VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2024

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2024, along with their school and subject details.

115 of 115 entries are shown.
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1 Asaturov, Jason Isaiah St Leonards College Brighton East Business Management 40
2 Boustead, Brandon Terry St Leonards College Brighton East Legal Studies 40
3 Budgen, James Luke St Leonards College Brighton East Music Inquiry 47
4 Budgen, James Luke St Leonards College Brighton East English Language 43
5 Budgen, James Luke St Leonards College Brighton East Mathematical Methods 42
6 Cameron, Olivia Cherry St Leonards College Brighton East Health and Human Development 42
7 Cameron, Olivia Cherry St Leonards College Brighton East Physical Education 42
8 Cirillo, Michael James St Leonards College Brighton East General Mathematics 40
9 County, Xavier Geoffrey St Leonards College Brighton East Mathematical Methods 43
10 Dally, Teagan Jess St Leonards College Brighton East Legal Studies 43
11 Douglas, Matthew Campbell R St Leonards College Brighton East Software Development 42
12 Ellenport, Cleo St Leonards College Brighton East Food Studies 40
13 Fisher, Bronte Kennedy St Leonards College Brighton East English 41
14 Fowler, Holly Charlotte St Leonards College Brighton East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
15 French, Ella Grace St Leonards College Brighton East Media 43
16 French, Ella Grace St Leonards College Brighton East Visual Communication Design 43
17 Furze, Jem Lucas George St Leonards College Brighton East Economics 46
18 Furze, Jem Lucas George St Leonards College Brighton East Media 45
19 Furze, Jem Lucas George St Leonards College Brighton East English 44
20 Furze, Jem Lucas George St Leonards College Brighton East Psychology 40
21 Gersbach, Ava Lily St Leonards College Brighton East Food Studies 50
22 Gersbach, Ava Lily St Leonards College Brighton East English 41
23 Gersbach, Ava Lily St Leonards College Brighton East Visual Communication Design 40
24 Glendenning, Amelie Sophie St Leonards College Brighton East Media 46
25 Glendenning, Amelie Sophie St Leonards College Brighton East General Mathematics 43
26 Glendenning, Amelie Sophie St Leonards College Brighton East Visual Communication Design 43
27 Glendenning, Amelie Sophie St Leonards College Brighton East English 42
28 Greenan, Killian Alan Francis St Leonards College Brighton East Economics 45
29 Greenan, Killian Alan Francis St Leonards College Brighton East English Language 40
30 Greenan, Killian Alan Francis St Leonards College Brighton East Global Politics 40
31 Guo, Yuhao St Leonards College Brighton East Mathematical Methods 48
32 Guo, Yuhao St Leonards College Brighton East Specialist Mathematics 47
33 Guo, Yuhao St Leonards College Brighton East Physics 43
34 Guo, Yuhao St Leonards College Brighton East Software Development 40
35 Hadley, Alexander James St Leonards College Brighton East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 45
36 Hadley, Alexander James St Leonards College Brighton East Media 42
37 Hall, Tasman Riley St Leonards College Brighton East General Mathematics 43
38 Hallam, Zachary James St Leonards College Brighton East History: Revolutions 46
39 Hallam, Zachary James St Leonards College Brighton East English Language 45
40 Hallam, Zachary James St Leonards College Brighton East Global Politics 40
41 Hanekamp, Lune Anna St Leonards College Brighton East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 48
42 Hanekamp, Lune Anna St Leonards College Brighton East English 41
43 Hart, Jessica Lois St Leonards College Brighton East Media 41
44 Hassan, Ali St Leonards College Brighton East Business Management 42
45 Helder, Asha Jayne St Leonards College Brighton East Health and Human Development 42
46 Helder, Asha Jayne St Leonards College Brighton East Legal Studies 41
47 Hibberson, Liron St Leonards College Brighton East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
48 Hibberson, Liron St Leonards College Brighton East Media 42
49 Keys, Isabel Frances St Leonards College Brighton East Food Studies 44
50 Koutsimpiris, Kristen Madeline St Leonards College Brighton East Visual Communication Design 41
51 Kuramoto, Lucy Sofia Lang St Leonards College Brighton East Health and Human Development 42
52 Kuramoto, Lucy Sofia Lang St Leonards College Brighton East English 40
53 Lord, Alexandra Katya St Leonards College Brighton East History: Revolutions 45
54 Loschiavo, Nicola Mia St Leonards College Brighton East English 44
55 Loschiavo, Nicola Mia St Leonards College Brighton East Health and Human Development 44
56 Loschiavo, Nicola Mia St Leonards College Brighton East Business Management 42
57 Love, Sarah Maree St Leonards College Brighton East Geography 40
