This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2021, along with their school and subject details.
1 | Alexander-Wayne, Jordana Phoebe | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Biology | 42 |
2 | Alexander-Wayne, Jordana Phoebe | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Religion and Society | 42 |
3 | Attar, Lucca Ella | Bialik College | Hawthorn | English | 49 |
4 | Attar, Lucca Ella | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Religion and Society | 46 |
5 | Attar, Lucca Ella | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Studio Arts | 45 |
6 | Axarlis, Jake Anton | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Mathematical Methods | 48 |
7 | Axarlis, Jake Anton | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Physics | 40 |
8 | Birnbaum, Aaron Gidon | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Mathematical Methods | 41 |
9 | Bornstein, Jonty Aden | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Physics | 48 |
10 | Bornstein, Jonty Aden | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Mathematical Methods | 40 |
11 | Bouhadana, Tahni Shaina | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Studio Arts | 47 |
12 | Bouhadana, Tahni Shaina | Bialik College | Hawthorn | English | 46 |
13 | Bouhadana, Tahni Shaina | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Media | 43 |
14 | Broons, Aviva | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Visual Communication Design | 41 |
15 | Brott, Jack Karl | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Accounting | 47 |
16 | Brott, Jack Karl | Bialik College | Hawthorn | English | 45 |
17 | Brott, Jack Karl | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Mathematical Methods | 42 |
18 | Brott, Jack Karl | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Chemistry | 40 |
19 | Bruner, Enbar | Bialik College | Hawthorn | English as an Additional Language | 41 |
20 | Carp, Asia Rae | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Further Mathematics | 47 |
21 | Cohen, Linoy | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Further Mathematics | 42 |
22 | Davis, Brooke Jeanette | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Mathematical Methods | 40 |
23 | De Carvalho Koch, Eva Raquel | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Media | 41 |
24 | Deane, Isabella Rose | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Visual Communication Design | 41 |
25 | Efron, Adam Fred | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Specialist Mathematics | 49 |
26 | Efron, Adam Fred | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Physics | 48 |
27 | Efron, Adam Fred | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Chemistry | 47 |
28 | Efron, Charlton Samuel | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Mathematical Methods | 40 |
29 | Errez, Neve Rachel | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Visual Communication Design | 41 |
30 | Feldman, Joseph Russell | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Mathematical Methods | 45 |
31 | Feldman, Joshua | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Mathematical Methods | 40 |
32 | Feldman, Shoshana Adele | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Biology | 50 |
33 | Fisher, Michael Alexander | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Biology | 48 |
34 | Fisher, Michael Alexander | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Mathematical Methods | 45 |
35 | Frenkel, Samuel Harry | Bialik College | Hawthorn | English | 50 |
36 | Frenkel, Samuel Harry | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Chemistry | 41 |
37 | Frenkel, Samuel Harry | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Religion and Society | 41 |
38 | Gardy, Cooper Leon | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Business Management | 42 |
39 | Gelfand, Eden Rose | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Mathematical Methods | 44 |
40 | Goldman, Harley Lionel | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Mathematical Methods | 40 |
41 | Grinberg, Sara | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Further Mathematics | 50 |
42 | Grinberg, Sara | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Biology | 43 |
43 | Grinberg, Sara | Bialik College | Hawthorn | English | 42 |
44 | Hanegbi, Sacha | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Biology | 43 |
45 | Hanegbi, Sacha | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Mathematical Methods | 41 |
46 | Kazakevich, Daniel Benjamin | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Further Mathematics | 44 |
47 | Kimchi, Matan | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Physical Education | 40 |
48 | King, Daniel Victor | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Literature | 45 |
49 | Levine, Jessica Amy | Bialik College | Hawthorn | English | 40 |
50 | Levine, Jessica Amy | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Legal Studies | 40 |
51 | Levine, Jessica Amy | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Psychology | 40 |
52 | Levine, Jessica Amy | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Religion and Society | 40 |
53 | Lissek, Remy Faye | Bialik College | Hawthorn | English | 41 |
54 | Magnezi, Ashleigh Tahni Emanuelle | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Psychology | 49 |
