VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2024

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2024, along with their school and subject details.

200 of 19836 entries are shown.
14140 - 14339
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14140 Quilty, Georgia Jean Williamstown High School Williamstown Legal Studies 40
14141 Quin, Lauren Ariella Siena College Camberwell English 44
14142 Quinlan, Lucy Elouise Ballarat Clarendon College Ballarat Health (VCE VET) 41
14143 Quinlan, Zoe Anne Melbourne Girls College Richmond Business Management 44
14144 Quinlan, Zoe Anne Melbourne Girls College Richmond Media 40
14145 Quinn, Kayla Kristen Templestowe College Templestowe Lower Mathematical Methods 41
14146 Quinn, Max Joe Xavier College Kew Business Management 41
14147 Quinn, Max Joe Xavier College Kew Physical Education 41
14148 Quinn, Sophie Grace Camberwell High School Canterbury Accounting 41
14149 Quinn, Taylah Jade Star of the Sea College Brighton Literature 41
14150 Quinn, William John Xavier College Kew English 44
14151 Quinn, William John Xavier College Kew Physics 41
14152 Quinn, William Joseph Xavier College Kew Physical Education 40
14153 Quoc, Emma Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 49
14154 Quoc, Emma Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Chemistry 41
14155 Quoc, Emma Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods 40
14156 Quraishi, Nomaan Ali Suzanne Cory High School Werribee Health and Human Development 46
14157 Qureshi, Saif Ahmed Kambrya College Berwick General Mathematics 45
14158 Qureshi, Selina Carol Anila Melbourne Girls College Richmond Business Management 40
14159 Rachcoff, Tia Rosalyn Ruyton Girls School Kew English 45
14160 Rachcoff, Tia Rosalyn Ruyton Girls School Kew Health and Human Development 44
14161 Rachcoff, Tia Rosalyn Ruyton Girls School Kew Psychology 43
14162 Racine, Amelie Eve Cornish College Bangholme Sociology 44
14163 Raciti, Zane Daniel St Bernards College Essendon Legal Studies 41
14164 Raciti, Zane Daniel St Bernards College Essendon Business Management 40
14165 Racovalis, Elektra Ivanhoe Girls Grammar School Ivanhoe Art Creative Practice 43
14166 Racunica, Mila Haileybury Girls College Keysborough English 40
14167 Racunica, Mila Haileybury Girls College Keysborough General Mathematics 40
14168 Raczkowski, Alexandra Honore Star of the Sea College Brighton Food Studies 40
14169 Rademeyer, Ruan Elardus Oxley Christian College Chirnside Park Physics 43
14170 Radford, Sarah Lily Girton Grammar School Bendigo English 41
14171 Radford, Sarah Lily Girton Grammar School Bendigo Environmental Science 41
14172 Radford, Thomas Jack Templestowe College Templestowe Lower General Mathematics 50
14173 Radin, Benjamin The Grange P-12 College Hoppers Crossing General Mathematics 43
14174 Radon, Thomas Kai Yarram Secondary College Yarram Chemistry 44
14175 Radwi, Wasim Mildura Senior College Mildura Economics 41
14176 Rae, Summer Qing Fitzroy High School Fitzroy North Art Making and Exhibiting 43
14177 Rae, Summer Qing Collingwood College Collingwood Health and Human Development 41
14178 Rae, Summer Qing Fitzroy High School Fitzroy North Sociology 41
14179 Raffaut, Amelia Mentone Grammar School Mentone Environmental Science 42
14180 Raffaut, Zachary Maurice Mentone Grammar School Mentone Physical Education 44
14181 Raffo, Anabelle Loyola College Watsonia Business Management 45
14182 Raffo, Anabelle Loyola College Watsonia Biology 43
14183 Ragg, Georgia Ann Emmanuel College Warrnambool Warrnambool English 44
14184 Ragg, Mishaye Claudine Haileybury Girls College Keysborough Art Making and Exhibiting 43
14185 Raghavan, Vinay Haileybury College Keysborough Mathematical Methods 50
14186 Raghavan, Vinay Haileybury College Keysborough Biology 46
14187 Raghunandan, Shriram Nossal High School Berwick Mathematical Methods 41
14188 Ragu, Saranya Peninsula International School Australia Malaysia Campus Selangor, Malaysia Business Management 41
14189 Raguraj, Haresh Gleneagles Secondary College Endeavour Hills General Mathematics 45
14190 Raguraj, Haresh Gleneagles Secondary College Endeavour Hills Chemistry 42
