VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2019

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2019, along with their school and subject details.

93 of 93 entries are shown.
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1 BARTON, Tamara Vermont Secondary College Vermont Studio Arts 41
2 BAYNARD-SMITH, Tom Vermont Secondary College Vermont Economics 42
3 BAYNARD-SMITH, Tom Vermont Secondary College Vermont English 42
4 BEATON, Nicholas Francis Julian Vermont Secondary College Vermont Accounting 41
5 BENNETT, Billie Vermont Secondary College Vermont Biology 48
6 BENNETT, Billie Vermont Secondary College Vermont Chemistry 47
7 BENNETT, Billie Vermont Secondary College Vermont Mathematical Methods 45
8 BENNETT, Billie Vermont Secondary College Vermont Specialist Mathematics 40
9 BOUZANQUET, Samuel Vermont Secondary College Vermont Psychology 42
10 BOUZANQUET, Samuel Vermont Secondary College Vermont Biology 40
11 BROWN, Gilchrist Asher Vermont Secondary College Vermont Physics 40
12 CAMBARERI, Amber Vermont Secondary College Vermont Business Management 47
13 CAMBARERI, Amber Vermont Secondary College Vermont Legal Studies 40
14 CHONG, Jin Yuan Vermont Secondary College Vermont Chemistry 40
15 CHONG, Jin Yuan Vermont Secondary College Vermont English as an Additional Language 40
16 DANES, Indigo-Rose Vermont Secondary College Vermont Equine Studies (VCE VET) 41
17 DAVIDSON, Jamie Vermont Secondary College Vermont Accounting 44
18 DAVIDSON, Jamie Vermont Secondary College Vermont Further Mathematics 42
19 DAVIES, Benjamin Vermont Secondary College Vermont Software Development 47
20 DAVISON, Claire Vermont Secondary College Vermont Biology 46
21 DELA ROSA, Brian James Vermont Secondary College Vermont Music Performance 43
22 DUNCAN, Hannah Vermont Secondary College Vermont Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
23 EGAN, Keely Vermont Secondary College Vermont Physical Education 41
24 ENK, Hayley Vermont Secondary College Vermont Accounting 45
25 FOUSIAS, Isabella Vermont Secondary College Vermont Physical Education 40
26 GIBLETT, Megan Vermont Secondary College Vermont Psychology 40
27 GIBSON, Damon James Vermont Secondary College Vermont Software Development 42
28 HAMMILL, Tanya Vermont Secondary College Vermont Chemistry 42
29 HAMMILL, Tanya Vermont Secondary College Vermont Mathematical Methods 41
30 HAMMILL, Tanya Vermont Secondary College Vermont Physics 41
31 HAMMILL, Tanya Vermont Secondary College Vermont Specialist Mathematics 41
32 HENDRIANTO, Felicia Angelique Vermont Secondary College Vermont Chemistry 44
33 HENDRIANTO, Felicia Angelique Vermont Secondary College Vermont Languages: French 41
34 HULSE, Finlay Vermont Secondary College Vermont Business Management 43
35 HUYNH, Nga Vermont Secondary College Vermont Business Management 43
36 HUYNH, Nga Vermont Secondary College Vermont Further Mathematics 41
37 JACKSON, Lauren Emily Vermont Secondary College Vermont Accounting 43
38 JAYASINGHE, Dinuli Savithma Vermont Secondary College Vermont Biology 40
39 KELLY, Daniel Vermont Secondary College Vermont English 45
40 KELLY, Daniel Vermont Secondary College Vermont Accounting 41
41 KELLY, Daniel Vermont Secondary College Vermont Chemistry 40
42 KELLY, Daniel Vermont Secondary College Vermont Mathematical Methods 40
43 KENNY, Abigail Vermont Secondary College Vermont Physical Education 45
44 KOROBEYKO, Kateryna Vermont Secondary College Vermont English 40
45 LARSEN, Lauren Vermont Secondary College Vermont Business Management 40
46 LEE, Rebecca Yi Xuan Vermont Secondary College Vermont Further Mathematics 43
