VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2020

Filtered by School Name

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2020, along with their school and subject details.

200 of 220 entries are shown.
1 - 200
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Rows per page:
1 Aboetan, Virani Elsana Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 40
2 Agrawal, Yashi Melbourne Girls College Richmond Food Studies 43
3 Atherton, Darcey Kate Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 43
4 Baker, Madison Jessie Melbourne Girls College Richmond Food Studies 41
5 Bannwart, Erika May Melbourne Girls College Richmond Literature 41
6 Baroud, Sylvia Elle Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 40
7 Bentley, Zoe Cate Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 41
8 Bornas, Milla Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 40
9 Brace, Gabrielle Jessie Golis Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 41
10 Buckley, Eleanor Marilyn Melbourne Girls College Richmond History: Revolutions 50
11 Buckley, Eleanor Marilyn Melbourne Girls College Richmond Global Politics 49
12 Buckley, Eleanor Marilyn Melbourne Girls College Richmond Legal Studies 48
13 Buckley, Eleanor Marilyn Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 46
14 Buckley, Eleanor Marilyn Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 44
15 Bull, Georgie May Melbourne Girls College Richmond Food Studies 42
16 Calwell, Hazel Rose Melbourne Girls College Richmond Biology 40
17 Carajias, Eirene Day Melbourne Girls College Richmond Environmental Science 44
18 Carajias, Eirene Day Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 40
19 Carlton-Allen, Claudia Grace Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 45
20 Carlton-Allen, Claudia Grace Melbourne Girls College Richmond Media 40
21 Carney, Charlotte Imogen Melbourne Girls College Richmond Dance 41
22 Carr, Vanessa Audrey Melbourne Girls College Richmond Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
23 Castles-Krusec, Genevieve Melbourne Girls College Richmond Literature 43
24 Castles-Krusec, Genevieve Melbourne Girls College Richmond Global Politics 40
25 Cavagna, Charlotte Kate Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 43
26 Chan, Yun Cai Tracey Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 42
27 Chen, Luyao Melbourne Girls College Richmond Mathematical Methods 48
28 Chen, Luyao Melbourne Girls College Richmond Specialist Mathematics 44
29 Chen, Luyao Melbourne Girls College Richmond Chemistry 43
30 Chen, Luyao Melbourne Girls College Richmond Physics 42
31 Chen, Luyao Melbourne Girls College Richmond English as an Additional Language 41
32 Chen, Siying Melbourne Girls College Richmond Languages: Chinese First Language 40
33 Cheung, Ting Yuk Melbourne Girls College Richmond Mathematical Methods 44
34 Cheung, Ting Yuk Melbourne Girls College Richmond Chemistry 40
35 Cheung, Ting Yuk Melbourne Girls College Richmond English as an Additional Language 40
36 Choi, Young Seo Melbourne Girls College Richmond English as an Additional Language 40
37 Christie, Peggy Jane Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 44
38 Chumbley Contin, Siena May Melbourne Girls College Richmond Further Mathematics 44
39 Ciancio Knauer, Kiara Melbourne Girls College Richmond Further Mathematics 41
40 Comerford, Eliza Margaret Melbourne Girls College Richmond Legal Studies 40
41 Contos, Martia Melbourne Girls College Richmond Business Management 41
42 Corcoran, Ruby Grace Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 40
43 Culnane, Yasmin Ashlee Melbourne Girls College Richmond Global Politics 44
44 Cuthbertson, Scarlett Amelie Melbourne Girls College Richmond Environmental Science 43
45 Dawson, Jessica Anne Melbourne Girls College Richmond Sociology 40
46 Den Elzen, Ava Ruth Melbourne Girls College Richmond Dance 42
47 Denham, Gabrielle Patricia Emily Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 46
48 Denham, Gabrielle Patricia Emily Melbourne Girls College Richmond Physical Education 45
