborough 2
95 Garnaut, Harvey Amir Haileybury College Keysborough 2
96 Proctor-Parker, Dylan Kurt Haileybury College Keysborough 2
97 Mcgovern, Oscar James Haileybury College Keysborough 2
98 Peethamparam, Chandroo Haileybury College Keysborough 2
99 Shiell, Marcellus George William Haileybury College Keysborough 2
100 Windhager, Marcus Anthony Haileybury College Keysborough 2
Last Updated: 26 Feb 2022
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