Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Count, Victoria, 2010

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2010 ranked in order of their number of High Achiever awards.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's number of subjects awarded (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of their study scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal sets of study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that these rankings are calculated using only the published results for 2010. A student's High Achiever scores from any earlier years, if any, are not not included here.

Note also that because this report excludes all study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

57 of 207 entries are shown.
151 - 207
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Rows per page:
151 Doublier, Maelle Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
152 Edmonds, Laura Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
153 Halstead, Rachael Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
154 Lau, Sarah Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
155 Lloyd Jones, Alexandra Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
156 Mcgannon, Claire Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
157 Spitty, Olivia Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
158 Vu-Abouzeid, Jordan Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
159 Wang, Qian Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
160 Woolley, Isabella Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
161 Xie, Jing Ru Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
162 Burman, Claire Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
163 Chan, Wing Man Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
164 Cooke, Veronica Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
165 Donaldson, Lara Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
166 Ffrench-Mullen, Emma Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
167 Fletcher, Jessica Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
168 Halaseh, Sarah Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
169 Ji, Min Ne Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
170 Lim, Kayla Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
171 Maxwell, Georgia Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
172 Mckendrick, Rachael Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
173 Mcmaster, Alison Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
174 Reilly, Grace Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
175 Sheahan, Sophie Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
176 Smith, Mia Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
177 Travis, Susan Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
178 Van Ryn, Rachael Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
179 Warren, Caitlin Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
180 Watson, Georgia Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
181 Yan, Samantha Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
182 Zhou, Wei Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
183 Avini, Leila Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
184 Bawden, Emma Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
185 Brookes, Elise Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
186 Brown, Sarah-Tilly Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
187 Carter, Michaela Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
188 De Guingang, Hilary Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
189 Li, Victoria Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
190 Macleish, Lucinda Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
191 Madhanpall, Upashna Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
192 Marzella, Natalie Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
193 Murphy, Sophie Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
194 Nikolaou, Stephanie Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
195 Parker, Catherine Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
196 Plitsch, Anna Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
197 Say, Julia Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
198 Sier, Stephanie Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
199 Smith, Emily Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
200 Smooker, Kirsten Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
201 Sudarmana, Maya Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
202 Tran-Nguyen, Kha Tu Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
203 Virgo, Alex Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
204 Warman, Emily Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
205 Willcocks, Alexandra Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
206 Yewers, Eleanor Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
207 Zhang, Luda Methodist Ladies College Kew 1
Last Updated: 9 Sep 2023
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