VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2023

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2023, along with their school and subject details.

31 of 18842 entries are shown.
18812 - 18842
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18812 Zimmerman, Maya Olivia St Leonards College Brighton East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
18813 Zimmerman, Maya Olivia St Leonards College Brighton East English 41
18814 Zissimou, Katerina Irene MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Media 47
18815 Zissimou, Katerina Irene MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne English 42
18816 Zmak, Ivan Hendrik Hume Anglican Grammar Mickleham General Mathematics 44
18817 Zmegac, Zelie Therese Mount Lilydale Mercy College Lilydale Business Management 43
18818 Zodo, Gabrielle Kambrya College Berwick Specialist Mathematics 48
18819 Zodo, Gabrielle Kambrya College Berwick Mathematical Methods 47
18820 Zodo, Gabrielle Kambrya College Berwick Chemistry 45
18821 Zodo, Gabrielle Kambrya College Berwick Physics 45
18822 Zohar, Monique Bialik College Hawthorn English 40
18823 Zou, Alice Lowther Hall Anglican Grammar School Essendon Art Creative Practice 45
18824 Zou, Alice Lowther Hall Anglican Grammar School Essendon English 43
18825 Zou, Alice Lowther Hall Anglican Grammar School Essendon Chemistry 42
18826 Zou, Daniel Li-Tao Scotch College Hawthorn Chemistry 41
18827 Zou, Daniel Li-Tao Scotch College Hawthorn Specialist Mathematics 40
18828 Zou, Ella Tian Yue Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Mount Waverley Languages: Chinese Culture and Society 44
18829 Zou, Oliver Kunyan Huntingtower School Mount Waverley Biology 45
18830 Zou, Oliver Kunyan Huntingtower School Mount Waverley Chemistry 42
18831 Zou, Oliver Kunyan Huntingtower School Mount Waverley English 42
18832 Zsigmond, Clayton Tony Patterson River Secondary College Seaford Systems Engineering 40
18833 Zuccarelli, Evelyn Ave Maria College Aberfeldie General Mathematics 41
18834 Zulkarnain, Zareef John Monash Science School Clayton Physics 45
18835 Zulkarnain, Zareef John Monash Science School Clayton English 43
18836 Zulkarnain, Zareef John Monash Science School Clayton Specialist Mathematics 41
18837 Zumpe, Saffron Lily Kardinia International College Bell Post Hill Australian History 45
18838 Zurzolo, Giovanna Francesca Kurunjang Secondary College Melton English 49
18839 Zurzolo, Giovanna Francesca Kurunjang Secondary College Melton Australian History 48
18840 Zurzolo, Giovanna Francesca Kurunjang Secondary College Melton Psychology 41
18841 Zvirbulis, Poppy Frankston High School Frankston Sport and Recreation (VCE VET) 42
18842 Zylberman, Amelia Mikhailova Haileybury Girls College Keysborough History: Revolutions 41
Last Updated: 22 Aug 2024
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