VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2022

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2022, along with their school and subject details.

25 of 309 entries are shown.
1 - 25
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1 Ahl, Ronan Scotch College Hawthorn Biology 50
2 Ahl, Ronan Scotch College Hawthorn Mathematical Methods 50
3 Appu, Ashwin Scotch College Hawthorn Mathematical Methods 43
4 Appu, Laxman Scotch College Hawthorn Business Management 43
5 Artz, Miller Scotch College Hawthorn Further Mathematics 40
6 Bai, Yichen Scotch College Hawthorn Languages: Chinese Second Language Advanced 43
7 Balot, Bailey Scotch College Hawthorn Business Management 41
8 Balot, Bailey Scotch College Hawthorn Further Mathematics 40
9 Barber, Robert Scotch College Hawthorn Physics 49
10 Barber, Robert Scotch College Hawthorn English 45
11 Barber, Robert Scotch College Hawthorn Chemistry 44
12 Barber, Robert Scotch College Hawthorn Languages: German 43
13 Bertalli, Joseph Edward Scotch College Hawthorn Business Management 44
14 Blamey, Edward Scotch College Hawthorn Psychology 46
15 Brown, Lachlan James Scotch College Hawthorn Psychology 41
16 Buckley, Charles Timothy Scotch College Hawthorn Ancient History 43
17 Buckley, Charles Timothy Scotch College Hawthorn English 42
18 Buckley, Oliver Scotch College Hawthorn Global Politics 42
19 Cameron, Louis John Coffey Scotch College Hawthorn English Language 40
20 Cannon, Jack Scotch College Hawthorn Psychology 43
21 Cannon, Jack Scotch College Hawthorn Further Mathematics 42
22 Caughey, William James Batman Scotch College Hawthorn Further Mathematics 40
23 Chai, Kaeden Jing Lek Scotch College Hawthorn Chemistry 42
24 Chai, Kaeden Jing Lek Scotch College Hawthorn English 42
25 Chai, Kaeden Jing Lek Scotch College Hawthorn Mathematical Methods 40
Last Updated: 9 Feb 2023
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