VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2023

Filtered by School Name

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2023, along with their school and subject details.

10 of 125 entries are shown.
1 - 10
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1 Albayad, Caren Victorian School of Languages Thornbury Languages: Arabic 41
2 Antoniazzi, Giulia Livia Victorian School of Languages Thornbury Languages: Italian 41
3 Arora, Mansha Victorian School of Languages Thornbury Languages: Hindi 42
4 Atchison, Sofia Victorian School of Languages Thornbury Languages: Spanish 47
5 Auditore, Carlotta Victorian School of Languages Thornbury Languages: Italian 45
6 Awadalla, Maria Hany Kamal Victorian School of Languages Thornbury Languages: Arabic 44
7 Azimi, Hafez Victorian School of Languages Thornbury Languages: Persian 46
8 Aziznia, Soufia Victorian School of Languages Thornbury Languages: Persian 42
9 Bacskai, Flora Victorian School of Languages Thornbury Languages: Hungarian 47
10 Bedir, Rosaleen Victorian School of Languages Thornbury Languages: German 41
Last Updated: 22 Aug 2024
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