VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2022

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2022, along with their school and subject details.

30 of 30 entries are shown.
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1 Baker, Patrick Benjamin Auburn High School Hawthorn East Software Development 46
2 Bayly, Nicholas Archie Philip Auburn High School Hawthorn East Business Management 42
3 Beard, Georgina Ann Marie Auburn High School Hawthorn East Business Management 44
4 Beard, Georgina Ann Marie Auburn High School Hawthorn East English 40
5 Bourrat, Amelie Auburn High School Hawthorn East Languages: French 43
6 Chamberlain, Elly Sarah Auburn High School Hawthorn East English 46
7 Chamberlain, Elly Sarah Auburn High School Hawthorn East Health and Human Development 41
8 Chandler, Fletcher Jack Auburn High School Hawthorn East Psychology 40
9 Coulibaly, Kahina Lou Auburn High School Hawthorn East Languages: French 48
10 Fouche, Caoimhe Roison Auburn High School Hawthorn East Languages: French 42
11 Fouche, Caoimhe Roison Auburn High School Hawthorn East Psychology 42
12 Francou, Joshua James Pierre Auburn High School Hawthorn East Business Management 42
13 Ismail, Miranour Ahmed Beshir Auburn High School Hawthorn East Legal Studies 40
14 Ismail, Miranour Ahmed Beshir Auburn High School Hawthorn East Psychology 40
15 Kossyvas, Ewen Thomas Roland Auburn High School Hawthorn East Business Management 42
16 Lin, Jingxuan Auburn High School Hawthorn East Mathematical Methods 43
17 Lin, Jingxuan Auburn High School Hawthorn East Physics 41
18 Moore, Rachel Elizabeth Auburn High School Hawthorn East Psychology 40
19 Nguyen, Duc Gia Phu Auburn High School Hawthorn East Business Management 41
20 Ogawa Javes, Kazuhide Auburn High School Hawthorn East Mathematical Methods 49
21 Ogawa Javes, Kazuhide Auburn High School Hawthorn East Physics 44
22 Ogawa Javes, Kazuhide Auburn High School Hawthorn East Chemistry 42
23 Osipova, Daria Auburn High School Hawthorn East English 45
24 Osipova, Daria Auburn High School Hawthorn East Legal Studies 45
25 Small, Lacey Ann Auburn High School Hawthorn East English 40
26 Stockbridge, Charles Michael Auburn High School Hawthorn East Legal Studies 41
27 Tran, Thomas Khai Auburn High School Hawthorn East English Language 50
28 Tran, Thomas Khai Auburn High School Hawthorn East Legal Studies 48
29 Vo, Viet Khai Nguye Auburn High School Hawthorn East Software Development 40
30 Wiggins, Jasper Lloyd Auburn High School Hawthorn East Business Management 40
Last Updated: 9 Feb 2023
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