Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Count, Victoria, 2013

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2013 ranked in order of their number of High Achiever awards.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's number of subjects awarded (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of their study scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal sets of study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that these rankings are calculated using only the published results for 2013. A student's High Achiever scores from any earlier years, if any, are not not included here.

Note also that because this report excludes all study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

44 of 144 entries are shown.
101 - 144
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101 Kull, Judith Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
102 Leclere, Jesse Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
103 Lock, Megan Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
104 Marozzi, Jack Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
105 Merrillees, Nicole Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
106 Paternoga, Aimee Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
107 Petrovic, Sara Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
108 Schaerf-Trauner, Noa Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
109 Shen, Jiajun Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
110 Toma, Helin Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
111 Tran, Huong Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
112 Tran, Van Duc Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
113 Wang, Weiqi Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
114 Weerakkody, Udani Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
115 Woelfle, Franziska Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
116 Yamada, Junshi Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
117 Zamir, Maya Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
118 Zhu, Yingzhen Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
119 Alem Karladani, Amin Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
120 Bhatia, Geetanjli Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
121 Bouchet-Hibbert, Alice Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
122 Cauchi, Agnes Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
123 Chau, Phung Tien Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
124 Fakhouri, Wafaa Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
125 Gunduz, Basak Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
126 Gunia, Sarah Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
127 Hutchinson, Emma Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
128 Huynh, Tram Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
129 Jayakody, Mahisha Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
130 Kuechle-Greer, Louie Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
131 Le, Hong Phuong Nhi Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
132 Lee, Kaemin Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
133 Li, Yan Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
134 Nguyen, Linh To Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
135 Nguyen, Tin Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
136 Nham, Thanh Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
137 Partridge, Karina Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
138 Pratama, Elston Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
139 Rodriguez Burge, Quetzal Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
140 Solleciti, Francesco Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
141 Soni, Shruti Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
142 Sterjovska, Ana Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
143 Tashlik, Daniel Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
144 Wijaksono, Daniel Victorian School of Languages Thornbury 1
Last Updated: 18 May 2023
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