Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Count, Victoria, 2013

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2013 ranked in order of their number of High Achiever awards.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's number of subjects awarded (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of their study scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal sets of study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that these rankings are calculated using only the published results for 2013. A student's High Achiever scores from any earlier years, if any, are not not included here.

Note also that because this report excludes all study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

181 of 181 entries are shown.
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Rows per page:
1 Liu, Nicholas Scotch College Hawthorn 4
2 Lee, Elton Scotch College Hawthorn 4
3 Fellows, Nicholas Scotch College Hawthorn 4
4 Mccallum, Harry Scotch College Hawthorn 5
5 Mcmahon, George Scotch College Hawthorn 3
6 Leung, Yick Hong Scotch College Hawthorn 5
7 Yan, Richard Scotch College Hawthorn 2
8 Mclellan, John Scotch College Hawthorn 5
9 Loh, Asher Scotch College Hawthorn 2
10 Silagy, Benjamin Scotch College Hawthorn 4
11 Daggian, Luke Scotch College Hawthorn 1
12 Huang, John Scotch College Hawthorn 1
13 Mellor, James Scotch College Hawthorn 1
14 Proietto, Sam Scotch College Hawthorn 1
15 Ritter, Alexander Scotch College Hawthorn 1
16 Webb, Howard Scotch College Hawthorn 1
17 Zhan, Michael Scotch College Hawthorn 6
18 Zota, Sorin Scotch College Hawthorn 5
19 Ch'Ng, Aaron Scotch College Hawthorn 4
20 Mao, Michael Scotch College Hawthorn 2
21 Lange, Ryan Scotch College Hawthorn 3
22 Clements, James Scotch College Hawthorn 1
23 Colman, Paul Scotch College Hawthorn 1
24 Hu, Davy Scotch College Hawthorn 1
25 Song, William Scotch College Hawthorn 1
26 Powell, Cameron Scotch College Hawthorn 3
27 Lee, Jae Myeong Scotch College Hawthorn 3
28 Liu, Zhengyang Scotch College Hawthorn 2
29 Von Moger, Edward Scotch College Hawthorn 4
30 Lee, Jae-Hyung Scotch College Hawthorn 2
31 Wang, David Scotch College Hawthorn 2
32 Santini, Carlos Scotch College Hawthorn 2
33 Wong, Joshua Scotch College Hawthorn 1
34 Brkic, Alexander Scotch College Hawthorn 3
35 Otter, Jack Scotch College Hawthorn 3
36 Marshall, William Scotch College Hawthorn 3
37 Vivekananda, Vishal Scotch College Hawthorn 4
38 France, Neil Scotch College Hawthorn 2
39 Phan, Steven Scotch College Hawthorn 1
40 Parnham, Joshua Scotch College Hawthorn 3
41 Moutsias, James Scotch College Hawthorn 4
42 Ji, Richard Scotch College Hawthorn 4
43 Crozier, William Scotch College Hawthorn 2
44 Azzopardi, Douglas Scotch College Hawthorn 2
45 Bonwick, Jeremy Scotch College Hawthorn 2
46 Skok, Luke Scotch College Hawthorn 2
47 Tang, Oliver Scotch College Hawthorn 2
48 Anderson, Samuel Scotch College Hawthorn 1
49 Anthony, Shaun Scotch College Hawthorn 1
50 Bhargava, Kapil Scotch College Hawthorn 1
51 Hays, Benjamin Scotch College Hawthorn 1
52 Ho, Calvin Scotch College Hawthorn 1
53 Jakubowicz, Stephen Scotch College Hawthorn 1
54 Wang, Kevin Scotch College Hawthorn 1
55 Zagami, Luke Scotch College Hawthorn 1
56 Relf, Cormac Scotch College Hawthorn 2
57 Wang, Jeffery Scotch College Hawthorn 4
58 Melville, Cameron Scotch College Hawthorn 3
59 Shi, Oliver Scotch College Hawthorn 2
60 Su, Ron Scotch College Hawthorn 2
61 Goodey, Richard Scotch College Hawthorn 1
62 Mcintosh, Henry Scotch College Hawthorn 1
63 Polmear, James Alexander Scotch College Hawthorn 1
64 Zagame, James Scotch College Hawthorn 1
65 Pedersen, Finn Scotch College Hawthorn 3
66 Chen, Daniel Scotch College Hawthorn 3
67 Banks, Samuel Scotch College Hawthorn 4
68 Carrington, William Scotch College Hawthorn 3
69 Gallucci, Giancarlo Scotch College Hawthorn 3
70 Lee, Dean Scotch College Hawthorn 2
71 Pedersen, Jonty Scotch College Hawthorn 4
72 Pang, Tse Jin Scotch College Hawthorn 5
73 Wong, Darren Scotch College Hawthorn 3
74 Strathmore, Benjamin Scotch College Hawthorn 3
75 Klemens, Thomas Scotch College Hawthorn 2
76 Zhu, Zheng Cheng Scotch College Hawthorn 3
77 Byrne-Jones, Darcy Scotch College Hawthorn 2
78 Clark, Nicholas Scotch College Hawthorn 1
79 Giannellis, Georgio Scotch College Hawthorn 1
80 He, Meng Scotch College Hawthorn 1
81 Hookey, Edward Anthony Scotch College Hawthorn 1
82 Paulsen, Thomas Scotch College Hawthorn 1
83 Perrott, Christopher Scotch College Hawthorn 1
