VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2024

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2024, along with their school and subject details.

50 of 236 entries are shown.
1 - 50
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1 Adamson, Alexandra Grace Methodist Ladies College Kew Health and Human Development 41
2 Alcock, Isabella Grace Leonie Methodist Ladies College Kew Hospitality: Cookery (VCE VET) 46
3 Almond, Bridget May Methodist Ladies College Kew Biology 42
4 Anderson, Jessica Laura Methodist Ladies College Kew Hospitality (VCE VET) 45
5 Au, Sienna Ka Man Methodist Ladies College Kew Languages: Japanese Second Language 48
6 Au, Sienna Ka Man Methodist Ladies College Kew Mathematical Methods 46
7 Au, Sienna Ka Man Methodist Ladies College Kew Chemistry 42
8 Au, Sienna Ka Man Methodist Ladies College Kew English 41
9 Au, Sienna Ka Man Methodist Ladies College Kew Specialist Mathematics 40
10 Aubrey, Savannah Wynter Methodist Ladies College Kew Health and Human Development 40
11 Azzam, Olivia Liliana Methodist Ladies College Kew Business Management 43
12 Azzam, Olivia Liliana Methodist Ladies College Kew Health and Human Development 42
13 Babidge, Lucy Catherine Methodist Ladies College Kew Hospitality (VCE VET) 48
14 Babidge, Lucy Catherine Methodist Ladies College Kew Health and Human Development 44
15 Babidge, Lucy Catherine Methodist Ladies College Kew History: Revolutions 43
16 Bennetts, Madeleine Susan Methodist Ladies College Kew Product Design and Technologies 45
17 Bennetts, Madeleine Susan Methodist Ladies College Kew General Mathematics 41
18 Bond, Lucia Lilly Methodist Ladies College Kew Physical Education 47
19 Booth, Coco Chloe Tulloch Methodist Ladies College Kew General Mathematics 45
20 Booth, Coco Chloe Tulloch Methodist Ladies College Kew English 41
21 Booth, Coco Chloe Tulloch Methodist Ladies College Kew Health and Human Development 41
22 Bowman, Tilly Moren Methodist Ladies College Kew Legal Studies 42
23 Bowman, Tilly Moren Methodist Ladies College Kew Biology 41
24 Bowman, Tilly Moren Methodist Ladies College Kew Physical Education 41
25 Bown, Chloe Maddison Methodist Ladies College Kew Physical Education 41
26 Brent, Emily Grace Methodist Ladies College Kew Biology 42
27 Brent, Lucinda Ruby Methodist Ladies College Kew Business Management 47
28 Brent, Lucinda Ruby Methodist Ladies College Kew Legal Studies 46
29 Briggs, Felicity Janet Methodist Ladies College Kew Health and Human Development 48
30 Briggs, Felicity Janet Methodist Ladies College Kew General Mathematics 43
31 Briggs, Felicity Janet Methodist Ladies College Kew English Language 40
32 Briggs, Soraya Rosemarie Geral Methodist Ladies College Kew English 40
33 Bugno, Eliza Grace Methodist Ladies College Kew Philosophy 40
34 Bui, Eleanore Jun Li Methodist Ladies College Kew English 50
35 Bui, Eleanore Jun Li Methodist Ladies College Kew Chemistry 45
36 Bui, Eleanore Jun Li Methodist Ladies College Kew Mathematical Methods 44
37 Bui, Eleanore Jun Li Methodist Ladies College Kew Languages: Japanese Second Language 42
38 Butera, Pearl Ava Methodist Ladies College Kew Biology 42
39 Cao, Amy Yu Methodist Ladies College Kew Languages: Chinese Second Language 42
40 Case, Evie Louise Methodist Ladies College Kew Geography 41
41 Case, Evie Louise Methodist Ladies College Kew Health and Human Development 41
42 Castle, Charlotte Mary Methodist Ladies College Kew Hospitality: Cookery (VCE VET) 50
43 Cheung, Jacqueline Han Methodist Ladies College Kew English 46
44 Cheung, Jacqueline Han Methodist Ladies College Kew Legal Studies 46
45 Cheung, Jacqueline Han Methodist Ladies College Kew Global Politics 41
46 Cheung, Jacqueline Han Methodist Ladies College Kew Mathematical Methods 41
47 Chin, Poppy Christina Methodist Ladies College Kew Health and Human Development 41
48 Clark, Olivia Jade Methodist Ladies College Kew Hospitality: Cookery (VCE VET) 43
49 Claydon, Stephanie Grace Methodist Ladies College Kew Biology 42
50 Croft, Anabelle Grace Methodist Ladies College Kew Legal Studies 40
Last Updated: 14 Dec 2024
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