VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2018

Filtered by School Name

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2018, along with their school and subject details.

200 of 302 entries are shown.
1 - 200
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Rows per page:
1 GARBER, Sashin Malachi Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Accounting 45
2 TRAGAS, Antony Costa Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Accounting 41
3 JOHNSTONE, Edward David Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Art 42
4 OLNEY-FRASER, Matthew Peter Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Art 50
5 CAMPBELL, Harrison William Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Australian History 43
6 LATHAM, Thomas James Jude Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Australian History 40
7 PRESTON, Jonathan Jay Uvedale Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Australian History 45
8 SKINNER, Lloyd Merrick Fawkner Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Australian History 44
9 BLUNT, Daniel Henry Markham Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Biology 41
10 CONNOCK, Sam Charles Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Biology 40
11 DRINKALL, Zachariah Corben Tate Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Biology 44
12 KEEBLE, Angus Robert Anaru Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Biology 41
13 RAO, Arjun Karthik T Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Biology 44
14 TRINCA, Udom Luke Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Biology 43
15 ANSON, Max Walter Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Business Management 43
16 BOENTORO, Isaac Vincent Khan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Business Management 42
17 COHEN, Thomas Mark Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Business Management 44
18 TRAGAS, Antony Costa Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Business Management 50
19 WARD, Lachlan Benjamin Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Business Management 40
20 AKYOL, Imran James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 45
21 BOGDAN, Hugo Morgan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 44
22 CHU, Bevan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 43
23 CLARK, William Branford Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 40
24 DRINKALL, Zachariah Corben Tate Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 41
25 FAN, Enoch Bo Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 47
26 FERGUS, Jack Michael Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 41
27 FROMBERG, Joshua Michael Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 45
28 JAYAMANNE, Don Vinu Pasan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 44
29 PARMAR, Aman Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 45
30 PLEYDELL, Pablo Morgan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 45
31 PROPER, Edmund John Yeatman Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 49
32 SHAO, Jeffrey Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 46
33 SHEN, Andrew Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 45
34 SUTHERLAND, Thomas Andrew Frazer Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 49
35 YANG, Rongyi Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 40
36 YAO, Trevor Haocheng Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 40
37 HAYNES, Austin John Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Classical Studies 49
38 LEWIS, James Benson Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Drama 40
39 PATTERSON, Dougal Anthony Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Drama 44
40 BACKWELL, William Murray Griffith Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 44
41 BESLEY, Max Louis Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
42 BLUNT, Daniel Henry Markham Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 47
43 BOENTORO, Isaac Vincent Khan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 48
44 BOGDAN, Hugo Morgan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 44
45 BROWN, Timothy Frank Kingsley Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 45
46 CAMPBELL, Harrison William Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 50
47 CHIRNSIDE, Andrew David George Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 41
48 CHONG, Brendan Zi Jing Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 43
49 CLARK, William Branford Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 46
50 COLE, Jonathon Edward Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 41
51 CONNOCK, Sam Charles Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 45
52 CURTIS, Leonardo Roy Fuscaldo Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 47
53 DRINKALL, Zachariah Corben Tate Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 46
54 DUNLOP, Hugh Robert Tange Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 43
55 ENTICOTT, Jack William Russ Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 46
56 FAULKNER, Oscar Christopher Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 44
57 FROMBERG, Joshua Michael Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 45
58 HAYNES, Austin John Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 50
59 HAYTER, Lachlan Patrick Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 43
60 HOLT, William Thomas Parker Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 41
61 HOWARTH, Charles Edward Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
62 JOHNSTONE, Edward David Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
63 JONES, Marcus Robert Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 47
64 KING, Lachlan Charles Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 50
65 KNOTT, Edward Stephen Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 45
66 KOLOTSOS, Benjamin Lukas Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
67 KOUROS, Stefan Alexander Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 44