14191 Raguraj, Haresh Gleneagles Secondary College Endeavour Hills Mathematical Methods 41
14192 Ragusa, Xavier St Bernards College Essendon Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
14193 Ragusa, Xavier St Bernards College Essendon English 41
14194 Rahdon, Lucy Elizabeth The Geelong College Newtown English 42
14195 Rahdon, Lucy Elizabeth The Geelong College Newtown Psychology 41
14196 Rahim, Amna Sirius College Dandenong Campus Keysborough Chemistry 45
14197 Rahim, Amna Sirius College Dandenong Campus Keysborough English 45
14198 Rahim, Amna Sirius College Dandenong Campus Keysborough Mathematical Methods 44
14199 Rahman, Lia Zavira Islamic College of Melbourne Tarneit Business Management 42
14200 Rahman, Nadia Zainab Kingswood College Box Hill Art Creative Practice 42
14201 Rahman, Sana Suzanne Cory High School Werribee General Mathematics 42
14202 Rahman, Suha Zara Mount Waverley Secondary College Mount Waverley Visual Communication Design 50
14203 Rahman, Suha Zara Mount Waverley Secondary College Mount Waverley Biology 42
14204 Rai, Megha Mentone Girls Secondary College Mentone Legal Studies 41
14205 Raic, Julian Parade College Bundoora English 44
14206 Raic, Julian Parade College Bundoora Chemistry 41
14207 Raissi, Koroush Trinity Grammar School Kew Physics 46
14208 Raissi, Koroush Trinity Grammar School Kew Specialist Mathematics 45
14209 Raissi, Koroush Trinity Grammar School Kew Economics 43
14210 Raissi, Koroush Trinity Grammar School Kew English 43
14211 Raj, Zaydan Dev Haileybury College Keysborough History: Revolutions 40
14212 Raja, Zain Azhar Sirius College Meadow Fair Campus Broadmeadows English 41
14213 Rajakaruna, Imaya Randinee St Margarets Berwick Grammar Berwick Campus Berwick Physical Education 43
14214 Rajakulendran, Aliyana Camberwell Girls Grammar School Canterbury Biology 50
14215 Rajan, Ethan Rubin Peninsula Grammar Mount Eliza General Mathematics 43
14216 Rajapakse, Pavith Neelodh Overnewton Anglican College Keilor Psychology 42
14217 Rajapakse, Pavith Neelodh Overnewton Anglican College Keilor English 41
14218 Rajapaksha, Nithika Dinsara Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Systems Engineering 41
14219 Rajasegaran, Thivarna Nossal High School Berwick English 40
14220 Rajasinghe, Melisha Nathali Haileybury Girls College Keysborough English 46
14221 Rajasinghe, Melisha Nathali Haileybury Girls College Keysborough Mathematical Methods 46
14222 Rajasinghe, Melisha Nathali Haileybury Girls College Keysborough Physics 46
14223 Rajesh, Neeraja Nossal High School Berwick Legal Studies 44
14224 Rajesh, Saumya Mercy College Coburg Health and Human Development 43
14225 Rajesh, Saumya Mercy College Coburg General Mathematics 42
14226 Rajesh, Shreeya MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Accounting 49
14227 Rajesh, Shreeya MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne General Mathematics 45
14228 Rajher, Emily Cecilia Vermont Secondary College Vermont Psychology 41
14229 Rajic, Alexis Our Lady of Mercy College Heidelberg Business Management 42
14230 Rajic, Alexis Our Lady of Mercy College Heidelberg General Mathematics 41
14231 Rajic, Alexis Our Lady of Mercy College Heidelberg Visual Communication Design 40
14232 Rajiv, Harishan Christopher Haileybury College Keysborough English 40
14233 Rajmohan, Thanishka Balwyn High School Balwyn North Data Analytics 42
14234 Rajpal, Mannan Singh Bacchus Marsh Grammar Bacchus Marsh Accounting 41
14235 Raju, Akshay Kambrya College Berwick Mathematical Methods 40
14236 Rakesh, Advika MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Economics 46
14237 Rakesh, Advika MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Accounting 44
14238 Rakesh, Advika MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne English Language 43
14239 Rakogiannis, Zoe Emmaus College Vermont South English 40
14240 Ralph, Jasmine Ivanhoe Girls Grammar School Ivanhoe Art Making and Exhibiting 48
14241 Ralph, Jasmine Ivanhoe Girls Grammar School Ivanhoe Art Creative Practice 46
14242 Ralph, Jasmine Ivanhoe Girls Grammar School Ivanhoe English 41