47 LEE, Rebecca Yi Xuan Vermont Secondary College Vermont English Language 41
48 LIM, Ethan Ming Wei Vermont Secondary College Vermont Business Management 44
49 LIM, Ethan Ming Wei Vermont Secondary College Vermont Physical Education 44
50 LIM, Ethan Ming Wei Vermont Secondary College Vermont Accounting 43
51 MACKENZIE, Ainslee Vermont Secondary College Vermont Physical Education 42
52 MCWILLIAMS, Tayla Lynette Vermont Secondary College Vermont Biology 49
53 MEAD, Isabella Scarlett Vermont Secondary College Vermont Biology 42
54 MESFIN, Romahn Elena Vermont Secondary College Vermont Literature 40
55 MIAO, Guanxi Vermont Secondary College Vermont Further Mathematics 41
56 PATEL, Preet Vermont Secondary College Vermont Chemistry 50
57 PATEL, Preet Vermont Secondary College Vermont Specialist Mathematics 50
58 PATEL, Preet Vermont Secondary College Vermont Economics 42
59 PATEL, Preet Vermont Secondary College Vermont English Language 40
60 PATIL, Anushka Vermont Secondary College Vermont Further Mathematics 41
61 PHILLIPS, Flynn Vermont Secondary College Vermont Mathematical Methods 42
62 PHILLIPS, Flynn Vermont Secondary College Vermont Physics 41
63 PHUN, Sarah Vermont Secondary College Vermont Business Management 40
64 RAE, Lachlan Alan Vermont Secondary College Vermont Drama 43
65 RAHMAN, Emma Vermont Secondary College Vermont Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
66 RAJHER, Ivan Justin Vermont Secondary College Vermont Physical Education 44
67 RAJHER, Ivan Justin Vermont Secondary College Vermont Biology 40
68 ROBERTSON, Rebecca Vermont Secondary College Vermont Studio Arts 43
69 STRIKE, Jake Vermont Secondary College Vermont Further Mathematics 40
70 STRIKE, Jake Vermont Secondary College Vermont Physical Education 40
71 SUN, Zhi Vermont Secondary College Vermont Further Mathematics 43
72 TAY, Syn Min Mindy Vermont Secondary College Vermont Mathematical Methods 47
73 TAY, Syn Min Mindy Vermont Secondary College Vermont Accounting 46
74 TAY, Syn Min Mindy Vermont Secondary College Vermont Chemistry 42
75 VENOUR, Teagan Michelle Vermont Secondary College Vermont Physical Education 48
76 VOSINTHAVONG, Jessica Vermont Secondary College Vermont Business Management 45
77 VOSINTHAVONG, Jessica Vermont Secondary College Vermont Psychology 44
78 VOSINTHAVONG, Jessica Vermont Secondary College Vermont Economics 41
79 VOUGIOUCLIS, Daniela Vermont Secondary College Vermont Legal Studies 41
80 VOUGIOUCLIS, Daniela Vermont Secondary College Vermont English 40
81 WEN, Mohan Vermont Secondary College Vermont Further Mathematics 50
82 WEN, Mohan Vermont Secondary College Vermont Accounting 43
83 WEN, Mohan Vermont Secondary College Vermont Mathematical Methods 40
84 WILSON, Sarah Vermont Secondary College Vermont Psychology 43
85 WILSON, Sarah Vermont Secondary College Vermont Economics 42
86 WINDER, Ella Vermont Secondary College Vermont Physical Education 43
87 WONG, Joshua Vermont Secondary College Vermont Visual Communication Design 45
88 YEO, Brandon Chen Tong Vermont Secondary College Vermont Mathematical Methods 46
89 YEO, Brandon Chen Tong Vermont Secondary College Vermont Chemistry 44
90 YEO, Brandon Chen Tong Vermont Secondary College Vermont English Language 42
91 YEO, Brandon Chen Tong Vermont Secondary College Vermont Specialist Mathematics 42
92 YEO, Charmaine Chin Xin Vermont Secondary College Vermont Biology 44
93 ZHENG, Zhuoqing Vermont Secondary College Vermont Further Mathematics 41
Last Updated: 18 Dec 2019
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