VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2023

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2023, along with their school and subject details.

50 of 228 entries are shown.
151 - 200
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151 Parker, Alexander Grant Scotch College Hawthorn Physical Education 40
152 Peter, Marcus Scotch College Hawthorn Mathematical Methods 50
153 Pillay, Sasha Scotch College Hawthorn Ancient History 44
154 Qin, Zi Xiu Scotch College Hawthorn English 45
155 Qin, Zi Xiu Scotch College Hawthorn Languages: Latin 40
156 Read, Campbell Scotch College Hawthorn Business Management 44
157 Robinson, Jai Scotch College Hawthorn Legal Studies 41
158 Rogers, Henry George Scotch College Hawthorn English 50
159 Rogers, Henry George Scotch College Hawthorn Literature 50
160 Rogers, Henry George Scotch College Hawthorn Physics 45
161 Rogers, Henry George Scotch College Hawthorn Specialist Mathematics 45
162 Rogers, Henry George Scotch College Hawthorn Languages: Latin 43
163 Samiee, Samiyar Scotch College Hawthorn Mathematical Methods 44
164 Shang, Zian Scotch College Hawthorn Specialist Mathematics 46
165 Shang, Zian Scotch College Hawthorn Literature 42
166 Song, Edward Scotch College Hawthorn Specialist Mathematics 45
167 Song, Edward Scotch College Hawthorn English Language 44
168 Song, Edward Scotch College Hawthorn Languages: Latin 42
169 Song, Edward Scotch College Hawthorn Chemistry 40
170 Sparks, James Scotch College Hawthorn Business Management 44
171 Speed, Samuel Charles Scotch College Hawthorn Mathematical Methods 40
172 Speyer, Gabriel Scotch College Hawthorn Business Management 49
173 Stergiopoulos, George Lee Scotch College Hawthorn Physics 48
174 Stergiopoulos, George Lee Scotch College Hawthorn Accounting 41
175 Stergiopoulos, George Lee Scotch College Hawthorn Specialist Mathematics 41
176 Sun, Kailun Scotch College Hawthorn English as an Additional Language 49
177 Sun, Kailun Scotch College Hawthorn Mathematical Methods 42
178 Sun, Kailun Scotch College Hawthorn Economics 41
179 Tang, Shengwei Scotch College Hawthorn General Mathematics 43
180 Tang, Shengwei Scotch College Hawthorn English 40
181 Tang, Zhengcheng Scotch College Hawthorn Mathematical Methods 50
182 Tang, Zhengcheng Scotch College Hawthorn Ancient History 46
183 Teoh, Tinn Xuen Scotch College Hawthorn Mathematical Methods 46
184 Tham, Max Scotch College Hawthorn Economics 40
185 Truong, Alex Scotch College Hawthorn English Language 44
186 Van Der Sluys, Luca Scotch College Hawthorn Physical Education 43
187 Van Der Sluys, Luca Scotch College Hawthorn Product Design and Technology 40
188 Veld, Matthew Scotch College Hawthorn Mathematical Methods 50
189 Walliss, Thomas James Scotch College Hawthorn English 40
190 Walliss, Thomas James Scotch College Hawthorn Legal Studies 40
191 Wang, Edison Scotch College Hawthorn English 44
192 Wang, Edison Scotch College Hawthorn Australian Politics 41
193 Wang, Edward Jiachen Ding Scotch College Hawthorn Mathematical Methods 50
194 Wang, Edward Jiachen Ding Scotch College Hawthorn Physics 45
195 Wang, Michael Sherwern Scotch College Hawthorn Ancient History 41
196 Wang, Qirui Scotch College Hawthorn Physics 44
197 Wang, Qirui Scotch College Hawthorn Specialist Mathematics 42
198 Wang, Ruicheng Scotch College Hawthorn English 50
199 Wang, Ruicheng Scotch College Hawthorn Literature 49
200 Wang, Yijie Scotch College Hawthorn Specialist Mathematics 47
Last Updated: 22 Aug 2024
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