VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2022

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2022, along with their school and subject details.

50 of 115 entries are shown.
51 - 100
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51 Harvey, Connor William Luther College Croydon Hills Further Mathematics 44
52 Harvey, Connor William Luther College Croydon Hills Visual Communication Design 43
53 Haslam, Blake Tzen Lei Luther College Croydon Hills Further Mathematics 42
54 Haysom, Joshua Thomas Luther College Croydon Hills Physics 50
55 Hayward, Thomas Jake Luther College Croydon Hills Further Mathematics 40
56 Howard, Jessica Maree Luther College Croydon Hills Psychology 45
57 Hupfeld, Madeline Belle Luther College Croydon Hills Geography 46
58 Hupfeld, Madeline Belle Luther College Croydon Hills Health and Human Development 45
59 Hupfeld, Madeline Belle Luther College Croydon Hills English Language 41
60 Hyslop, Charlize Jacklyn Luther College Croydon Hills Visual Communication Design 42
61 Johnston, Daniel William Edward Luther College Croydon Hills Psychology 44
62 Johnston, Daniel William Edward Luther College Croydon Hills Economics 42
63 Kempster, Mia Grace Luther College Croydon Hills History: Revolutions 43
64 Kempster, Mia Grace Luther College Croydon Hills English 41
65 Kempster, Mia Grace Luther College Croydon Hills Legal Studies 40
66 Kernich, Ava Caroline Luther College Croydon Hills Physical Education 45
67 Lawson, Gabriel James Luther College Croydon Hills Business Management 41
68 Little, Genevieve Freda Luther College Croydon Hills Health and Human Development 42
69 Little, Genevieve Freda Luther College Croydon Hills Media 40
70 Liu, Annie Yijie Luther College Croydon Hills Biology 42
71 Liu, Hejiayi Luther College Croydon Hills Art 47
72 Liu, Hejiayi Luther College Croydon Hills English 44
73 Liu, Hejiayi Luther College Croydon Hills Studio Arts 43
74 Lo, Samuel Yi Lok Luther College Croydon Hills Psychology 49
75 Lo, Samuel Yi Lok Luther College Croydon Hills Chemistry 42
76 Lo, Samuel Yi Lok Luther College Croydon Hills English Language 41
77 Lucas, Ruby Anne Luther College Croydon Hills Geography 40
78 Maroney, Hannah Teresa Luther College Croydon Hills Visual Communication Design 42
79 Maroney, Hannah Teresa Luther College Croydon Hills Psychology 40
80 Mazurkiewicz, Lucas Marc Luther College Croydon Hills Business Management 44
81 Mckenzie, Jasmine Emma Luther College Croydon Hills Outdoor and Environmental Studies 50
82 Menezes, Darren Nitish Luther College Croydon Hills Further Mathematics 40
83 Messom, Lilian Rose Luther College Croydon Hills English 44
84 Messom, Lilian Rose Luther College Croydon Hills Chemistry 42
85 Messom, Lilian Rose Luther College Croydon Hills Mathematical Methods 42
86 Newman, Cooper William Luther College Croydon Hills Business Management 40
87 Oakley, Charlie Andrew Luther College Croydon Hills Physical Education 50
88 Page, Luke Luther College Croydon Hills Mathematical Methods 49
89 Page, Luke Luther College Croydon Hills Physics 46
90 Page, Luke Luther College Croydon Hills Specialist Mathematics 44
91 Papadopoulos, Alexander Philip Luther College Croydon Hills Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
92 Provis, South Luther College Croydon Hills Business Management 43
93 Rice, Maddison Jade Luther College Croydon Hills Food Studies 41
94 Rigby, Joshua Peter Luther College Croydon Hills Accounting 41
95 Rolavs, Markus Janis Luther College Croydon Hills Economics 43
96 Rolavs, Markus Janis Luther College Croydon Hills Mathematical Methods 41
97 Scholes-Robertson, Luca Luther College Croydon Hills Mathematical Methods 48
98 Scholes-Robertson, Luca Luther College Croydon Hills Physical Education 41
99 Scholes-Robertson, Luca Luther College Croydon Hills Specialist Mathematics 40
100 Sealey, Sarah Jessica Luther College Croydon Hills Further Mathematics 41
Last Updated: 9 Feb 2023
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