VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2021

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2021, along with their school and subject details.

50 of 115 entries are shown.
51 - 100
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51 Maraventano, Dante St Leonards College Brighton East Further Mathematics 41
52 Maruff, Xavier John St Leonards College Brighton East Software Development 50
53 Maruff, Xavier John St Leonards College Brighton East Physics 44
54 Mccauley, Isobel Charlotte St Leonards College Brighton East Media 42
55 Mccauley, Isobel Charlotte St Leonards College Brighton East Literature 41
56 Mccoy, Daniel Alan Sciarrone St Leonards College Brighton East Food Studies 40
57 Mckinna-Shoji, Tao St Leonards College Brighton East Biology 43
58 Mckinna-Shoji, Tao St Leonards College Brighton East Mathematical Methods 40
59 Mcqueen, Joshua Scott St Leonards College Brighton East English 40
60 Mcswain, Charlie Kenneth St Leonards College Brighton East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
61 Meakin, James Edwards St Leonards College Brighton East English 42
62 Meakin, James Edwards St Leonards College Brighton East History: Revolutions 40
63 Moller, Brodie John St Leonards College Brighton East Geography 46
64 Moller, Brodie John St Leonards College Brighton East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
65 Morgan, Emma Alice St Leonards College Brighton East Health and Human Development 40
66 Morris, Zoe Madeline St Leonards College Brighton East Further Mathematics 41
67 Munso, Jeremie Robert St Leonards College Brighton East Systems Engineering 47
68 Munso, Jeremie Robert St Leonards College Brighton East Software Development 42
69 Murray, Anton Cooper St Leonards College Brighton East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
70 O'Sullivan, Ruby Alice St Leonards College Brighton East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 50
71 Osborn, Daniel Richard St Leonards College Brighton East Food Studies 43
72 Owen, James Samuel St Leonards College Brighton East Physics 46
73 Owen, James Samuel St Leonards College Brighton East Mathematical Methods 44
74 Owen, James Samuel St Leonards College Brighton East Music Performance 41
75 Owen, James Samuel St Leonards College Brighton East English 40
76 Owen, James Samuel St Leonards College Brighton East Specialist Mathematics 40
77 Pearson, Meg Grace St Leonards College Brighton East English 41
78 Peltekis, Alexia Maree St Leonards College Brighton East Media 43
79 Peltekis, Alexia Maree St Leonards College Brighton East Visual Communication Design 40
80 Pian, Alessandra Isabella St Leonards College Brighton East History: Revolutions 45
81 Pian, Alessandra Isabella St Leonards College Brighton East Physical Education 44
82 Pian, Alessandra Isabella St Leonards College Brighton East English 42
83 Raulings, Isabella Caterina St Leonards College Brighton East Visual Communication Design 41
84 Redgrove, Olivia Kathryn St Leonards College Brighton East Equine Studies (VCE VET) 47
85 Robertson, Justine Natalie St Leonards College Brighton East Health and Human Development 41
86 Seath, Katherine Emma St Leonards College Brighton East Psychology 46
87 Seath, Katherine Emma St Leonards College Brighton East Geography 41
88 Shirazi, Jaime Immanuel St Leonards College Brighton East Software Development 40
89 Soderstrom, Johannes Anders St Leonards College Brighton East Visual Communication Design 44
90 Soderstrom, Johannes Anders St Leonards College Brighton East Music Performance 41
91 Sutcliffe, Anna Kathryn St Leonards College Brighton East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 46
92 Sutcliffe, Anna Kathryn St Leonards College Brighton East Food Studies 40
93 Sutcliffe, Anna Kathryn St Leonards College Brighton East Geography 40
94 Sutton, Charlotte Elizabeth St Leonards College Brighton East Psychology 46
95 Sutton, Charlotte Elizabeth St Leonards College Brighton East English 44
96 Sutton, Charlotte Elizabeth St Leonards College Brighton East Global Politics 44
97 Sutton, Charlotte Elizabeth St Leonards College Brighton East Legal Studies 42
98 Taranto, Monique Andrea St Leonards College Brighton East Biology 44
99 Taranto, Monique Andrea St Leonards College Brighton East English 41
100 Taranto, Monique Andrea St Leonards College Brighton East Mathematical Methods 40
Last Updated: 26 Feb 2022
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