55 | Magnezi, Ashleigh Tahni Emanuelle | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Biology | 41 |
56 | Margolin, Yehonatan Leo | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Languages: Hebrew | 48 |
57 | Margolin, Yehonatan Leo | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Mathematical Methods | 44 |
58 | Markov, Daniel | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Mathematical Methods | 44 |
59 | Meltzer, Galia | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Literature | 49 |
60 | Meltzer, Galia | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Further Mathematics | 44 |
61 | Meltzer, Galia | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Psychology | 44 |
62 | Meltzer, Galia | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Accounting | 42 |
63 | Meltzer, Yael Sonia | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Religion and Society | 41 |
64 | Munz, Julian Jonah | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Drama | 44 |
65 | Munz, Julian Jonah | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Religion and Society | 40 |
66 | Ogawa, Hannah Karin | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Economics | 44 |
67 | Paratz, Leon Charles | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Specialist Mathematics | 41 |
68 | Paratz, Leon Charles | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Chemistry | 40 |
69 | Paratz, Leon Charles | Bialik College | Hawthorn | English | 40 |
70 | Parry, Sebastian | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Mathematical Methods | 41 |
71 | Patishman, Alexandra Sima | Bialik College | Hawthorn | English | 44 |
72 | Patishman, Alexandra Sima | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Chemistry | 42 |
73 | Patishman, Alexandra Sima | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Languages: French | 40 |
74 | Pincus, Adam Solomon | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Mathematical Methods | 40 |
75 | Rogik, Vanessa | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Biology | 46 |
76 | Rogik, Vanessa | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Mathematical Methods | 41 |
77 | Rosenberg, Jade Ella | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Health and Human Development | 45 |
78 | Rosenberg, Ruby Zara | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Visual Communication Design | 44 |
79 | Rosengarten, Reuben Isaac Kalman | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Mathematical Methods | 44 |
80 | Rosengarten, Reuben Isaac Kalman | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Physics | 43 |
81 | Rosham, Benjamin Nate | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Health and Human Development | 40 |
82 | Rott, Ithay | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Chemistry | 42 |
83 | Rott, Ithay | Bialik College | Hawthorn | English | 42 |
84 | Samuels, Tye Bram Leigh | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Studio Arts | 50 |
85 | Samuels, Tye Bram Leigh | Bialik College | Hawthorn | English | 45 |
86 | Samuels, Tye Bram Leigh | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Chemistry | 42 |
87 | Samuels, Tye Bram Leigh | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Specialist Mathematics | 42 |
88 | Schildkraut, Maya | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Mathematical Methods | 48 |
89 | Schildkraut, Maya | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Languages: Hebrew | 42 |
90 | Smith, Amy Hannah | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Visual Communication Design | 44 |
91 | Spiegel, Samara Maya | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Studio Arts | 40 |
92 | Sweet, Jasmine Paula | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Mathematical Methods | 41 |
93 | Thurston, James Richard | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Biology | 45 |
94 | Thurston, James Richard | Bialik College | Hawthorn | English | 45 |
95 | Thurston, James Richard | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Chemistry | 41 |
96 | Thurston, James Richard | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Mathematical Methods | 41 |
97 | Tobias, Oren Jacob | Bialik College | Hawthorn | English | 43 |
98 | Trakman, Reid Jess | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Accounting | 43 |
99 | Trakman, Reid Jess | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Business Management | 41 |
100 | Trakman, Reid Jess | Bialik College | Hawthorn | English | 40 |
101 | Troski, Thomas | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Physics | 47 |
102 | Volchek, Samuel | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Mathematical Methods | 50 |
103 | Waislitz, Joseph Sasha | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Religion and Society | 41 |
104 | Wise, Liam Bailey | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Further Mathematics | 44 |
105 | Wise, Liam Bailey | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Chemistry | 40 |
106 | Wrobel, Jake Nicholas | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Further Mathematics | 50 |
107 | Wrobel, Jake Nicholas | Bialik College | Hawthorn | Mathematical Methods | 47 |
108 | Yohanan Glasman, Itay | Bialik College | Hawthorn | English as an Additional Language | 43 |