49 Denham, Gabrielle Patricia Emily Melbourne Girls College Richmond Accounting 44
50 Dennis, Alexandra Eva Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 42
51 Dennis, Alexandra Eva Melbourne Girls College Richmond Global Politics 42
52 Dennis, Alexandra Eva Melbourne Girls College Richmond Accounting 40
53 Dharmabandu, Mihiri Ellemor Melbourne Girls College Richmond Biology 46
54 Doherty, Ella Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 47
55 Doherty, Taylah Melbourne Girls College Richmond Biology 45
56 Duman, Ozlem Melbourne Girls College Richmond History: Revolutions 41
57 Durad, Berry Melissa Wilkins Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 43
58 Edmondson, Felicity Robin Minnie Melbourne Girls College Richmond Biology 41
59 Enriquez Tsilfidis, Natasha Carolina Melbourne Girls College Richmond Physical Education 41
60 Eyers, Eleanor June Melbourne Girls College Richmond Environmental Science 43
61 Eyers, Eleanor June Melbourne Girls College Richmond Literature 40
62 Fan, Karen Melbourne Girls College Richmond Languages: French 41
63 Foa, Grace Catherine Melbourne Girls College Richmond Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
64 Frazer, Jasmine Lucinda Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 40
65 Fujihara, Anna Cummins Melbourne Girls College Richmond Studio Arts 43
66 Fujihara, Anna Cummins Melbourne Girls College Richmond English Language 42
67 Fujihara, Anna Cummins Melbourne Girls College Richmond Drama 41
68 Fujihara, Anna Cummins Melbourne Girls College Richmond Media 41
69 Fukunaga, Jamie Hannah Melbourne Girls College Richmond Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
70 Gammon, Sylvia Elizabeth Melbourne Girls College Richmond Literature 45
71 Gammon, Sylvia Elizabeth Melbourne Girls College Richmond Sociology 45
72 Gammon, Sylvia Elizabeth Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 43
73 Gammon, Sylvia Elizabeth Melbourne Girls College Richmond Languages: French 40
74 Garbellini, Tiana Paige Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 42
75 Garbellini, Tiana Paige Melbourne Girls College Richmond Legal Studies 40
76 Geary, Abigail Terese Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 43
77 Geary, Millie Juliana Melbourne Girls College Richmond History: Revolutions 44
78 Geary, Millie Juliana Melbourne Girls College Richmond Literature 42
79 Geary, Millie Juliana Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 40
80 Gee, Carla Margot Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 40
81 Gibson, Jessica Lucy Melbourne Girls College Richmond Physical Education 43
82 Gibson, Jessica Lucy Melbourne Girls College Richmond Further Mathematics 42
83 Gosios, Victoria Melbourne Girls College Richmond Physical Education 40
84 Habib, Audrey Welsh Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 46
85 Habib, Audrey Welsh Melbourne Girls College Richmond Literature 43
86 Habib, Audrey Welsh Melbourne Girls College Richmond History: Revolutions 42
87 Harrison, Nina Claire Madsen Melbourne Girls College Richmond Sociology 41
88 Hemley, Anya Rae Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 42
89 Higginbotham, Mary Jean Melbourne Girls College Richmond Studio Arts 43
90 Hodgson, Molly Rose Melbourne Girls College Richmond Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
91 Holland, Taya Rose Melbourne Girls College Richmond Legal Studies 46
92 Hudson, Kyoto Sage Ingrid Melbourne Girls College Richmond Literature 40
93 Hughes, Sarsha Tetu Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 42
94 Ieraci, Alessia Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 41
95 Jensen Marini, Natasha Gilda Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 41
96 Jensen Marini, Natasha Gilda Melbourne Girls College Richmond Physical Education 40
97 Jepsen, Izabella Grace Melbourne Girls College Richmond Business Management 45
98 Jepsen, Izabella Grace Melbourne Girls College Richmond Physical Education 45