14243 Ralph, Jasmine Ivanhoe Girls Grammar School Ivanhoe History: Revolutions 40
14244 Ralph, Maggie Nola Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak Health and Human Development 44
14245 Ralphs, Ashley William Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster General Mathematics 43
14246 Ramachandran, Amrish Victorian Tamil Association Glen Waverley Languages: Tamil 43
14247 Ramadge, Luke Thomas Godwin Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Business Management 40
14248 Ramage, Banjo Blu Oberon High School Armstrong Creek General Mathematics 40
14249 Ramage, Banjo Blu Oberon High School Armstrong Creek Systems Engineering 40
14250 Raman, Isha McKinnon Secondary College McKinnon Health and Human Development 43
14251 Raman, Isha McKinnon Secondary College McKinnon General Mathematics 40
14252 Ramanaharan, Shriya MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Physics 45
14253 Ramanandi, Veer Arunkumar St Peters College Cranbourne General Mathematics 40
14254 Ramanathan, Ramsubbu Nossal High School Berwick Business Management 42
14255 Ramani, Siddanth Neelakantan Templestowe College Templestowe Lower Physical Education 44
14256 Ramani, Siddanth Neelakantan Templestowe College Templestowe Lower General Mathematics 43
14257 Ramani, Siddanth Neelakantan Templestowe College Templestowe Lower English 40
14258 Ramasamy, Ashwin Scotch College Hawthorn Biology 42
14259 Ramavat, Nysa Amit Camberwell Girls Grammar School Canterbury Global Politics 40
14260 Rambrichh, Jay Casey Grammar School Cranbourne East English 41
14261 Rambrichh, Jay Casey Grammar School Cranbourne East Visual Communication Design 41
14262 Rambrichh, Jay Casey Grammar School Cranbourne East General Mathematics 40
14263 Ramchander, Gautham Bharathi Academy Dandenong Dandenong Languages: Tamil 43
14264 Ramesh, Rithika MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne General Mathematics 50
14265 Ramesh, Rithika MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Biology 48
14266 Ramesh, Rithika MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Chemistry 44
14267 Ramesh, Rithika MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne English 44
14268 Ramesh, Saahithya Nossal High School Berwick Biology 43
14269 Ramesha, Sonika Good News Lutheran College Tarneit English 40
14270 Rametta, Claudia Samantha Our Lady of Mercy College Heidelberg Legal Studies 45
14271 Rametta, Claudia Samantha Our Lady of Mercy College Heidelberg Business Management 43
14272 Rametta, Claudia Samantha Our Lady of Mercy College Heidelberg Health and Human Development 42
14273 Rametta, Claudia Samantha Our Lady of Mercy College Heidelberg Psychology 42
14274 Ramjutton, Rohan Durijesh Parade College Bundoora Languages: French 40
14275 Ramkumar Padmapriya, Samyuktaa Glen Waverley Secondary College Glen Waverley English 41
14276 Ramos, Trisha Sharmaine Santa Maria College Northcote Legal Studies 40
14277 Rampal, Kiara Haileybury Girls College Keysborough Sociology 50
14278 Rampal, Kiara Haileybury Girls College Keysborough Business Management 45
14279 Rampal, Kiara Haileybury Girls College Keysborough English 43
14280 Rampal, Kiara Haileybury Girls College Keysborough Health and Human Development 42
14281 Rampant, Isabella Sacred Heart Girls College Hughesdale Food Studies 41
14282 Ramsden, William Richard Sandringham College Sandringham Physical Education 44
14283 Rana, Jaldhi John Monash Science School Clayton Mathematical Methods 43
14284 Rana, Kalp Jayeshkumar Werribee Secondary College Werribee General Mathematics 44
14285 Rana, Kalp Jayeshkumar Werribee Secondary College Werribee Accounting 42
14286 Rana, Kalp Jayeshkumar Werribee Secondary College Werribee Mathematical Methods 40
14287 Ranasinghe, Rachelle Christine MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne General Mathematics 40
14288 Ranatunga, Vinuki Thiseka St Catherines School Toorak Biology 45
14289 Ranatunga, Vinuki Thiseka St Catherines School Toorak Mathematical Methods 42
14290 Ranaweera, Brian Abeetha Nossal High School Berwick Physical Education 40
