Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Count, Victoria, 2015

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2015 ranked in order of their number of High Achiever awards.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's number of subjects awarded (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of their study scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal sets of study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that these rankings are calculated using only the published results for 2015. A student's High Achiever scores from any earlier years, if any, are not not included here.

Note also that because this report excludes all study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

50 of 164 entries are shown.
51 - 100
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51 ZHU, Shelia Nossal High School Berwick 2
52 FERNANDO, Chamodi Nossal High School Berwick 2
53 ILKER, Korkhan Nossal High School Berwick 2
54 QIU, Kaiwen Nossal High School Berwick 2
55 TING, Yong Le Nossal High School Berwick 2
56 FOO, Yong See Nossal High School Berwick 1
57 KUA, Reuben Tsin Liang Nossal High School Berwick 1
58 SETHURAMAN, Anesh Nossal High School Berwick 1
59 YANG, Charis Rainbow Nossal High School Berwick 1
60 CHIA, Ee-Dawn Nossal High School Berwick 1
61 BOLDT, Lachlan Keenan Nossal High School Berwick 1
62 ONG, Xue Ting Nicole Nossal High School Berwick 1
63 OU, Daniel Nossal High School Berwick 1
64 BRAHMAVAR, Shashank Nossal High School Berwick 1
65 NGUYEN, Kathy Nossal High School Berwick 1
66 PRASANNAN PONGANAM, Meghna Nossal High School Berwick 1
67 WIMALARATNE, Ashan Nossal High School Berwick 1
68 CHEE, Megan Yinn-Yee Nossal High School Berwick 1
69 DAMEN, Alan Marc Nossal High School Berwick 1
70 LY, Tina Bich Phuong Nossal High School Berwick 1
71 PONNARASU, Roshini Nossal High School Berwick 1
72 RAMESH, Roshan Nossal High School Berwick 1
73 SATHIYASEELAN, Sowmiya Nossal High School Berwick 1
74 TANG, David Nossal High School Berwick 1
75 ZENG, Feng Lin Nossal High School Berwick 1
76 HUYNH, Kenny Nossal High School Berwick 1
77 JIN, Louise Nossal High School Berwick 1
78 KIM, Julia Minji Nossal High School Berwick 1
79 DEWAGE, Vimukthi Sandakalum Nossal High School Berwick 1
80 FERREIRA, Kenisha Mari Nossal High School Berwick 1
81 KARAIM, Berta Nossal High School Berwick 1
82 TAN, Emily Yun-Ru Nossal High School Berwick 1
83 YUNG, Fiona Nossal High School Berwick 1
84 CHAN, Katherine Chuiying Nossal High School Berwick 1
85 CHONG, Nobutaka Nossal High School Berwick 1
86 GO, Geoffrey Nossal High School Berwick 1
87 HUYNH, Nam Vong Nossal High School Berwick 1
88 JAISHANKAR, Shiv Nossal High School Berwick 1
89 JOSHI, Chahat Nossal High School Berwick 1
90 KOLOMOISKY, Shon Nossal High School Berwick 1
91 LAI, Yong Han Grant Muliady Nossal High School Berwick 1
92 PERERA, Dinithi Nossal High School Berwick 1
93 WANG, Adam Xin Hui Nossal High School Berwick 1
94 BYELAN, Angelyna Nossal High School Berwick 1
95 CHIEM, Long Trieu Nossal High School Berwick 1
96 FERNANDO, Pabasara Sewvandi Nossal High School Berwick 1
97 IBRAHIMI, Muzamal-Ali Nossal High School Berwick 1
98 IM, Juree Nossal High School Berwick 1
99 KERTESI, Aedan James Nossal High School Berwick 1
100 LI, Xiaxi Nossal High School Berwick 1
Last Updated: 7 Feb 2021
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