99 Jepsen, Izabella Grace Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 43
100 Jepsen, Lily Charlotte Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 47
101 Jones, Carla Mia Melbourne Girls College Richmond Further Mathematics 42
102 Jones, Carla Mia Melbourne Girls College Richmond Visual Communication Design 40
103 Jones, Paris Olivia Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 43
104 Jozsa, Zara Felicity Melbourne Girls College Richmond Dance 41
105 Kang, Jessica Melbourne Girls College Richmond Physical Education 43
106 Kang, Jessica Melbourne Girls College Richmond English Language 41
107 Karamitros, Eleni Stavrakis Melbourne Girls College Richmond Biology 42
108 Karamitros, Eleni Stavrakis Melbourne Girls College Richmond Physical Education 42
109 Keane, Amelie Janette Melbourne Girls College Richmond Physical Education 43
110 Kilsby, Angelina Anne Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 40
111 Kirkham, Emma Li-Lin Melbourne Girls College Richmond Food Studies 46
112 Knowles, Coco Francis Melbourne Girls College Richmond Outdoor and Environmental Studies 44
113 Knowles, Lola Nellie Melbourne Girls College Richmond Biology 42
114 Kotz, Sarah Susan Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 42
115 Kotz, Sarah Susan Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 40
116 Le Gear, Milly Rose Melbourne Girls College Richmond Sociology 46
117 Le Gear, Milly Rose Melbourne Girls College Richmond Legal Studies 44
118 Le Gear, Milly Rose Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 43
119 Li, Yuqing Melbourne Girls College Richmond Languages: Chinese First Language 45
120 Mansfield, Chloe Jean Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 42
121 Mantineo, Viktoria Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 44
122 Mcginty, Alice Melbourne Girls College Richmond Literature 45
123 Mcginty, Alice Melbourne Girls College Richmond Mathematical Methods 45
124 Mcginty, Alice Melbourne Girls College Richmond Chemistry 43
125 Mcginty, Alice Melbourne Girls College Richmond Specialist Mathematics 41
126 Mcleod, Claudia Rose Melbourne Girls College Richmond History: Revolutions 43
127 Mcleod, Claudia Rose Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 41
128 Mcleod, Claudia Rose Melbourne Girls College Richmond Further Mathematics 41
129 Mcphee, Molly Kate Reynolds Melbourne Girls College Richmond Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
130 Measham-Park, Izabella Melbourne Girls College Richmond Drama 41
131 Miao-Bryce, Madeleine Philippa Melbourne Girls College Richmond Studio Arts 43
132 Milford, Laura Elisabeth Lilli Melbourne Girls College Richmond Business Management 40
133 Mitchell, Poppy Lucinda Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 43
134 Moroney, Grace Megan Melbourne Girls College Richmond Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
135 Murphy, Frances Aoife Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 41
136 Murphy, Stephanie Jane Melbourne Girls College Richmond Visual Communication Design 41
137 Murray, Ophelia Maeve Melbourne Girls College Richmond Literature 45
138 Murray, Ophelia Maeve Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 43
139 Murray, Ophelia Maeve Melbourne Girls College Richmond Media 42
140 Myers, Alicia Helen Louise Melbourne Girls College Richmond Chemistry 47
141 Myers, Alicia Helen Louise Melbourne Girls College Richmond Legal Studies 47
142 Myers, Alicia Helen Louise Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 41
143 Myers, Alicia Helen Louise Melbourne Girls College Richmond Mathematical Methods 41
144 Naismith, Emma Anne Melbourne Girls College Richmond English Language 41
145 Nguyen, Hoang Vi Linh Melbourne Girls College Richmond Mathematical Methods 41
146 Nguyen, Mia Katherine Melbourne Girls College Richmond Business Management 40
147 Nguyen, Nhung Phuong Melbourne Girls College Richmond English as an Additional Language 40
148 Nicoll, Zoe Grace Melbourne Girls College Richmond Studio Arts 48
149 Nicoll, Zoe Grace Melbourne Girls College Richmond Environmental Science 43