14291 Ranaweera, Dylan Madusha Nossal High School Berwick General Mathematics 45
14292 Ranaweera, Dylan Madusha Nossal High School Berwick Physics 43
14293 Randall, Lucy Anna Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak English 40
14294 Randall, Poppy Grace Mount St Joseph Girls College Altona Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
14295 Randall, Toby James Mornington Secondary College Mornington Systems Engineering 40
14296 Randhawa, Simrit Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Biology 42
14297 Ranganathan, Rudy Kirin James Eltham High School Eltham English 43
14298 Ranganathan, Rudy Kirin James Eltham High School Eltham Mathematical Methods 41
14299 Ranganathan, Rudy Kirin James Eltham High School Eltham Physics 40
14300 Rangarajan, Sugirthan Nossal High School Berwick Biology 50
14301 Ranieri, Daniel Nino Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School Keilor East Economics 42
14302 Ranieri, Daniel Nino Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School Keilor East Accounting 41
14303 Ranjan, Aadya University High School Parkville Literature 43
14304 Ranjan, Aanya Suzanne Cory High School Werribee Business Management 46
14305 Ranjan, Rusha Caulfield Grammar School Wheelers Hill Wheelers Hill Legal Studies 40
14306 Ranjbar Kelagery, Tetinar Victorian School of Languages Thornbury Languages: Persian 41
14307 Rankin Macdonald, Wilhelmina Daisy Brunswick Secondary College Brunswick Art Making and Exhibiting 40
14308 Rankin, Aidan James Mentone Grammar School Mentone Economics 50
14309 Rankin, Aidan James Mentone Grammar School Mentone Physics 50
14310 Rankin, Aidan James Mentone Grammar School Mentone English Language 43
14311 Rankin, Ashton Robert John Monash Science School Clayton Psychology 45
14312 Rankin, Hamish Geoffroy Mentone Grammar School Mentone Business Management 44
14313 Rankin, Hamish Geoffroy Mentone Grammar School Mentone Accounting 42
14314 Rankin, Jeremy Salesian College Chadstone Chadstone Media 42
14315 Ransom, Harriet Avila College Mount Waverley Psychology 46
14316 Ransom, Harriet Avila College Mount Waverley English 42
14317 Ransom, Harriet Avila College Mount Waverley Biology 41
14318 Rao, Kyle Gabriel Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods 43
14319 Rao, Kyle Gabriel Mazenod College Mulgrave Literature 41
14320 Rao, Raghav Vivek Edgars Creek Secondary College Wollert General Mathematics 43
14321 Rao, Swara Padmakar Huntingtower School Mount Waverley Biology 45
14322 Rao, Swara Padmakar Huntingtower School Mount Waverley Physical Education 45
14323 Rao, Swara Padmakar Huntingtower School Mount Waverley English 42
14324 Rao, Swara Padmakar Huntingtower School Mount Waverley Chemistry 41
14325 Rao, Vaibhav Melbourne High School South Yarra Mathematical Methods 50
14326 Rao, Vaibhav Melbourne High School South Yarra English 49
14327 Rao, Vaibhav Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 46
14328 Rasalam, Carissa Mary Anastasia Waverley Christian College Wantirna South Wantirna South History: Revolutions 41
14329 Rasalam, Carissa Mary Anastasia Waverley Christian College Wantirna South Wantirna South Texts and Traditions 41
14330 Raschilla, Elena Giuseppina St Francis Xavier College Beaconsfield Hospitality: Cookery (VCE VET) 41
14331 Rasco, Lillibelle Catherine Albert Park College Albert Park Philosophy 43
14332 Rashid, Aabida Al-Taqwa College Islamic Schools of Vic Truganina General Mathematics 47
14333 Rashid, Rameesha Yasna Al-Taqwa College Islamic Schools of Vic Truganina General Mathematics 40
14334 Rasile-Lombardo, Alessio Taylors Lakes Secondary College Taylors Lakes General Mathematics 49
14335 Rasile-Lombardo, Alessio Taylors Lakes Secondary College Taylors Lakes Data Analytics 43
14336 Raskin, Emily Haileybury Pangea Campus Keysborough Psychology 40
14337 Raskin, Uziel Yeshivah College St Kilda East Physics 42
14338 Raspudic, Anica Ave Maria College Aberfeldie Outdoor and Environmental Studies 47
14339 Raspudic, Anica Ave Maria College Aberfeldie English 42
Last Updated: 14 Dec 2024
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