68 KRISTOF, Jackson Roch Leonard Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 41
69 LIAPAKIS, Spencer Karl Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 50
70 MCFARLANE, Hugh Ivan Silvers Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
71 MCGLAUGHLIN, Will Blaxland Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
72 MIAO, Weiyu Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 46
73 MITRASEVIC, Damian Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 46
74 NUSKE, Blair Nicholas Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 43
75 OLNEY-FRASER, Matthew Peter Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 41
76 PAPADOPOULOS, Anthony Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
77 PAPADOPOULOS, Christian Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 42
78 PARKINSON, Thomas Spencer Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 48
79 PATTERSON, Dougal Anthony Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 42
80 PERKINS, Nicholas Andrew Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 41
81 PLEYDELL, Pablo Morgan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 49
82 PRESTON, Jonathan Jay Uvedale Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 44
83 ROYSMITH, John Christopher Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
84 SABA, William Nicholas Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 47
85 SAGAR, Joshua Noel Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
86 SHAO, Jeffrey Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 42
87 SHEN, Andrew Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 48
88 STEPHENS, Thomas Montgomery Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 44
89 TRAGAS, Antony Costa Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 42
90 TRAN, Desmond Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
91 WIEDEMEYER, Edwin Rudolf Limb Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 41
92 YANG, Rongyi Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 44
93 YAO, Trevor Haocheng Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 42
94 YIU, Chun Tung Max Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 45
95 ZHANG, Roger Hao Ran Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
96 CHENG, Hon Yin Ryan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English as an Additional Language 40
97 ZHU, Stanley Yichen Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English as an Additional Language 49
98 BERRY, Cameron Charles Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Environmental Science 44
99 BOENTORO, Isaac Vincent Khan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Environmental Science 41
100 BREND, Timothy Louis Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Environmental Science 40
101 COLE, Jonathon Edward Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Environmental Science 40
102 DUNLOP, Hugh Robert Tange Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Environmental Science 50
103 FAULKNER, Oscar Christopher Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Environmental Science 46
104 FREEMAN, Matthew Samuel Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Environmental Science 45
105 HOLT, William Thomas Parker Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Environmental Science 42
106 JONES, Marcus Robert Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Environmental Science 50
107 KEEBLE, Angus Robert Anaru Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Environmental Science 43
108 LAUNDER, Angus Albert Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Environmental Science 41
109 LIAPAKIS, Spencer Karl Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Environmental Science 44
110 MCGUIRE, Joseph Edward Galloway Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Environmental Science 44
111 MOWBRAY, Harry Marshall Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Environmental Science 45
112 PERKINS, Nicholas Andrew Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Environmental Science 43
113 SAGAR, Joshua Noel Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Environmental Science 41
114 TOYNE, Aaron Peter Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Environmental Science 40
115 WARD, Lachlan Benjamin Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Environmental Science 48
116 YIU, Chun Tung Max Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Environmental Science 41
117 BASSETT, Richard Stephen Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 40
118 CONNOCK, Sam Charles Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 49
119 CROSER, Harry James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 41
120 CUMING, Harrison Christopher Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 42
121 DUNLOP, Hugh Robert Tange Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 50
122 ENTICOTT, Jack William Russ Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 44
123 FRANCIS, Sebastian William James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 46
124 HEGARTY, Hamish Cumming Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 44
125 MCCALL, James Joseph Andrew Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 44
126 MOLNAR, Harry Charles Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 40
127 PAPADOPOULOS, Anthony Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 40
128 PAPADOPOULOS, Christian Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 45
129 PERKINS, Nicholas Andrew Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 42
130 PRESTON, Jonathan Jay Uvedale Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 41
131 TRAGAS, Antony Costa Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 47
132 YIU, Chun Tung Max Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 41
133 ENTICOTT, Jack William Russ Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Geography 44
134 KOUROS, Stefan Alexander Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Geography 40
135 ROYLE, John Gordon Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Geography 40
