VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2024

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2024, along with their school and subject details.

21 of 121 entries are shown.
101 - 121
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101 Sitch, Anderson James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Languages: French 40
102 Stokes, Zoe Elizabeth Victorian School of Languages Thornbury Languages: French 40
103 Stratmann, James Wilbur Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Languages: French 43
104 Subasinghe, Methaya Haileybury Girls College Keysborough Languages: French 41
105 Tuckwell, Clare Louisa Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak Languages: French 43
106 Vasitch, Talia Melbourne Girls College Richmond Languages: French 41
107 Wagner, Cassandra Abigail Ruyton Girls School Kew Languages: French 40
108 Walker, Alice Sophie Parkdale Secondary College Mordialloc Languages: French 41
109 Wang, Michael Sherwyn Scotch College Hawthorn Languages: French 42
110 Westcott, Hamish William Abery Camberwell Grammar School Canterbury Languages: French 46
111 Wu, Owen Jiaming Camberwell Grammar School Canterbury Languages: French 42
112 Xu, Zirui Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Languages: French 41
113 Yashfee, Muntaha MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Languages: French 40
114 Yu, Emilie Mentone Girls Grammar School Mentone Languages: French 41
115 Zaparas, Julia Madeleine Ruyton Girls School Kew Languages: French 43
116 Zhang, Ivy Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School Keilor East Languages: French 47
117 Zhao, Hanwei Balwyn High School Balwyn North Languages: French 50
118 Zheng, William Scotch College Hawthorn Languages: French 42
119 Zhou, Emily Xiaole Melbourne Girls Grammar South Yarra Languages: French 43
120 Zhu, Louisa Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School Keilor East Languages: French 45
121 Zhu, Sarah Xinyue Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Languages: French 42
Last Updated: 14 Dec 2024
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