58 Mainwaring, Lottie Alice St Leonards College Brighton East English 40
59 Mcphee, Alexander Lachlan St Leonards College Brighton East Physical Education 43
60 Mcvilly, Bridgett Ashton St Leonards College Brighton East Biology 42
61 Meehan, Amelia Anna St Leonards College Brighton East Physical Education 42
62 Mitchell, Grace Pearl St Leonards College Brighton East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
63 Morgan, Ruby Florence St Leonards College Brighton East Visual Communication Design 48
64 Nilsson, Alessandro Karl St Leonards College Brighton East Chemistry 42
65 Nixon-Rice, Sienna St Leonards College Brighton East Media 40
66 Norton, Harry Jack St Leonards College Brighton East Food Studies 45
67 Norton, Harry Jack St Leonards College Brighton East English 43
68 O'Sullivan, Stella Violet St Leonards College Brighton East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 50
69 O'Sullivan, Stella Violet St Leonards College Brighton East Health and Human Development 45
70 Owen, Toby Giacomo St Leonards College Brighton East Mathematical Methods 50
71 Owen, Toby Giacomo St Leonards College Brighton East Specialist Mathematics 50
72 Owen, Toby Giacomo St Leonards College Brighton East Physics 49
73 Owen, Toby Giacomo St Leonards College Brighton East Chemistry 47
74 Owen, Toby Giacomo St Leonards College Brighton East English Language 47
75 Pafumi, Luke Cooper St Leonards College Brighton East English 44
76 Pafumi, Luke Cooper St Leonards College Brighton East Media 41
77 Page, Phoebe Sue St Leonards College Brighton East Health and Human Development 47
78 Page, Tahlia Maya St Leonards College Brighton East Media 41
79 Page, Tahlia Maya St Leonards College Brighton East Health and Human Development 40
80 Palmer, Miles Jon St Leonards College Brighton East Media 40
81 Pearce, Hudson Sumpter St Leonards College Brighton East Physical Education 40
82 Pezzaniti, Zaine Lucas St Leonards College Brighton East Accounting 42
83 Pezzaniti, Zaine Lucas St Leonards College Brighton East Visual Communication Design 40
84 Qasimi, Somaya St Leonards College Brighton East English as an Additional Language 40
85 Rodgers-Wilson, Indianna Mayo St Leonards College Brighton East Business Management 46
86 Rouditser, Rebecca St Leonards College Brighton East Biology 41
87 Rouditser, Rebecca St Leonards College Brighton East Economics 40
88 Rutledge, Elissa Christina St Leonards College Brighton East English 46
89 Rutledge, Elissa Christina St Leonards College Brighton East Psychology 41
90 Sarant, Refe Matthew St Leonards College Brighton East Systems Engineering 42
91 Sarant, Zain Alexander St Leonards College Brighton East Physical Education 40
92 Schmidt, Sienna St Leonards College Brighton East English 43
93 Schmidt, Sienna St Leonards College Brighton East Visual Communication Design 41
94 Shevach, Oren St Leonards College Brighton East Systems Engineering 41
95 Shevach, Oren St Leonards College Brighton East English 40
96 Shirazi, Jessica Amy St Leonards College Brighton East Business Management 44
97 Smith, Eve Olivia St Leonards College Brighton East Health and Human Development 40
98 Smith, Owen Philip St Leonards College Brighton East Mathematical Methods 48
99 Smith, Owen Philip St Leonards College Brighton East Specialist Mathematics 43
100 Smith, Owen Philip St Leonards College Brighton East Physics 42
101 Smith, Owen Philip St Leonards College Brighton East Chemistry 40
102 Staunton, Noa St Leonards College Brighton East History: Revolutions 44
103 Thorburn, Ellie Michele St Leonards College Brighton East Health and Human Development 41
104 Unkles, Dylan Dean St Leonards College Brighton East Visual Communication Design 40
105 Vasiliadis, George Liam St Leonards College Brighton East Physics 45
106 Vasiliadis, George Liam St Leonards College Brighton East English Language 42
107 Vati, Jake Asher St Leonards College Brighton East Physical Education 42
108 Waites, Brett William St Leonards College Brighton East Physical Education 42
109 Walton, Chloe Matilda St Leonards College Brighton East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
110 Welsh, Amelia Rose St Leonards College Brighton East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
111 Westerbeek, Thomas Kai Theodore St Leonards College Brighton East English 40
112 White, Alyssa Jay St Leonards College Brighton East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 48
113 Williams, Arkin Heath St Leonards College Brighton East Media 41
114 Wood, Isabella Florence Jill St Leonards College Brighton East Visual Communication Design 42
115 Wu, Tianxiao St Leonards College Brighton East Mathematical Methods 41
Last Updated: 14 Dec 2024
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