150 Nicoll, Zoe Grace Melbourne Girls College Richmond History: Revolutions 41
151 Nicoll, Zoe Grace Melbourne Girls College Richmond Global Politics 40
152 Nicoll, Zoe Grace Melbourne Girls College Richmond Literature 40
153 O'Donoghue, Romy Eliza Melbourne Girls College Richmond Biology 41
154 O'Shannessy, Maeve Josephine Melbourne Girls College Richmond Literature 44
155 O'Shannessy, Maeve Josephine Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 41
156 O'Shannessy, Maeve Josephine Melbourne Girls College Richmond History: Revolutions 40
157 Odgers, Georgia Tigarook Melbourne Girls College Richmond Food Studies 46
158 Odgers, Georgia Tigarook Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 40
159 Omar, Lensa Usmael Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 46
160 Palit, Emily Anita Melbourne Girls College Richmond Mathematical Methods 40
161 Peel-Hope, Sidney Veronica Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 47
162 Perry, Maya Dulcie Melbourne Girls College Richmond Literature 44
163 Perry, Maya Dulcie Melbourne Girls College Richmond Global Politics 42
164 Pham, Nguyenquynh Nhu Melbourne Girls College Richmond Mathematical Methods 42
165 Phuong, Jocelyn Melbourne Girls College Richmond Further Mathematics 47
166 Radic, Enya Melbourne Girls College Richmond Biology 40
167 Rao, Isabella Rosa Melbourne Girls College Richmond History: Revolutions 46
168 Rao, Isabella Rosa Melbourne Girls College Richmond Literature 46
169 Rao, Isabella Rosa Melbourne Girls College Richmond Languages: French 40
170 Robarts, Annice Clare Melbourne Girls College Richmond Physical Education 45
171 Robarts, Annice Clare Melbourne Girls College Richmond Biology 44
172 Robarts, Annice Clare Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 42
173 Robarts, Annice Clare Melbourne Girls College Richmond English Language 40
174 Roberts, Miki Ann Melbourne Girls College Richmond Literature 43
175 Roberts, Miki Ann Melbourne Girls College Richmond Sociology 41
176 Rogers, Georgia Paris Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 46
177 Rogers, Georgia Paris Melbourne Girls College Richmond English Language 41
178 Rogers, Georgia Paris Melbourne Girls College Richmond Legal Studies 40
179 Rogers, Mia Helen Melbourne Girls College Richmond Further Mathematics 49
180 Rogers, Mia Helen Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 44
181 Rogers, Mia Helen Melbourne Girls College Richmond Global Politics 44
182 Rogers, Mia Helen Melbourne Girls College Richmond Legal Studies 44
183 Savas, Elif Esmauhusana Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 43
184 Sim, Grace Melbourne Girls College Richmond History: Revolutions 43
185 Simeone, Amelia Eleni Batzakis Melbourne Girls College Richmond Media 40
186 Skelton, Lucy Rose Melbourne Girls College Richmond Global Politics 43
187 Skelton, Lucy Rose Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 42
188 Skelton, Lucy Rose Melbourne Girls College Richmond Environmental Science 41
189 Skelton, Lucy Rose Melbourne Girls College Richmond Business Management 40
190 Souza Alberti, Ana Luiza Melbourne Girls College Richmond Drama 50
191 Souza Alberti, Ana Luiza Melbourne Girls College Richmond Visual Communication Design 50
192 Souza Alberti, Ana Luiza Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 47
193 Souza Alberti, Ana Luiza Melbourne Girls College Richmond Media 47
194 Spencer, Sunshine Melbourne Girls College Richmond Literature 40
195 Stoove, Honey Frances Melbourne Girls College Richmond Media 46
196 Stoove, Honey Frances Melbourne Girls College Richmond Global Politics 42
197 Stoove, Honey Frances Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 40
198 Stott, Sophia Eliza Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 41
199 Surkitt, Mia Gilmour Melbourne Girls College Richmond Biology 50
200 Tatham, Georgina Elizabeth Melbourne Girls College Richmond Food Studies 44
Last Updated: 4 Dec 2023
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