84 Shao, Gordon Scotch College Hawthorn 1
85 Philip, Lachlan Scotch College Hawthorn 4
86 Atcheson, James Scotch College Hawthorn 3
87 Gillies, Edward Scotch College Hawthorn 3
88 Hurley, George Scotch College Hawthorn 3
89 Beischer, Thomas Scotch College Hawthorn 4
90 Tilbrook, Hayden Scotch College Hawthorn 3
91 Peters, Andrew Scotch College Hawthorn 3
92 Copolov, Andrew Scotch College Hawthorn 2
93 Ellis, William Scotch College Hawthorn 2
94 Saengsantitham, Warut Scotch College Hawthorn 2
95 Brennan, Edward Scotch College Hawthorn 1
96 Cheong, Andrew Scotch College Hawthorn 1
97 Herbstreit, Stephan Scotch College Hawthorn 1
98 Murchie, Edward Scotch College Hawthorn 1
99 Overton, Hamish Scotch College Hawthorn 1
100 Rome, Campbell Scotch College Hawthorn 1
101 Saville, James Scotch College Hawthorn 1
102 Surendran, Sujan Scotch College Hawthorn 1
103 Toh, Zi Kit Scotch College Hawthorn 1
104 Voss, Jan Scotch College Hawthorn 1
105 Young, Shou-Wen Scotch College Hawthorn 1
106 Keith, James Scotch College Hawthorn 3
107 Hays, William Scotch College Hawthorn 2
108 Herbert, Conor Scotch College Hawthorn 2
109 Tadgell, James Scotch College Hawthorn 2
110 Christie, Nicholas Scotch College Hawthorn 4
111 Bartley, William Scotch College Hawthorn 2
112 Chen, Kollan Scotch College Hawthorn 2
113 Gao, Wencheng Scotch College Hawthorn 2
114 Huang, Kevin Scotch College Hawthorn 2
115 Lau, Ngei Ning Scotch College Hawthorn 2
116 Bell, Quentin Scotch College Hawthorn 1
117 Bernard, Thomas Scotch College Hawthorn 1
118 Clark, Charles Scotch College Hawthorn 1
119 Daffy, Joseph Scotch College Hawthorn 1
120 Dauer, Mervyn Scotch College Hawthorn 1
121 Dennis, Hamish Scotch College Hawthorn 1
122 Franetic, Aidan Scotch College Hawthorn 1
123 Hu, Jeremy Scotch College Hawthorn 1
124 Kay, Timothy Scotch College Hawthorn 1
125 Khek, Brevern Ren Jie Scotch College Hawthorn 1
126 Kwok, Selwyn Scotch College Hawthorn 1
127 La Rosa, Alexander Scotch College Hawthorn 1
128 Leonard Ariff, Imran Scotch College Hawthorn 1
129 Ling, Xi Yuen Scotch College Hawthorn 1
130 Siriweera, Shaun Scotch College Hawthorn 1
131 Slobom, Jack Scotch College Hawthorn 1
132 Wood, George Scotch College Hawthorn 1
133 Younger, Thomas Scotch College Hawthorn 1
134 Yuen, Cody Scotch College Hawthorn 1
135 Cheng, James Scotch College Hawthorn 2
136 Adihetty, Deshan Scotch College Hawthorn 2
137 Maginness, William Scotch College Hawthorn 2
138 Beard, Julian Scotch College Hawthorn 1
139 Bennett, Adam Scotch College Hawthorn 1
140 Callander, Stuart Scotch College Hawthorn 1
141 Chan, Aaron Scotch College Hawthorn 1
142 Chan, Quillan Scotch College Hawthorn 1
143 Chen, Matthew Scotch College Hawthorn 1
144 Cooper, Conrad Scotch College Hawthorn 1
145 Dickinson, Carter Scotch College Hawthorn 1
146 Kaminsky, Martin Scotch College Hawthorn 1
147 Karunaratne, Gavin Scotch College Hawthorn 1
148 Katsifolis, Peter Scotch College Hawthorn 1
149 Macleod, James Scotch College Hawthorn 1
150 Md Nahar, Nazree Scotch College Hawthorn 1
151 Meehan, James Scotch College Hawthorn 1
152 Nyein, Bryan Scotch College Hawthorn 1
153 Papaemmanouil, John Scotch College Hawthorn 1
154 Paulsen, Christen Scotch College Hawthorn 1
155 Tam, Brendan Scotch College Hawthorn 1
156 Tang, Jonas Scotch College Hawthorn 1
157 Teh, Jeremy Scotch College Hawthorn 1
158 Wildoer, Matthew Scotch College Hawthorn 1
159 Guan, Yu Chen Scotch College Hawthorn 2
160 Schloeffel, Ned Scotch College Hawthorn 2
161 Andrew, Thomas Scotch College Hawthorn 1
162 Bakirtzis, James Scotch College Hawthorn 1
163 Brodie, Sam Scotch College Hawthorn 1
164 Carstens, Dion Scotch College Hawthorn 1
165 Cook, Samuel Scotch College Hawthorn 1
166 Francis, Justin Scotch College Hawthorn 1
167 Greenaway, Thomas Scotch College Hawthorn 1
168 He, Raymond Scotch College Hawthorn 1
169 Hey, Macaulay Scotch College Hawthorn 1
170 Holmes, Oliver Scotch College Hawthorn 1
171 Kneale, William Scotch College Hawthorn 1
172 Kour, Ren Yan Scotch College Hawthorn 1
173 Mackenzie, Corey Scotch College Hawthorn 1
174 Matthews, Campbell Scotch College Hawthorn 1
175 Mcneil, Douglas Scotch College Hawthorn 1
176 Parsell, Nicholas Scotch College Hawthorn 1
177 Tan, Henry Scotch College Hawthorn 1
178 Thatcher, Redwood Scotch College Hawthorn 1
179 Veitch, William Scotch College Hawthorn 1
180 Wang, Song Scotch College Hawthorn 1
181 Yang, Alexander Scotch College Hawthorn 1
Last Updated: 18 May 2023
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