VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2020

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2020, along with their school and subject details.

95 of 95 entries are shown.
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1 Andersen, Joseph Paul Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe History: Revolutions 43
2 Beccia, Millie Star Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Business Management 50
3 Beccia, Millie Star Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe English 47
4 Beccia, Millie Star Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Psychology 47
5 Bennett, Jackson Hunter Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Biology 40
6 Bennett, Jackson Hunter Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Physical Education 40
7 Boura, Niamh Sarah Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Visual Communication Design 40
8 Cameron, Sarah Grace Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Psychology 41
9 Cameron, Sarah Grace Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Physical Education 40
10 Chen, Yao Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Further Mathematics 40
11 Cunliffe, Thomas Ronan Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe English 42
12 D'Arcy, Tara Grace Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Accounting 41
13 D'Arcy, Tara Grace Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe English 40
14 Dafnas, George Peter Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Business Management 41
15 Davey, Anthony Thomas Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Software Development 42
16 Debney, Matthew Lachlan Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Further Mathematics 44
17 Dickson, Charlotte Drew Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Biology 42
18 Gallagher-Beanland, Madeline Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe English 41
19 Gallagher-Beanland, Madeline Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe History: Revolutions 41
20 Gallagher-Beanland, Madeline Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Legal Studies 41
21 Gembarovski, Tomas Anton Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Business Management 43
22 Gordijn, Benjamin Jett Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Physics 43
23 Grist, Henry Farrugia Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Further Mathematics 41
24 Grist, Henry Farrugia Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Physics 40
25 Grover, Amy Patricia Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe English 41
26 Grover, Amy Patricia Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Studio Arts 40
27 Hales, Juliet Rose Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe English 43
28 Hales, Juliet Rose Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Further Mathematics 41
29 Hales, Oscar Roy Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe English 42
30 Hales, Oscar Roy Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe History: Revolutions 40
31 Hopper, Felix Mccarthy Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Business Management 41
32 Ioannou, Mia Lika Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Psychology 43
33 Ioannou, Mia Lika Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Business Management 41
34 Ioannou, Mia Lika Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Further Mathematics 40
35 Jericho, Amos John Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Product Design and Technology 43
36 Jericho, Amos John Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Physics 41
37 Ji, Jie Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Mathematical Methods 40
38 Johns, Tahli Gail Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Health and Human Development 40
39 Kelly, George Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Further Mathematics 44
40 King, Frederick William Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe English 45
41 Langdon, Thomas James Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Economics 42
42 Langdon, Thomas James Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe English 42
43 Langdon, Thomas James Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Mathematical Methods 40
44 Larkin, Thomas Alexandar Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Business Management 41
45 Li, Ethan Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Biology 41
46 Liberopoulos, Mia Zoe Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Business Management 41
47 Mahdi, Abdullah Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Business Management 41
48 Mayne, Alice Diana Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Physical Education 42
49 Mellos, James Mitchell Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Mathematical Methods 45
50 Mellos, James Mitchell Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Specialist Mathematics 45
51 Mellos, James Mitchell Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe English 43
52 Mellos, James Mitchell Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Physics 42
53 Miles, April Maree Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe English 41
54 Miles, April Maree Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Legal Studies 41
55 Miles, April Maree Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Psychology 41
56 Morgan, Audrey Hilda Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Physical Education 40
57 Nolan, James Francis Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Business Management 48
58 Nolan, James Francis Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe English 41
59 Nolan, James Francis Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Economics 40
60 O'Rourke, Isabella Caitlin Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Legal Studies 42
61 Philip, Josh Mathew Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe English 42
62 Pirdis, Georgia Grace Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Physical Education 41
63 Prickett, Maxwell Ernest Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe English 40
64 Scenna, Giulia Eleftheria Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe English 41
65 Scenna, Giulia Eleftheria Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Legal Studies 40
66 Schnugg Osbourne, Kiri Grace Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Psychology 41
67 Scott, Sarah Michelle Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Psychology 43
68 Scott, Sarah Michelle Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe English 42
69 Scott, Sarah Michelle Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Physical Education 40
70 Scuderi, Chiara Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Health and Human Development 46
71 Scuderi, Chiara Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe English 41
72 Starkey, Gemma Maree Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe English 44
73 Stojanoski, Talissa Trish Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe English 45
74 Stojanoski, Talissa Trish Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Chemistry 42
75 Sugimoto, Heidi Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Psychology 40
76 Tapp, Amy Rose Wallis Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Psychology 50
77 Tapp, Amy Rose Wallis Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe English 41
78 Tapp, Amy Rose Wallis Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Theatre Studies 40
79 Tingay, Hamish Duguid Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Chemistry 46
80 Tingay, Hamish Duguid Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe English 45
81 Tingay, Hamish Duguid Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Physics 45
82 Tingay, Hamish Duguid Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Specialist Mathematics 41
83 Tingay, Hamish Duguid Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Mathematical Methods 40
84 Veljanovski, Monica Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Visual Communication Design 40
85 Wake, Isobel Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe English 43
86 Ward, Milena Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Biology 41
87 Xu, Yi Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Psychology 40
88 Yan, Zheng Yang Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Further Mathematics 41
89 Yaremenko, Maximus Anthony Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe English 47
90 Yaremenko, Maximus Anthony Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Chemistry 42
91 Yaremenko, Maximus Anthony Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Mathematical Methods 41
92 Yaremenko, Maximus Anthony Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Physics 41
93 Zhu, Kangyu Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Physics 41
94 Zhu, Kangyu Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Mathematical Methods 40
95 Zhu, Yutong Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Further Mathematics 40
Last Updated: 4 Dec 2023
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