VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2024

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2024, along with their school and subject details.

21 of 21 entries are shown.
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1 Aidt, Mattias Jason Geelong High School East Geelong Chemistry 47
2 Aidt, Mattias Jason Geelong High School East Geelong Physics 46
3 Aidt, Mattias Jason Geelong High School East Geelong Mathematical Methods 42
4 Barker, Jackson Mathew Geelong High School East Geelong Physical Education 43
5 Blyth, Connor Oliver Geelong High School East Geelong Physical Education 43
6 Blyth, Connor Oliver Geelong High School East Geelong English 40
7 Filippi, Jackson Anthony Geelong High School East Geelong Business Management 41
8 Gibson, Ellie Kate Geelong High School East Geelong Visual Communication Design 41
9 John, Charlize Mary Geelong High School East Geelong Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
10 Khun, Sandy Geelong High School East Geelong Psychology 40
11 Lilley, Ashleigh Rose Geelong High School East Geelong Foundation Mathematics 40
12 Magor, Nina Sylvie Geelong High School East Geelong English 41
13 Nolan, Charlotte Grace Geelong High School East Geelong Psychology 44
14 Payne, Erica Grace Geelong High School East Geelong Dance (VCE VET) 41
15 Smith, Tallan Vincent Geelong High School East Geelong Health and Human Development 40
16 Spark, Riley Geelong High School East Geelong Music Sound Production (VCE VET) 42
17 Telfer, Isabella Rose Geelong High School East Geelong Psychology 42
18 Telfer, Isabella Rose Geelong High School East Geelong English 40
19 Van Der Meulen, Jasmine Olivia Grace Geelong High School East Geelong Foundation Mathematics 40
20 West, Lily Mae Geelong High School East Geelong History: Revolutions 49
21 West, Lily Mae Geelong High School East Geelong English 47
Last Updated: 14 Dec 2024
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