Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Count, Victoria, 2008

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2008 ranked in order of their total number of High Achiever awards.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's total number of awards (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of the scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that because this report excludes all study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

70 of 70 entries are shown.
Jump to row:
Rows per page:
1 Draffen, Gabriela Star of the Sea College Brighton 5 47,44,43,41,40
2 Kelly, Siobhan Star of the Sea College Brighton 4 46,46,45,40
3 Ceddia, Greta Star of the Sea College Brighton 4 45,42,41,40
4 Bracken, Anna Star of the Sea College Brighton 3 49,43,40
5 Wood, Karen Star of the Sea College Brighton 3 49,41,40
6 Hepworth, Brigette Star of the Sea College Brighton 3 46,43,41
7 Howell, Conor Star of the Sea College Brighton 3 45,44,44
8 De Biase, Andrea Star of the Sea College Brighton 3 45,43,43
9 Kostos, Louise Star of the Sea College Brighton 3 45,43,42
10 Connolly, Megan Star of the Sea College Brighton 3 45,42,40
11 Palmer, Michaela Star of the Sea College Brighton 3 43,42,40
12 Binks, Hilary Star of the Sea College Brighton 3 42,42,40
13 Whitehead, Alexandra Star of the Sea College Brighton 3 42,40,40
14 Kelly, Marnie Star of the Sea College Brighton 2 46,45
15 Armstrong, Sian Star of the Sea College Brighton 2 46,44
16 Greetham, Emma Star of the Sea College Brighton 2 45,40
17 Placentino, Jasmine Star of the Sea College Brighton 2 43,42
18 Thorne, Elly Star of the Sea College Brighton 2 43,42
19 Kielczewska, Monika Star of the Sea College Brighton 2 42,40
20 Robinson, Grace Star of the Sea College Brighton 2 41,40
21 Barca, Adriana Star of the Sea College Brighton 2 40,40
22 Borlase, Casey Star of the Sea College Brighton 2 40,40
23 Stratton, Claire Star of the Sea College Brighton 2 40,40
24 Petros, Katherine Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 47
25 Bailey, Genevieve Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 46
26 De Boer, Alexandra Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 46
27 Kobylarz, Joanna Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 46
28 McKee, Annie Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 46
29 Wright, Tamara Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 45
30 Cerreto, Anna Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 44
31 Margin, Anna Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 44
32 D'Alterio, Emily Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 43
33 Niaros, Artemis Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 43
34 Smith, Fulori Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 43
35 Tanner, Brittany Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 43
36 Tuma, Rebecca Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 43
37 Wassell, Erika Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 43
38 Friend, Rechelle Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 42
39 Ghent, Lisa Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 42
40 Judge, Rachel Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 42
41 Materia, Rebecca Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 42
42 Slater, Clare Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 42
43 Crowe, Majella Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 41
44 Green, Madeleine Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 41
45 Holmes, Rebecca Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 41
46 Kelly, Elizabeth Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 41
47 Motteram, Ella Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 41
48 Shipperd, Amy Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 41
49 Smith, Hannah Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 41
50 Smith, Nicole Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 41
51 Torpy, Josephine Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 41
52 Woodford, Lucinda Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 41
53 Beligan, Dana Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 40
54 Coldbeck, Elizabeth Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 40
55 Deen, Jessica Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 40
56 Drummond, Seonaid Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 40
57 Duncum, Anna Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 40
58 Foley, Keara Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 40
59 Hennessy, Laura Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 40
60 Hutchinson, Tess Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 40
61 Lennard, Victoria Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 40
62 Lim, So-Jung Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 40
63 Neeson, Rebecca Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 40
64 O'Brien, Zoe Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 40
65 O'Neill, Olivia Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 40
66 Placentino, Chiara Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 40
67 Ryan, Bridget Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 40
68 St John, Miya Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 40
69 Standish-Daniel, Laura Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 40
70 Symes, Susannah Star of the Sea College Brighton 1 40
Last Updated: 21 Sep 2021
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