VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2023

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2023, along with their school and subject details.

56 of 56 entries are shown.
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1 Biggs, Emily Jane Darcy Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Business Management 42
2 Caldwell, Ava Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Art Creative Practice 50
3 Caldwell, Ava Tintern Grammar Ringwood East English 40
4 Carter, Alyssa Marie Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Geography 41
5 Carter, Alyssa Marie Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Psychology 40
6 Coghlan, Mimi Avis Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Literature 42
7 Coghlan, Mimi Avis Tintern Grammar Ringwood East History: Revolutions 40
8 Davey, Tiombe Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Legal Studies 44
9 Davey, Tiombe Tintern Grammar Ringwood East English 43
10 Feng, Waidick Tintern Grammar Ringwood East English 43
11 Feng, Waidick Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Mathematical Methods 43
12 Feng, Waidick Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Visual Communication Design 42
13 Feng, Waidick Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Specialist Mathematics 40
14 Forbes, Euan Bradley Tintern Grammar Ringwood East General Mathematics 42
15 Gillam, Natasha Rose Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Drama 47
16 Gillam, Natasha Rose Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Theatre Studies 42
17 Hanna, Bailey David Tintern Grammar Ringwood East General Mathematics 40
18 Ho, Zachary Yao Qua Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Chemistry 47
19 Ho, Zachary Yao Qua Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Physics 46
20 Ho, Zachary Yao Qua Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Specialist Mathematics 40
21 Hookey, Aidan Frank Tintern Grammar Ringwood East General Mathematics 43
22 Howell, Katherine Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 48
23 Jones, Ella Charlotte Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Drama 41
24 Kenny, William Crawford Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Physical Education 41
25 Kenny, William Crawford Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Business Management 40
26 Keogh, Gus Frederick Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Global Politics 45
27 Keogh, Gus Frederick Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Business Management 43
28 Keogh, Gus Frederick Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Legal Studies 42
29 Keogh, Gus Frederick Tintern Grammar Ringwood East English 40
30 Lalor, Max James Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Physics 47
31 Lalor, Max James Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Legal Studies 44
32 Lalor, Max James Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Specialist Mathematics 42
33 Laragy, Niah Lucinda Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Art Creative Practice 45
34 Lee, Jayden Ren-Yi Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Mathematical Methods 40
35 Martin, Alexander William Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Information and Communications Technology (VCE VET) 44
36 Martin, Alexander William Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Theatre Studies 44
37 Mckinlay, Zoe Tintern Grammar Ringwood East General Mathematics 47
38 Mulemane, Anika Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Biology 41
39 O'Connor, Scarlett Octavia Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
40 Qian, Mia Yiduo Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Legal Studies 47
41 Qian, Mia Yiduo Tintern Grammar Ringwood East English Language 42
42 She, Jedid Wesley Tintern Grammar Ringwood East English Language 42
43 She, Jedid Wesley Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Chemistry 40
44 Sze, Elaine Yiling Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Psychology 44
45 Sze, Elaine Yiling Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Biology 41
46 Sze, Elaine Yiling Tintern Grammar Ringwood East English 41
47 Sze, Elaine Yiling Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Chemistry 40
48 Tan, Junya Tintern Grammar Ringwood East General Mathematics 44
49 Thompson, Ella Jane Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Visual Communication Design 43
50 Thompson, Ella Jane Tintern Grammar Ringwood East English 41
51 Touliatos, Alistair Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Physical Education 41
52 Uren, Rhys Thomas Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Physics 40
53 Van Dijk, Aiden Johannes Hamilt Tintern Grammar Ringwood East General Mathematics 40
54 Yang, Hailun Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Mathematical Methods 43
55 Zha, Jerrod Tintern Grammar Ringwood East General Mathematics 50
56 Zhou, Yiyang Tintern Grammar Ringwood East Mathematical Methods 45
Last Updated: 22 Aug 2024
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