Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Count, Victoria, 2011

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2011 ranked in order of their number of High Achiever awards.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's number of subjects awarded (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of their study scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal sets of study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that these rankings are calculated using only the published results for 2011. A student's High Achiever scores from any earlier years, if any, are not not included here.

Note also that because this report excludes all study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

69 of 119 entries are shown.
51 - 119
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Rows per page:
51 Soo, Lai Kwan Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 2
52 Sugars, Emma Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 2
53 Phillips, Jocelyn Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 2
54 Christinawaty, Inge Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
55 Tepper, Megan Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
56 To, Catherine Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
57 Tomkins, Josephine Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
58 Goh, Jia Qi Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
59 Yao, Yizhou Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
60 Yoganathan, Sharanya Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
61 Herrmann, Joanna Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
62 Ho, Kelly Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
63 Huang, Yuchen Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
64 Khong, Samantha Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
65 Mann, Stacey Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
66 Sajjachareonpong, Natsuda Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
67 Smith, Stephanie Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
68 Daniels, Sabrine Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
69 Ganasalingam, Gabrielle Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
70 Lee, Jia Min Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
71 Liu, Wendy Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
72 Phua, Chloe Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
73 Sumiya, Nasa Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
74 Tse, Gawin Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
75 Chew, Stephanie Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
76 Ha, Michell Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
77 Kim, Kyung Sun Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
78 Ryan, Georgia Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
79 Wang, Chu Chu Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
80 Yan, Evonne Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
81 Fernando, Savisha Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
82 Hertanto, Adela Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
83 Jones, Phoebe Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
84 Joyce, Sarah Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
85 Kernebone, Elspeth Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
86 Murtagh, Katherine Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
87 Scammell, Rita Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
88 Shen, Ao Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
89 Stirling, Rachel Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
90 Waylen, Lisa Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
91 Yeoh, Su Yee Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
92 Zhang, Wendy Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
93 Andritsos, Sophie Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
94 Bergh, Maxine Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
95 Chi, Rebecca Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
96 Di, Anni Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
97 Dowling, Hannah Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
98 Ge, Miranda Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
99 Lam, Shui Kei Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
100 Lane, Siobhan Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
101 Lee, Krystle Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
102 Ma, Yuchen Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
103 Nguyen, Danielle Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
104 Njanja, Wangari Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
105 Purcell, Caroline Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
106 Wu, Carmen Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
107 Yang, Emily Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
108 Yassa, Amanda Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
109 Zihlmann, Priska Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
110 Cheung, Ronnie Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
111 Fan, Bing-Qing Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
112 Hall, Georgie Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
113 Jeong, Jane Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
114 Kim, Jae Kyung Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
115 Kim, Jee Soo Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
116 Lim, Zoe Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
117 Ravitharan, Sakthi Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
118 Townshend, Anna Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
119 Tran, Rebecca Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood 1
Last Updated: 21 Jan 2020
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