136 YANG, Daniel Xiang Lin Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Geography 44
137 AKYOL, Imran James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Global Politics 40
138 CURTIS, Leonardo Roy Fuscaldo Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Global Politics 44
139 HARRINGTON, Jasper George Mingus Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Global Politics 42
140 ARNOLD, Jamie Ian Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne History: Revolutions 41
141 ATTIWILL, Thomas John Peter Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne History: Revolutions 43
142 DOHERTY, Jack Shih Wei Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne History: Revolutions 41
143 KLOK, James Ryan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne History: Revolutions 47
144 MACKINNON, Thomas William Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne History: Revolutions 45
145 NEWTON-BROWN, James Forsyth Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne History: Revolutions 44
146 RUMBOLD, Samuel James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne History: Revolutions 44
147 SCANLON, Benjamin James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne History: Revolutions 45
148 SOLOMON, Ben Michael Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne History: Revolutions 46
149 TRAN, Desmond Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne History: Revolutions 44
150 SHEN, Derek Danning Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Languages: Chinese Second Language 41
151 SU, Eric Ming Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Languages: Chinese Second Language 42
152 YANG, Rongyi Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Languages: Chinese Second Language 40
153 AKYOL, Imran James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Languages: French 41
154 FAN, Enoch Bo Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Languages: French 45
155 HAYNES, Austin John Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Languages: French 50
156 KING, Lachlan Charles Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Languages: French 44
157 LUSH, John Stewart Douglas Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Languages: French 42
158 MITRASEVIC, Damian Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Languages: French 42
159 PLEYDELL, Pablo Morgan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Languages: French 41
160 SUTHERLAND, Thomas Andrew Frazer Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Languages: French 44
161 TING, Chee Yeung Jeremy Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Languages: Japanese Second Language 40
162 FAN, Enoch Bo Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Languages: Latin 45
163 SHEN, Andrew Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Languages: Latin 44
164 SUTHERLAND, Thomas Andrew Frazer Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Languages: Latin 49
165 GELL, Harry William Robert Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Legal Studies 49
166 AKYOL, Imran James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 42
167 BLUNT, Daniel Henry Markham Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 45
168 CAMPBELL, Harrison William Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 42
169 CHU, Bevan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 44
170 FAN, Enoch Bo Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 50
171 FERGUS, Jack Michael Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 42
172 GARBER, Sashin Malachi Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 43
173 HAYNES, Austin John Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 50
174 LIAPAKIS, Spencer Karl Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 41
175 LUSH, John Stewart Douglas Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 43
176 MIAO, Weiyu Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 42
177 O'NEILL, Thomas Joseph Aymar Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 42
178 PARKINSON, Thomas Spencer Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 49
179 PROPER, Edmund John Yeatman Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 47
180 QIU, Jackson Liang Jing Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 48
181 SUTHERLAND, Thomas Andrew Frazer Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 47
182 BOGDAN, Hugo Morgan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods 41
183 BROWN, Timothy Frank Kingsley Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods 40
184 CHENG, Hon Yin Ryan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods 41
185 CHEUNG, James Ka-Tsuen Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods 45
186 COOTE, Harrison Edmund Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods 41
187 DE CAMPO, Fedele Kitson Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods 41
188 DISSANAYAKE, Peumike Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods 46
189 DRUCE, Hugo Osborn Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods 40
190 DUNLOP, Hugh Robert Tange Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods 44
191 FENG, Yilin Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods 46
192 GARBER, Sashin Malachi Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods 48
193 HAYNES, Austin John Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods 40
194 HILFORD, Jack Adrian George Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods 43
195 HINE, Jude Lin Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods 44
196 KING, Harry Greig Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods 46
197 KNOTT, Edward Stephen Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods 45
198 LING, Jared Ethan Ta Hsing Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods 48
199 MAY, Andrew Ronald Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods 42
200 PARMAR, Aman Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods 43
Last Updated: 18 Dec 2018
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