VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2023

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2023, along with their school and subject details.

50 of 986 entries are shown.
1 - 50
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1 Abdellah, Ikram Sirius College Broadmeadows Campus Broadmeadows Health and Human Development 42
2 Abu Ghalyoun, Nadeen Hume Central Secondary College Town Park Broadmeadows Health and Human Development 48
3 Abu-Jaber, Brooke Caitlin St Francis Xavier College Beaconsfield Health and Human Development 43
4 Aby Joseph, Juvita Nossal High School Berwick Health and Human Development 42
5 Ackland, Emma Rose Waverley Christian College Wantirna South Wantirna South Health and Human Development 41
6 Ahmed, Diya MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Health and Human Development 49
7 Aitken, Olivia Gillian St Pauls Anglican Grammar School Warragul Health and Human Development 40
8 Al-Qureshi, Asiyah Iman Balwyn High School Balwyn North Health and Human Development 50
9 Albaidhani, Ala'A Roxburgh College Roxburgh Park Health and Human Development 40
10 Allan, Chelsea Frankston High School Frankston Health and Human Development 41
11 Amalfi, Francesca Julia Methodist Ladies College Kew Health and Human Development 46
12 Amis, Tahlia Jacqueline Avila College Mount Waverley Health and Human Development 43
13 Anagnostopoulos, Olivia Athanasia Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 40
14 Anderson, Georgia Alice Mentone Girls Secondary College Mentone Health and Human Development 41
15 Andric, Madeline Eleni Canterbury Girls Secondary College Canterbury Health and Human Development 41
16 Angelucci, Pepa Lina Methodist Ladies College Kew Health and Human Development 44
17 Angus, Charlotte Rose St Mary MacKillop College Swan Hill Health and Human Development 44
18 Annett, Makenzie Beth Monivae College Hamilton Health and Human Development 49
19 Ansari, Manaal Ivanhoe Girls Grammar School Ivanhoe Health and Human Development 43
20 Aquilina, Patrick Gerard Christian College Geelong Waurn Ponds Waurn Ponds Health and Human Development 43
21 Aravanis, George Evan Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore Health and Human Development 42
22 Arico, Katelyn-Rose Sacred Heart College Geelong Newtown Health and Human Development 49
23 Armand, Vina Melati Haileybury Rendall School Berrimah, NT Health and Human Development 44
24 Armao, Alessandra Sacred Heart Girls College Hughesdale Health and Human Development 44
25 Armstrong, Aimee Joy St Pauls Anglican Grammar School Warragul Health and Human Development 40
26 Arndtheim, Jade Debbie The King David School Armadale Health and Human Development 42
27 Arnold, Molly Jane Beaconhills College Berwick Berwick Health and Human Development 45
28 Arora, Ishaan Suzanne Cory High School Werribee Health and Human Development 44
29 Askarzadefarahani, Radin East Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster East Health and Human Development 47
30 Athithan, Kavinaya Nossal High School Berwick Health and Human Development 40
31 Atkins, Luisa Jo Haileybury Girls College Keysborough Health and Human Development 41
32 Atkinson, Isabelle Catholic Regional College Sydenham Sydenham Health and Human Development 42
33 Auda, Somar Roxburgh College Roxburgh Park Health and Human Development 40
34 Aufgang, Monique Dahlia The King David School Armadale Health and Human Development 43
35 Awad, Fatima Ilim College of Australia Broadmeadows Health and Human Development 40
36 Aylward, Isabella Grace Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 40
37 Badi, Uomna Abdelwahab Epping Secondary College Epping Health and Human Development 40
38 Bailey, Annabel Grace MacKillop Catholic Regional College Werribee Health and Human Development 49
39 Bainbridge, Holly Margaret Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Health and Human Development 41
40 Balatero, Yhouane Alarice Maranan Tarneit Senior College Tarneit Health and Human Development 40
41 Baldi, Olivia Sienna Avila College Mount Waverley Health and Human Development 43
42 Baldwin, Isla Alexandra Our Lady of Sion College Box Hill Health and Human Development 40
43 Bancovich, Lucia Isobel Sacre Coeur Glen Iris Health and Human Development 41
44 Banks, Georgia Maeve Camberwell High School Canterbury Health and Human Development 41
45 Barakat, Dareen Ilim College of Australia Broadmeadows Health and Human Development 41
46 Barber, James Matthew Aquinas College Ringwood Health and Human Development 40
47 Barito, Emily Eve University High School Parkville Health and Human Development 41
48 Barnard, Mia Marnie Sacred Heart College Geelong Newtown Health and Human Development 43
49 Barnard-Brown, Cooper Stanley Balwyn High School Balwyn North Health and Human Development 41
50 Barnett, Freya Amilie Brauer College Warrnambool Health and Human Development 45
Last Updated: 22 Aug 2024
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