Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Count, Victoria, 2019

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2019 ranked in order of their number of High Achiever awards.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's number of subjects awarded (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of their study scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal sets of study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that these rankings are calculated using only the published results for 2019. A student's High Achiever scores from any earlier years, if any, are not not included here.

Note also that because this report excludes all study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

51 of 51 entries are shown.
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Rows per page:
1 COSTALL, Charlotte Jade Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 4
2 ANGOVE, Samuel James Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 3
3 KHOO, Xavier Joseph Leo Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 3
4 ALLAN, Seamus Patrick Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 3
5 LAYTON, Meg Irene Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 3
6 GRAY, Alana Dane Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 3
7 KANE, Ruby Mae Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 3
8 MEMBREY, Lucy Sidorak Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 2
9 COLEMAN, Neve Johanna Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 2
10 TOBIN, William Terrence Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 2
11 HOULDEN, Blaze Henry Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 2
12 PEREZ, Matisse Aileen Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 2
13 CHESTER, Carly Marie Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 2
14 HOGAN, Maeve Catherine Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 2
15 HOEY, Madison Jane Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 2
16 SHERLOCK, Mitchell Anthony Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 2
17 BROWN, Emily Mary Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 2
18 COUGHLAN, Sadie Grace Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 2
19 LOVELL, Taylor Renee Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 2
20 FITZGERALD, Emily Maree Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 2
21 MCCONNACHIE, Bronte Grace Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 2
22 GREEN, Cailin Kathryn Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
23 SIDHOM, Joseph Emad Emil Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
24 WESTLEY, Logan James Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
25 MCCARTHY, Clare Louise Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
26 PROWSE, Joshua Matthew Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
27 CORNWALL, Daisy Mae Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
28 GIBSON, Alexandra Rose Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
29 HEARD, Beau Alan Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
30 SMITH, Cooper Jack Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
31 TRUSCOTT, Martine Therese Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
32 YEATES, Imogen Louise Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
33 BINKS, Sebastian Marcus Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
34 HARRIS, Brianna Margaret Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
35 KEATING, Tess Alexandra Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
36 LEACH, Brendan Thomas Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
37 NORMOYLE, Holly Renee Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
38 BEARE, Freya Anastacia Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
39 BOMBARDIERI, Henry Nolan Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
40 FEENEY, Seth Finley Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
41 RODDA, Sahara Rose Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
42 WARDEN, Georgia Sophia Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
43 WILSON, David William Michael Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
44 CRONE, Indiana Grace Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
45 DICKSON, Lily Eloise Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
46 HEATHER, Thomas John Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
47 KELLY, Lachlan James Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
48 KOELMEYER, Caleb Robert Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
49 RITCHIE, Gemma Paige Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
50 SCOTT, Darcy Della Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
51 SMITH, Kaitlyn Clare Catherine McAuley College Bendigo 1
Last Updated: 18 Dec 2019
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