Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Count, Victoria, 2017

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2017 ranked in order of their number of High Achiever awards.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's number of subjects awarded (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of their study scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal sets of study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that these rankings are calculated using only the published results for 2017. A student's High Achiever scores from any earlier years, if any, are not not included here.

Note also that because this report excludes all study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

100 of 183 entries are shown.
1 - 100
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Rows per page:
1 JIANG, Letian Scotch College Hawthorn 4
2 LAN, Zi Feng Scotch College Hawthorn 3
3 LUO, Jerry Jierui Scotch College Hawthorn 4
4 RITCHIE, Angus Malcolm Arjun Scotch College Hawthorn 5
5 QIN, Zi Xuan Scotch College Hawthorn 4
6 SUTHERLAND, William Morgan Scotch College Hawthorn 3
7 BUCKLAND, Edward Nelson Scotch College Hawthorn 5
8 MACKY, Thomas Stuart Scotch College Hawthorn 3
9 HO, Adam Shi-Jer Scotch College Hawthorn 2
10 HO, Peter Chit Wen Scotch College Hawthorn 2
11 CHAMBERLAIN, Christopher James Scotch College Hawthorn 1
12 WEI, Ziang Scotch College Hawthorn 1
13 ZHANG, Han Chen Scotch College Hawthorn 1
14 MCLEISH, Oliver Geoffrey Scotch College Hawthorn 5
15 MA, Charley Scotch College Hawthorn 5
16 SLOBOM, Harry Bryne Scotch College Hawthorn 3
17 EDMANSON, Harvey Russell Scotch College Hawthorn 1
18 HU, Jason Yi-Qing Scotch College Hawthorn 1
19 BROOKS, Owen Henry Scotch College Hawthorn 5
20 SHORTEN, Anthony Michael Scotch College Hawthorn 3
21 SIRLYN, Maxwell Quanson Scotch College Hawthorn 3
22 TARRANT, James Matthew Scotch College Hawthorn 2
23 FAIRLEY, William George Scotch College Hawthorn 3
24 SHERLOCK, William Scotch College Hawthorn 3
25 CHEAH, Matthew Sian Ming Scotch College Hawthorn 2
26 EVERSHEIM, Philipp Sebastian Scotch College Hawthorn 2
27 MARKS, Nicholas Daniel Scotch College Hawthorn 1
28 ZHOU, Alex Scotch College Hawthorn 1
29 CHAMPION, Samuel Scotch College Hawthorn 4
30 PREOVOLOS, Christos Athanasios Scotch College Hawthorn 4
31 WU, Vincent Qisheng Scotch College Hawthorn 3
32 GOAD, Oliver Scotch College Hawthorn 3
33 PAIKOPOULOS, Miltiadis Mills Scotch College Hawthorn 3
34 DONAGHUE-EVANS, Michael Stephen Scotch College Hawthorn 1
35 KROGER, Andrew John Sharp Scotch College Hawthorn 1
36 LAKE, Antony Andrew Scotch College Hawthorn 1
37 PROCTOR, Jacob Joseph Scotch College Hawthorn 1
38 SPARKS, Christopher Noel Scotch College Hawthorn 1
39 STRONG, Charles Alan Scotch College Hawthorn 1
40 RODGERS, Pierre Max Scotch College Hawthorn 4
41 PERERA, Harith Dulanaka Scotch College Hawthorn 4
42 WOOD, Hugo Scotch College Hawthorn 2
43 YAN, Kevin Hongxian Scotch College Hawthorn 4
44 TSE, Sean Xu Hao Scotch College Hawthorn 2
45 BUCELLO, Jonathan Scotch College Hawthorn 2
46 SUTHERLAND, William Scotch College Hawthorn 2
47 BAINS, Karanbir Singh Scotch College Hawthorn 1
48 SEEDSMAN, Jack David Scotch College Hawthorn 1
49 WANG, Darren Scotch College Hawthorn 1
50 ZHAO, Jason Scotch College Hawthorn 1
51 BEALE, Saxon Scotch College Hawthorn 5
52 FYFE, Injidup Johnathon Scotch College Hawthorn 3
53 GLOVER, Andrew David James Scotch College Hawthorn 4
54 BAHR, Charles William Scotch College Hawthorn 4
55 BUTCHER, Patrick Scotch College Hawthorn 4
56 QUACH, Dion Scotch College Hawthorn 2
57 BUNGAY, Ishaan Scotch College Hawthorn 3
58 CORMACK, Charles Stanley Scotch College Hawthorn 3
59 FLORATOS, Dimitri George Scotch College Hawthorn 2
60 JACKSON, Christopher Jon Scotch College Hawthorn 2
61 ROBERTSON, Duncan Charles Mccuaig Scotch College Hawthorn 2
62 FARMER, Nicholas Scotch College Hawthorn 1
63 LAI, Alec Scotch College Hawthorn 1
64 LOUDOVARIS, Pete Josef Scotch College Hawthorn 1
65 MCINTOSH, Oliver Scotch College Hawthorn 1
66 POLMEAR, Scott Miller Scotch College Hawthorn 1
67 WYNNE, Jack James Allen Scotch College Hawthorn 1
68 TAM, Matthew Wing Fung Scotch College Hawthorn 3
69 BRADDY, Thomas Cameron Scotch College Hawthorn 2
70 DARTNELL, Gabriel Gustave Scotch College Hawthorn 2
71 COPELAND, Joshua James Scotch College Hawthorn 4
72 ONG YEAN HONG, Christopher Scotch College Hawthorn 5
73 SCHILT, Lachlan Alexander Scotch College Hawthorn 4
74 ROBERTSON, James Andrew Scotch College Hawthorn 3
75 DING, Ding Scotch College Hawthorn 2
76 LIU, Jonathan Yonglong Scotch College Hawthorn 2
77 WILSON, Campbell Scotch College Hawthorn 2
78 CAROCCIA, Daniel Alexander Scotch College Hawthorn 1
79 CARSON, Hugo Scotch College Hawthorn 1
80 GOERS, William Scotch College Hawthorn 1
81 GRATION, Daniel Petrogiannis Scotch College Hawthorn 1
82 GU-YANG, Mingus Scotch College Hawthorn 1
83 HOCKING, Charles Ian Scotch College Hawthorn 1
84 LOVERIDGE, Tom Warwick Scotch College Hawthorn 1
85 SAXENA, Aryan Raj Scotch College Hawthorn 1
86 UPJOHN, William Henry Scotch College Hawthorn 1
87 WANG, Damian Scotch College Hawthorn 1
88 WORSTELING, Max Pieter Scotch College Hawthorn 1
89 WU, Mingyi Scotch College Hawthorn 1
90 PASCOE, William John Bruce Scotch College Hawthorn 5
91 SHEARER, Nicholas John Scotch College Hawthorn 4
92 JONES, Trent Berenger Scotch College Hawthorn 3
93 COUTIS, Constantine Scotch College Hawthorn 2
94 SCHILLING, Charlie Scotch College Hawthorn 2
95 BRASINGTON, James Alexander Scotch College Hawthorn 2
96 BHARGAVA, Shaunak Scotch College Hawthorn 1
97 CHIRMULEY, Maxim Padmarag Scotch College Hawthorn 1
98 DE ROOY, Cade Tanner Meese Scotch College Hawthorn 1
99 DOIDGE, Brendan James Scotch College Hawthorn 1
100 IRVING-HYMAN, Hugo Sebastian Scotch College Hawthorn 1
Last Updated: 9 Aug 2024
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